I didn’t want to post any Grammy content. They don’t give me Press Passes or treat me like the credible celebrity media that I am, so I won’t tread them as a legitimate award show, mainly because all award shows are a waste of fucking time.
They are really just an excuse for assholes who think they are important to validate their importance through attending exclusive events where they are given trophies to be there.
I think it’s the industry’s marketing tactics for the simple retard mind of the celebrities they’ve allowed to reach the top of the food chain for being on their best behavior in pushing the lies they push on us as marketing puppets they are designed to be.
They are the controlled influencers who help shape the brains of the even more retarded population so that they do things like follow covid restrictions while being distracted by a new video drop.
They use their tits as part of this hustle, even in their 60s….like J.Lo, once a sidekick to Diddy who paid her dues and was given all her dreams….a recently divorced monster trying to distract from the criminal acts she was an arm-length (possibly literally) from.
J.Lo is a puppet and in being a puppet the only thing she knows is tits….which is actually kind of her because it distracts from that weathered dinosaur looking face.
Posted in:J.Lo