I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Fat Ass in Sweat Pants of the Day

I was going to say here’s Britney Spears with a fat ass in Sweatpants, because she’s got her period, but then I remembered she’s old enough to be menopausal..

Also, her fat ass in sweatpants is just a testament of how quickly she let herself go in her mental breakdown…are they sure they sent her for treatment, and not an all you can eat buffet…RIGHT..

I am digging the thickness, strong legged girl….because she’s Britney, a legend and hot…

I am not digging the fact that she’s a fucking prisoner in her own family….who mooch the fuck off of her stardom like the white trash that found a cash cow that happens to be their daughter….you know it’s not the first time white trash sell off their daughters for money…it’s a white trash formula…it’s just the first time it’s been done publicly and for pop music not sex.

I feel for Britney…I’d like to FEEL Britney.

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW