I'll Make You Famous…




Cayley King Bikini of the Day

Cayley King Bikini

Cayley King is Joey King’s hot sister, at least when showing off her tits in a bikini…because she looks a lot like Joey King….but with tits in a bikini because she needs to be tits in the bikini as she’s only rocking under 100k followers on instagram which in this era is basically 0….there are cashiers at your local grocery stores with more fans and they haven’t been on TV like Cayley and they don’t have a sister with 20 million followers because Joey King is way more famous than I thought she was….at least on Instagram…which is where it counts…

I know you’re probably like me and you’re into the sister fetish, always fun to want to fuck the sister of basically any celebrity, or your wife…because sisters are genetically so close, but a totally different person, so it’s not like you’re cheating…

I usually like the unsuccessful sisters best because they’ve been trained to think they aren’t as good, you know born losers…even if they are better than the average, they aren’t the best in their family and I like the insecurity that creates….it’s all about focusing on the losers….and luckily Cayley is a loser because she’s gotta show bikini pics to let us know she’s worthy….THE way nature intended…

I know, this world of MeToo, Rape Culture, Objectification of Women, Sexualizing of women all being bad things, only to do it in a different format for the exact same results is weird…but at least we get to remain perverts. They can’t take that from us!

I am more into her SHITTY ART because shitty art always makes me laugh…

Cayley King Bikini


Posted in:Cayley King