I'll Make You Famous…

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Paris for President…of the Day

Do you realize that the joke that is Paris Hilton has filmed a stupid video and recorded an offensively stupid song, mocking the US Government, pushing a fake presidential campaign, and it is a piece of shit and all your fucking fault.

If 10 years ago, you showed resistance to the people who were pushing her into our lives, and didn’t watch her sex tape, her TV show, jerk off to her retarded face in magazines, or care about who she was fucking, how she was wasting her money living the glamourous star fucking life she lived, she’d be quiet rich kid that would be too busy crying about how daddy wasn’t there for her, while self medicating, and ideally committing suicide rather than polluting our world.

I think she’s one of the biggest jokes the freedom, capitalist American world has allowed to be created, because sometimes, being rich shouldn’t be able to buy you the kind of exposure her dad bought for her because they were tired of her annoying shit, and figured it would get her out of their hair.

I think the biggest downfall of our generation is that she headed the “anyone can be famous” movement, even if they have no talent or an uneducated but still smart enough to know how to brand and market hherself as a fluffy piece of materialistic bullshit to morons can understand and little girls can mimic.

This video makes me angry but I have to hand it to her, she really doesn’t let a herpes outbreak get her down, or out of a bathing suit, I guess those herpes commercials aren’t just lies…..and you can actually go dancing, horseback riding or do all other things people who don’t have herpes can do….unfortunately, for Parish Hilton, Herpes isn’t a terminal disease, but I’m still hoping cancer or Aids or a plane crash, or car accident, puts her out of her misery, and by her misery, I mean my misery in having to watch this shit.

Posted in:Paris|President