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Archive for the Racism Category




Some Almost Racist Watermelon Soda of the Day

Here is an example of people being bored as shit and trying to create issues out of nothing. The story goes like this, dudes go into a store in Harlem, they find a can of Watermelon soda with the face of a black girl on one side and a white kid on the other, and they decide to milk the black girl and call this company out for being racist, when the real racist is the asshole who thought it was racist to begin with because of the stereotype that black people like watermelon, which for the record they do. If I saw a black girl eating watermelon on a can of fuckin’ soda, the last thing I would think is that shit is fuckin’ racist, but instead think it’s affimitive action, cuz if they put a white bitch on the can, the black people would call the company racist for not including black people in their packaging, like they did with Barbie and every other toy out there. Either way, you can’t jerk off to this, unless you stick it up your ass and massage your prostate, but I’m posting it anyway.

Posted in:Racism|Watermelon Soda




People are Too Fuckin’ Sensitive of the Day

I saw this video doing the rounds, and I got annoyed, because I know the company who wrote and approved the script and paid to air the final product, is going to walk away from this with their tail between their legs, like typical fuckin’ companies who fear they offended people, and the whole thing is bullshit.

I am just waiting for a company to do something that is misinterpreted by the public and have them stand by their commercials or statements, I am tired of the constant backtracking to please assholes who have no idea what’s up.

So this “Offensive” commercial is a group of black girls getting a weave, because guess what, lots of black girls get weaves, and they talk about their weaves and they even get saved from getting shot cuz of their weaves and sure other girls get weaves too, and lots of strippers and tacky bitches get weaves, because they just aren’t for black chicks, but seriously, I wouldn’t say this shit is racist, it looks pretty true to life to me. If it was racist, they’d be eating a bucket of chicken, having daddy-less babies between shifts at the stripclub where they beat up every white girl, and most importantly, they wouldn’t have a cellular cuz shit woulda got disconnected 3 months earlier when they stopped payin the fuckin’ bill.

Grow some fuckin’ balls people and get a fuckin’ sense of humor about shit.

Posted in:Black|Racism|Stereotypes




I am – Defended By A Topless Black Chick of the Day


So it turns out that a hot black chick who reads this site and who I have been asking for vagina pictures from has come to my defense. I think it’s got nothing to do with wanting to watch her eat watermelon, not because of her race, but because I like watching the juices drip off her face and seeing her spit up the seeds. I’ll stop talking about all this soon….but not as long as hot black chicks send in hot pics that don’t smell like Burger King, even though the Whopper changed my life….

As being a black woman, I’ve never felt that Jeezus Martinez in any way came off as if he was a racist to the African American Community. We have played dominoes and drank a few red stripes on occasion and he told me how much he appreciated our invention of Traffic Light because now he has more fun things to do whilst driving; such as run red lights. Overall, I think he’s just a man who equally attacks everyone without even thinking about using their race as fodder.

He loves the Black Community, especially their Women, even the ones in Africa with AIDS because he doesn’t discriminate when it comes to vagina, except against white feminists with sand in their dried up vaginas.

Speaking of AIDS, Liberal Feminist Cunts are AIDS and they keep spreading it by destroying the ability to free speech Via Internet by bad mouthing someone based on the fact that they have a dick.

Check out her myspace

Oh, and even though you came to my defense and I appreciate it, I just made you famous, bitch.

Posted in:DrunkenStepfahter|Hot Chick|Racism|Racist|Unsorted




I am – Master P’s New Music Video of the Day

I like the disclaimer on this new Master P video that was just emailed to me that says that this is intended as some kind of artistic statement. I’ve used that line before, but people don’t take my art seriously, because apparantly talking shit about slutty vagina is seen as being perverted when making a video of the KKK playing streetball with black people is seen as some kind of relevant social commentary on racism.

Well, vagina shit talkin is my art, so advertisers and sites that refuse to link me because I post nipples, if you’re out there, I think it’s time for you to be supportive of local artists, and by artists I mean a fat drunk dude who writes too much incoherent shit for some asshole like you to jerk off to, because it’s the only painting you do, actually it’s the only thing you do and that’s why you don’t have friends, because no one likes a homie who doesn”t shower and smells like dried up sperm who spends everyday jerkin off or thinking about jeking off, who only leaves his house once a week to pick up his mother’s dry cleaning, it’s the deal you’ve got going on for free room and board.

Posted in:KKK|Master P|Racism|Rap|Unsorted