Krysten Ritter in a Bikini from a Few Weeeks Ago for my Birthday of the Day

I shouldn’t be working today – not that this is work…but I am still sitting at a computer on my birthday when I have adventures to pretend I’d got on…when really I’d just rather sit on my couch or nap….working hard for the nap….

So to honor that laziness, that entitled birthday bullshit people do, here are old pics of Krysten Ritter who I think is also old…but who was once a model that I never bothered noticing until watching her netflix show and thinking “I’d fuck that”…making her ass in a bathing suit, even a weird shaped bathing suit…juicy enough to stare at…

I figure if I haven’t seen the pics, even if they’re weeks old, they are still new to me..and her pregnancy bump, or gunt from too much vacation eating….is the real star of this shoot…


Krysten Ritter in a Bikini from a Few Weeeks Ago for my Birthday of the Day April 7th, 2016