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Archive for the stepFASHION Category




Hot Tits for Like This Awesome Hooded Sweatshirt of the Day

I know I am not a fashionable dude. But I am an authority on fashion. I post pics of bitches topless in campaigns for fashion….and I guess that makes me a staple in the fashion industry, by default an expert at the most important level in the industry…at least according to me…and one day soon people will recognize and I’ll be flying around on a private jet with hookers, going to fashion parties and doing fashionable drugs…

That said, my friend just released a very cool hooded sweatshirt for dudes for her very cool clothing line Wolf & Harrison….She’s making the shirts locally, so it doesn’t come with China lead posoning, they are all organic, so they don’t kill the rainforest like they are McDonalds, they are comfortable as fuck, cool as fuck, and may lead to you getting fucked…ideally by hot women who can’t keep their hands off you…cuz you’re so fucking cool for wearing such a cool hoodie…

I used to do a T-Shirt of the day post, this of this as a throwback to that, and while you do…..

Get your brand new hooded sweatshirt no one else will likely have, cuz they just dropped it online exclusive

If you’re a girl….

Get your brand new hooded Cape – Cuz It’s Awesome and Guys Will Like to Masturbate to You In It….at least I will…


Get The Leggings – Cuz They Will Make Your Ass Look Amazing Enough for Guys Like Me to Masturbate To while Imagining Taking them Off With our Mouths…

That’s all I have to say about that…

More at Wolf & Harrison

Posted in:stepFASHION