I'll Make You Famous…




Iskra Lawrence Bikini for America of the Day

Iskra Lawrence is a Fatty from the UK who got famous for stripping down on the TUBE, which is their SUBWAY, with some contrived fat girl speech about loving her body so much that she can strip down in a SUBWAY, when people like me do anything of the sort, we get chased by the police for indecent exposure, and saying “I felt empowered to celebrate my micro penis, in this era of unrealistic penis expectations from all the porn that women have access to for free, it is important for men out there to feel like they don’t need to subscribe to those unrealistic body images, especially in marketing, that just make us feel like shit, and to grab their tiny baby erections in public, while sitting across from a hot chick in a short skirt or maybe some bike shorts that show off her pussy, so that she knows, and everyone knows, that big dick porn won’t get in the way of my jerking off in public”….

Anyway, she’s fat, ate one too many hot dogs, pandering to the Americans, because that’s probably where her fat girl market is based, since Americans are all fat, sick and dying, and well…she’s probably the kind of fat chick you don’t need to be a black guy with a dream to let smother you, since she’s fat, pushes the fat agenda, but isn’t as offensively fat as actual fat chicks, she’s more in “Fat Face” or “Fat Suit” monetizing fat cuz actual fatties are too lazy to bother….

Who cares.


Posted in:Iskra lawrence