I'll Make You Famous…




Facebook Hates Me of the Day

I’ve been using facebook for about a year. I’ve been adding random people and people who read the site have been adding me. I’ve kept it updated by running a feed to the site on there, I’ve promoted them pretty aggressively on this site in trying to recruit friends. I pretty much sit on it all day and tonight, I tried to login and boom…..

Account Disabled

Your account has been disabled by an administrator. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.

Fuck you facebook, you broke my fucking heart. It is a dark day for the internet today and I’ll have to find a new place for internet social networking, maybe one that your mom, aunt, brothers, cousins, sisters, dogs, bosses, teachers, the admissions department of your university, and pretty much anyone else you don’t want to see your pictures of your drunken nights with drunken whores. One that’s got a little more cool to it, then terms and conditions.

I will start that site. I just need a programmer…..stay tuned.

Posted in:Facebook