I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez Spreads Her Legs and Shows Off her Panties With her Tits Out of the Day

I guess these Selena Gomez photoshoot pics came out a while ago, I just generally don’t pay attention to fat chicks trying to do hot girl things, even when they are famous overrated celebs.

I guess I am just discriminatory towards girls with auto-immune diseases, all bloated from their steroids, all fat from their anit-depressants, overeating and alcoholism from their deep rooted child star sadness, that you’d think works against the auto-immune disease…because I never found Selena Gomez hot or interesting.

She’s currently engaged to a farm animal they created in a genetic research lab by crossing his DNA with a human and giving him a music career because he was higher frequency than the other experiments…which may be interesting to some of you.

She also has bigger tits than she’s traditionally had, which you’d think would lure me into her Disney created mind controlling trap.

However, when mainstream magazines take mainstream industry puppets and present them as porno stars, because they are ultimately trash seeking the clickbait porn provides, I’ll pay attention when I get to it, which is now.

I just won’t respect it or think it’s a break the internet moment in an internet that has tons of hot nudes and other more interesting things to waste our time on…like being brainwashed by whatever algorithm they have you in to shape you and herd you like the sheep you are….

Selena Gomez panties would be more interesting if her panty flashes were used-panty sales…

Posted in:Selena Gomez


