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Archive for the Jennifer Aniston Category




Brooklyn Decker’s Ugly Face Kisses Jennifer Aniston’s Menopausal Face of the Day

This has got to be news somewhere….Brooklyn Decker had hard nipples and was kissing Jennifer Aniston at the premiere of some Adam Sandler smut he shat out and called a movie cuz he’s Adam Sandler and he knows will make him millions and so do the execs behind him…cuz there comes a time in everyone’s career…when you gotta say “fuck trying to be original or authentic where’s the fucking money….”

I think Jennifer Aniston is a boring fucking story. Menopause, infertility, failed relationships that never left her knocked up or not. She sucks. I think Brooklyn Decker is a boring fucking face…but her husband bought her SI’s Swimsuit Edition stamp of approval…so I guess that makes her big tits matter…and at least her nipples were hard…Who cares…I know…

Posted in:Brooklyn Decker|Jennifer Aniston




Jennifer Aniston’s Dried Up Uterus Turns 42 of the Day

I always like celebrating Jennifer Aniston birthdays cuz it’s always one day closer to her hitting menopause and missing out on the chance of reproducing. Sure she can always adopt a kid going into her 50s, but it’s never the same as having your own, if it was, adopted kids wouldnt be so fucked up. It’s a you snooze you lose, you fucking egotistical cunt who thinks you are hotter than you are cuz Brad Pitt married you, situation that brings me great pleasure in every break-up her self absorbed, unrealistically high standard, probably very high maintenance ass has…I can just tell she thinks she’s god’s gift to the fucking world…so her failures bring joy. Happy Birthday….RIP Uterus…the circle of life or some shit…keeping everything balanced except maybe her emotions..

Keep pushing up them tits – it’ll lure the baby daddy’s in as effectively as it did before…GOOD TIMES….

Posted in:Jennifer Aniston




Tits at the Go With It Premiere of the Day

Go With It is some shitty movie that I haven’t seen, but that I can assure you is shitty, because everything coming out of Hollywood is shitty, especailly shit starring Jennifer ANiston and Adam Sandler…THese movies are just money makers, cuz the general public are idiots, and this mindless smut is what they need to distract them from their shitty lives…..but not as shitty as someone like Jennifer Aniston shitty…you know single and unable to get husbands or babies cuz they are high maintenace and think they deserve better than the many cocks they’ve had in them no matter how hard they try..even though they are rich and famous and can have everything they want except the one thing they actually want….but shitty never the less….

I don’t care what you say, Brooklyn Decker is not hot. Her face is average at best, and sure she’s tall and skinny and has big tits, but you know what, so do a lot of bitches who are actually worth lookin at….She’s all smoke and mirrors and Andy Roddick’s PR people who brainwash you and the people at SI to make her a cover girl so she stops whining at home….

But she was at the event, cuz she’s in the movie, and she showed off some tit…so here are the pics of the overrated trash…

Posted in:Brooklyn Decker|Jennifer Aniston




Jennifer Aniston Photoshopped Baby of the Day

People are talking about Jennifer Aniston’s photoshoot for Allure’s cover, because she’s old, unable to get pregant because no dude is crazy enough to lock himself down to her high maintenance ass, except maybe a bunch of dudes, like me, who she wants nothing to do with, cuz she’s trying to upstage Brad Pitt, cuz he upstaged her….

So her fantasy of babies has gone to far, and now she’s posing for infantilism erotica, teddy bear and open shirt, sexing up the idea of infancy in a mainstream magazine, and unfortunately, she kept the diaper changing for the privacy of her own bedroom…

The sick thing in all this is that I know at least one person is jerking off to this photoshopped monster looking pussy…because that one person is me….not cuz I like little topless kids or 45 year old infertile bitches playing them….but because I like desperation….

Here is a video of some very very gay dude talking about the shoot with his very very weird dick sucking mouth….and speech impedement…

Here is another one of the creepy yet highly enjoyable bottom feeding shots…

Posted in:Jennifer Aniston




Jennifer Aniston Showing Off her Body for her Uterus of the Day

I can only assume this is Jennifer Aniston in what could be a last hurrah for her uterus, you know before it dries up and loses it’s ability to produce spawn, leaving her with no legacy, something you’d think her ego would quickly sort out, but maybe she’s too into herself to really bother with ruining herself for something that takes attention away from herself, but clearly she likes the idea of people window shopping her body, cuz like a monkey at the zoo, these pictures are pretty much her showing off her dripping engorged pussy, hoping to get mounted, you know before her body gets boxy and menopausal….and she looks pretty fucking amazing…proving that not having a kid may be a failure on her end emotionally, but a win physically…cuz 40 year olds don’t look like this…and she should thank Angelina Jolie for fucking up her self esteem and forcing her to step up her game to look good enough that Brad Pitt will probably be jerking off to these, remembering how she used to lick his asshole….

Posted in:Jennifer Aniston




Jennifer Aniston Bikini Pictures of the Day

Here is Jennifer Aniston and her dried out, empty and lonely womb in a bikini lookin’ too good to not be getting cum thrown at her from every direction…clearly proving there is a deeper rooted problem with her that I call being a cunt with high standards who won’t take the cum that’s available to her…but the decision has allowed her to maintain this old lady body…that the idea of having kids to fufill you as person cuz that’s really your soul purpose as a woman…really goes out the window…keep up the not getting pregnant no matter how much you pretend to bitch…it’s good for your tits….and at this point, that’s really all you’ve got going for you.

Posted in:Jennifer Aniston




Jennifer Aniston’s Ass in Denim of the Day

I was just complaining to a friend about how the paprazzi fucking suck cuz they never get solid ass shots. It’s like they have contracts with these celebrity cunts that says “no ass allowed” and I’m the kind of guy who needs to look at that shit….but then I came I saw these Aniston ass shots, but that doesn’t really count cuz she’s so fucking desperate to get pregnant, that she’s parading her shit around, hoping anything hits and sticks to her uterus, probably paying the paparazzi to make sure they get her ass, cuz I’ve watched the nature channel and I’ve seen how monkey’s seduce each other when they are ready to get knocked up during mating season….

The desperation has set in, the biological clock has probably stopped ticking, and I am surprised these aren’t pics of her bent over smearing cum she pulled out of a used condom she found on the side of the street inside herself, hoping it works….

Posted in:Jennifer Aniston




Jennifer Aniston in her Tight Dress of the Day

I love how Jennifer Aniston has maintained her body all these years. Sure there may be a whole lot of SPANX under this dress, but when your husband rejects a family with you and runs off with a hotter bitch, it probably does enough damage to make you step up your fucking game….but despite all her effort, she still can’t convince a dude to stick around for more than a few weeks, cuz clearly there’s something wrong with her personality….or maybe just her uterus…either way she just sucks….

Here are some Upskirt Pictures I missed yesterday cuz I suck at the Internet and drink too much…I think this is just Jennifer Aniston’s uterus’ way of crying for help….you know someone to impregnate it cuz Aniston’s not doing a good enough job getting it knocked up on its own…she just kept getting left hanging…so the pussy had to step in and try to make moves cuz they are running out of time….

Posted in:Jennifer Aniston




Jennifer Aniston Shitty Upskirt Picture of the Day

At this stage in Jennifer Aniston’s life, I’m surprised subtle upskirt pictures would be hitting the internet, and I was expecting something a little more aggressive like her in a park trying to shove random kids inside her uterus cuz she’s just that desperate to be a mom and feel love, but unfortunately for her, no one wants her, proving that looks aren’t everything, cuz if a cunt is annoying, suffocating or has personality issues, guys are generally smart enough to not lock into it. Sure, maybe ANiston’s got standards cuz her ex husband is Brad Pitt, but it all comes down to this bitch thinking she’s some kind of princess who deserves nothing but the best, leaving her showing the world the vagina she’s available by releasing pictures of her vagina like it’s some kind of used car she’s trying to get someone to take off her hands….

To See The Rest of the Pics – Follow This Link

Posted in:Jennifer Aniston




Jennifer Aniston, Brooklyn Decker and Nicole Kidman on Set of the Day

As you may know, I can’t stand celebrities….It’s not because I am jealous of celebrities because they get to live the good life, I just don’t think they deserve all they have….

Take this bullshit Adam Sandler movie starring Nicole Kidman in a shitty bathing suit, Jennifer Aniston showing off cleavage and looking for love and Brooklyn Decker convinced she can make it in Hollywood as an actress because she got the cover of SI for wearing a bikini and having her husband Andy Roddick pay them off with exclusive tennis stories for the next 18 months or some shit….

They work for 6 weeks in Hawaii, pretty much on vacation and make 5,000,000 dollars…The entire time they are there they have assistants doing pretty much everything for them…they are staying at the best hotels…they are eating the best food…they are fucking the best hookers and it is all at the Studio’s expense. The only work they have is to wake up and have the driver take them to set where they take take after take of the 4 lines at most they memorize per shot…. It’s like they have this fucking scam going that in theory is fucking awesome, but just frustrates me, because it’s all our fault they live these lives….If we boycotted movies and focused all our energy on something else, like this website for example, there would be no need for these overpaid cunts to live the good life while contributing nothing to society like some egocentric leech…..

Now I know you only come here to see tits and pussy, so I’ll just get to the boring pictures of these cunts on set, but realize as you stare at Aniston’s lonely tits, forget that she’s crying on the inside cuz her life is so unfair cuz Brad Pitt left her and forget your fantasy of sweeping her off her feed and making her yours cuz she’s so broken and you’ll help mend her wounds and remember she’s just a worthless, overpaid cunt who doesn’t deserve yours or anyone else’s attention….let her die alone on her pile of money for her assistant who shows up late to wipe her ass to find her and sell the exclusive to RadarOnline….

BONUS – HERE’S BROOKLYN DECKER PICKING HER NOSE CUZ SHE’S A PIG WITH HORRIBLE HYGIENE….cuz you know if a bitch doesn’t use kleenex for her nose, she probably don’t change her tampons too often, or really rock enough toilet paper…disgusting….

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Brooklyn Decker|Jennifer Aniston|Nicole Kidman|On Set