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Workout Wednesday of the Day

Workouts are important to jerk off to, because it encourages them girls to produce smut around fitness, rather than feeder porn or other fat and lazy shit the fat and lazy people of the world who just sit on their couches, living behind a screen, self diagnosed with any and all mental health issues to use as an excuse to mooch off society, or their parents, rather than actually do something with their lives….those people, the woke type, are the biggest voices on the internet misleading normal people into thinking they are not normal, because they’ve collectively gone fucking nuts…

So when the government and their minion monsters push experimental medication on you, instead of known therapeutics, like VITAMIN D, diet and exercise, trying to fill you with more poisons an reward you with donuts and other shitty foods, reminding you they want you fat and useless….it’s part of their system, it’s the big part of their global takeover equation….

Then there’s the whole lockdown of the gyms, so people can’t get fit, forcing healthy people to be creative to stay healthy….because the health authorities are fucking monsters…LITERALLY..

Anyone with a brain knows a fit healthy bitch is better than the alternative, pandemic or not….and I support girls doing fitness for masturbation material because I am too lazy to workout, I also don’t really care about unhealthy life choices, it’s basically been my lifestyle choice…but I’m not here locking people inside over a rebranded flu to get them on some vaccine passport system that is straight up TYRANNICAL…

Choose health and wellness for your masturbation….it’s really the only choice.

Posted in:Workout