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Archive for the Rita Ora Category




Wet Rita Ora of the Day

Here’s some Rita Ora doing a little tribute to summer with her slutty swimsuits that I’ll assume are from last summer.

The popstar who never was, but who I guess is still trying to be by pulling any tactic she can to get noticed. It’s worked out nicely for her and because she was introduced to us via Rob Kardashian’s dick and a lucrative record deal with Jay Z before social media was really a thing, her shamelessness gets to remain “marketing” and not cries for attention even if we know it is a cry for attention.

Anyway, she lives in LA and works in Australia, so I’m not too sure what this bitch is saying about being ready for summer. She’s in a pool, which like so many pools in LA, can be SWAM in in Middle of January.

I think she’s shaming people like us Canadians, who are under an ICE WALL 9 months a year…

Now I know how fat chicks feel when they see a skinny chick in an AD.

Unrealistic WEATHER expectations….or some shit…

In other news, she adopted a dog, I love dogs, so I like her more than I did before seeing she got a dog…..DOGS are EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING is DOG.

Now her tits and ass, that you didn’t know she had, but that she clearly wants you to know she had, so long as it is filtered through underwater photography.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora’s Wants Summer of the Day

I feel like these pics are old, but Rita Ora’s alright…..

I figure she’s done enough dick sucking to not only last a lifetime, you know the climb to the top requires throat…to finally matter.

She’s paid her fucking dues, from going to every party she could, to get as many paparazzi shots as she could, only for no one to even give a shit about her, like they don’t give a shit about Rihanna’s fake pregnancy.

That’s not to say she’s not rich as shit from being bought out of what may have been a lucrative record deal, but it is to say that she’s more of an influencer instagram model slut that a popstar she originally was and that’s probably sad for her.

It was a use the tits to get ahead, not become a set of tits on the internet that distract the fans from the fact that she can sing….

As she ages out, the tits are on a timeline, so we hope for her sake, after all the hard work, she finally matters in the way she wants to.

In the meantime, I’m going to stare at what matters the way I want…her great tits..that she has no real issue posting in bikini because that’s what you do when you’re an instagram model people….CLICKBAIT…or is it TITBAIT.

Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Showing Tit of the Day

Rita Ora, who I am sure has more depth than just her tits, but can’t be sure, because I haven’t fisted her to find out…just how DEEP she may be…

She is just cursed with the best curse possible, almost makes you think they put her on hormones when they trafficked her out of a Bosnian refugee camp….unless you believe the whole having a real family in the UK and her just “going viral” enough to have a Kardashian swoop her up and get her signed to Jay Z’s label before being bought out of her Jay Z contract for not having tits good enough to take Rihanna’t throne…despite being pretty good tits…so good that it’s her duty to the fans to bring them out like this, or really however she wants, it’s like how old rock bands need to play their classics, knowing people are only at the show for the classics, even if they are bored of the classics, they know the classics are what made them…

So in Rita Ora’s case, the titties are the classics…and she knows it…a good thing, because there are girls out there who actually think their credits on IMDB, their awards, their bank balances are their legacy…which is a nice fantasy…as we all know what it’s really about…TITTIES….


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Bikini Tits of the Day

I just saw Rita Ora announced that she is starring in some Beauty and the Beast origin story series for Disney Plus, which we’ll assume she’s either playing the beast or Angela Lansbury, who for whatever reason, I remember being in the original cartoon, even though I’ve never seen it, because I am not a fucking weirdo….

I guess the lesson in all this is that if you go to enough parties, meet the right people, get kicked out of your initial record deal only to get paid off so that you can socialize with the right people, going to events 3-4 times per day to get seen on the red carpet, using the rockin’ big Albanian Refugee tits to get seen for what must be a decade now….EVENTUALLY someone will feel sorry enough for you and give you that chance…you know acting doesn’t require talent, it’s a who you know situation, a social game that I guess Rita Ora has gamed…

All the NAYSAYERS who called her a bootleg Rihanna, or a virtual unknown party girl with a budget, or an international success thanks to tricking international people into thinking she was an American success, so they followed the lead….even though you wouldn’t even notice her at a GRAMMY party waiting in line for a free drink if she was in front of you….

I like to chalk this up as a WIN for hot tits, right before it’s too late, because she’s getting old as shit….and you know how that goes for tits.

It’s a titty win for us titty lovers that have been by her side online or every inch of cleave she’s ever shown…

In a way, I feel like her wins are our wins, even though she’s the only one getting rich off it, and the idea of jerking off to Disney Plus is a weird one, unless you’re in Canada, where you can see Pam and Tommy dick and fake tits ALL day….next to Duck Tails….or whatever else is on that fucking sinister app.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Bikini of the Day

Rita Ora may not be all that impressive of a popstar, even her bikini titoks are only worth watching for the tits, but that probably applies to most titoks since they are idiotic, but when you market yourself as a popstar, you sort give the people some expectations that they will see something monumental, that’s the whole point of being a star, you’re better than the normies….

Well, in Rita Ora’s case, she’s just another set of tits on TiTok…nothing revolutionary because people are lazy and I am not just saying that because her stomach looks pregnant or bloated but she does look dumpier than usual…probably what happens to bitches when they age…especially when they’re rich…what the fuck the point of being ripped…NO ONE CARES…they are here for the now sloppier titty..

She definitely seems like someone you wouldn’t notice if you were in line behind her at Starbucks, you may thin she’s Kelly Osbourne….but that’s because she’s really not that famous, even if she thinks she is and if brands pay her like she is…no one cares..

It’s probably not entirely her fault, the satanists who she sold her soul to turned their back on her and paid out her contract before she really made it, which I guess is making it, getting paid to NOT deliver…something that I guess she’s carried her entire “career”….you don’t need to be capable of much, so long as the people writing checks think you are…and here we have some RITA ORA tit…something I’ll stare at as long as she brings it…I guess I have a boner for Bosnian refugees or maybe the industry has a boner for Bosnian refugees…I know of at least 3 of them…but yeah, I’ve done so many Rita Ora posts over the years, I doubt any other “publication”, don’t worry I was laughing when I wrote that….I don’t think it’s possible to be this IRRELEVANT as a website, it’s almost a feat of failure to be this irrelevant after 18 years…which is why I keep doing it…I mean it’s pretty funny when you see how easy it is to actually “make it”…to be irrelevant is the new going viral….there’s something amazing about wanting to suck and be the least cool website around…..I just haven’t figure out what that something is!


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Nip Slip of the Day

We’ve established that Rita Ora is just a host body for tits, we like to reduce her for that because even if you were in line behind her at a Grammy party in LA celebrating Sam Smith’s win, you wouldn’t even notice her….if anything you’d think she was Kelly Osbourne…NOT THAT I’D KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT….

She pretends she’s a recording artist, whatever that means, since the whole idea of trying to make shitty pop music is the antithesis of ART…yet so many of these mainstream dick suckers trying to make more money because they think they are good enough or because they made a deal with the devil, which in Rita Ora’s case was a much shittier deal than Rihanna made with the devil, since she’s been pretty bootleg and desperate her entire celebrity career….going to every party, event, paparazzi hot spot….ALL TO GET SEEN….

She’s probably still rich as shit, you know way richer than when she was living in a Serbian refugee camp when BOSNIA fell…or whatever happened in Yugoslavia in the early 90s that had her sold off to the opportunists disguised as saviors digging through the rubble for people to human traffic / turn models / turn into popstars…they all sort of overlap…right.

But for people who are rich as shit, they forget that money is freedom, because they are too busy trying to make more of it, because their egos can’t handle being second rate…..

Not that I know anything about RITA ORA, like I said, host body to tits, and in this titty video, doing what her tits should, she’s got her nip out in the subtle ways….but subtle nip is still nip…and I love it because big thirsty not quite where they want to be but still in a good place in terms of Pop Culture, not spiritually, but who needs spirit when you can be a vapid money grubbing prostitute with no soul, that you’d need to be to be a clebrity…RIGHT..

TITS…that’s the POINT…TITS>


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Nude of the Day

Big Titty Rita Ora’s giving you a glimpse into her nude life in some fancy room where she’s hiding in the background trying to be mysterious or subtle or artsy in her clickbait….

I prefer close up butthole pics, I mean if you’re going to clickbait clickbait right, especially when you’re a high end, top of the charts, despite no one knowing any of her songs kind of clickbaiter…

She blocks out her nipples and crosses her legs so you can’t see her pussy, so you gotta wonder why the fuck she bothered…

We have seen her tits, they are fun and they aren’t getting any younger, maybe it would have been better for the archive….

I mean….does she get a thrill by being a cocktease, what did she find hot in this…was it designed to make us think she’s so edgy…or artsy…or racy….or a nudist…who doesn’t want to be seen nude..

I mean her tits are big, so big she’s basically a host body and we’ve seen them before…she could have just put them out there….

I’m a fan of pussy, but she could have just left the legs crossed, we don’t need to see the sandwich that many producers and industry people have taken a bite of….

But this is FAR too evil of a selfie….a nude without NUDITY….terrible.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Sloppy Tits of the Day

Rita Ora’s not a very compelling personality in the Hollywood or Entertainment industry racket….or is it Racquet.

But her tits tell a different story….

The perfectly unimpressive songstress, host, spokesperson and celebrity model….with her record deal money that hasn’t really made any impactful songs…is really more of a meme than anything. She’s just everywhere and no one really knows why.

But her tits give us a little insight into why….because we are simplistic half retard as a species and tits have a way of LURING us into their MILKY and NOURISHING goodness and the bigger they are, the more they tap into our baby brains and maybe or baby dicks, that have never grown up, because when you look at things from a perspective level, when we needed TITS for survival, they were all BIGGER than our head…so BIGGER than our head tits will be appealing to our subconscious….just can’t grow out of that childhood TRAUMA….only it’s more fun than the whiners on social media crying about their trauma…because it involves tits and not other dark shit they blow out of proportion for attention.

In more recent times….she wore this pink dress…


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Nude Bra of the Day

Rita Ora has big tits and I guess this is her suffocating those big tits in a sporty top that in another era would have suffocated the tits in the worst way….but in this era of athletic leisure-wear, they’ve figured out how to make them worth jerking off to. A huge advancement in society…if you can make shit worth jerking off to…it could end up being popular, make people tons of money, maybe we’ll even let it pretend it is a popstar instead of just a set of big Balkan titties…

Anyone who knows who Rita Ora is, knows she’s really just a set of tits, above all, tits….but she pretends to be famous, important, relevant by going to all the events…but that’s all superficial shit…THE tits is the source code to why she exists….

This bra-top may be see through…in the event you don’t have eyes.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Titty Dress of the Day

Big titty Rita ora is in a titty dress, where she’s hired some very important filmer to zoom on her tits, you know because “CONTENT CREATION” is so fucking lazy, the fact she’s even had someone shoot this instead of her just doing a mirror selfie because the audience is fucking brain dead zombies who don’t demand quality out of these fuckers who make fortunes off our backs…

I get the whole, why bother trying, or doing something important, it takes time and effort, while some weird staged fixing her hair glamour shot is all the people need….a glamour shot that involves next to no effort or mental work….

Obviously celebrities are huge distractions, mind numbing, and even non celebs who think they are celebs like RITA ORA are part of the fucking noise that’s confusing the next generation of addicted to screen retards…

But at last there is a tit.


Posted in:Rita Ora