Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

It’s Wet Spot Wednesday, the most glorious day of the week for those of you into the whole inner-workings of the self cleaning pussy, and it’s constant drip that some people, mainly gays, would find fucking repulsive, even if it is just the natural cycles of the woman and her 3D printer womb….that biology doesn’t always give fucking boners…except to a small few who are just into pussy and all pussy has to do …LIKE ME….but even my pussy fascination gets challenged with the WET SPOTS each Wednesdays not knowing if it’s their squirt, cum, cream, or just yeast or bacterial infections…but maybe that’s what makes it fun…LIKE a game show…WHAT DOOR WILL YOU CHOOSE…and without SMELL-A-VISION…or TASTE-A-VISION we just will never know i we’re wrong or right….CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

Unfortunately, there were not enough WET SPOTS to upload for a post, we’ve hit a DRY SPOT….we’ll call it a drought…so instead of doing WET SPOTS…I’ve decided on a FATTY WATCH…because FAT CHICKS ARE PEOPLE TOO…they just way more that people….

I have a NO FAT CHICKS policy, but that’s outdated, since everyone is fat, people have fat fetishes, we’ve thrown in the towel on FAT being disgusting, unhealthy, self destructive…..and sick….

So let’s call this me being WOKE…not me making FAT CHICK JOKES, because these fatties are celebrities fatty, so they’re likely not getting paid that well for this behavior, they’re just trying to FIT in, which I guess is the story of their life….at least when it comes to pants, and normal sized chairs, seats on airplanes, SMART cars…

This is not to shame fatties, it’s to say “FATTY LIVES MATTER”….when WET SPOTS can’t be found.

Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day February 9th, 2022