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Carmen Electra’s Black Friday Tits of the Day

Carmen Electra’s tits are Black Friday tits in part because she’s a bit of a “Night Rider”….assuming she let Dennis Rodman inside her and it was just a pegging relationship since it was his skirt years….but I’m sure he’s not the only blackness she’s had over her life, it can’t all be that faggot fake rocker Dave Navaro….

Carmen Electra’s tits are Black Friday tits because they are bargain basement tits that are on serious fucking discount, even if she’s selling them for way too much, since she’s old an 1 dollar is too much for this shit…..but the crazed fans will brawl over them because it’s Carmen Electra and they are super fucking fans and don’t care the picture is so edited it’s not even her.

Carmen Electra’s tits are Black Friday tits because her skin is so old, it’s like day old overcooked turkey left in the oven because there was no room in the fridge, all dried out and dead….ready for the trash…THE WAY WE LIKE IT!

Posted in:Carmen Electra