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Medical Worker Monday on a Tuesday of the Day

You gotta wonder about Big Pharma or the Medical industry as a whole when they charge a motherfucker something like 500 dollars for a Tylenol on their hospital bill, yet hand you out vaccines to some virus that had a 99 percent survival rate like it was candy, you know KEEP on taking it until you grow a dick out of your forehead, because it’s never been tested on humans, you are the human trial!

I keep seeing them push the fourth shot, and people are so excited by it, not realizing how insane getting 4 shots of a vaccine in 1.5 years is!

Not that Medical Workers are to blame, they are just in the system, but it would have been nice if they made it clear that COVID wasn’t a big deal, instead of milking it for attention, telling everyone the struggles to keep the lies going, only to change their tune when it was too late and they were being threatened to get fired if they didn’t get the shot!

I was with some girls this weekend, all vaccinated, so you’d probably want to avoid putting your dick in them, all got it to keep their jobs, all under 30, and all angry about it now that they have weird health issues that they blame on the shot and I blame the medical workers for it, so I take it out on them by hate jerking off to them in scrubs, since they all realize they need another revenue stream in case their livelihood gets threatened for not complying with insanity again!

They make a whole campaign against bullying, a whole girls kill themselves if you slut shame them or if you make fun of them on the internet, but then they come and bully motherfuckers to force inject them, what a weirdo fucking world!

But it is a world where girls will basically produce porn with their nametag from their day job on, when I’m from an era where girls wouldn’t send panty pics in the event they became president, when we all knew that no one was becoming president, oh how we evolved!

Posted in:NURSES