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Archive for the SFW Category




Izabel Goulart Did Some Staged Bikini Paparazzi Pics of the Day

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I don’t know if you know how these paparazzi situations work, but they are always staged. It’s when models or actors are feeling a little down on themselves and in need of some type of attention in the media, so they call up their paparazzi friend in whatever city they are in, they all have them, and they prance around with their fit celebrity and bikini model bodies…in some of the lamest, most desperate shit, ever…

I remember when celebrities hated the attention, they hated being seen, now they fucking post the paparazzi pics on their social media like “Look how good I look”….what the fuck is wrong with people…

What was once more exclusive, and pictures were more criminal and stalker-y to get…is now celebrated, sensationalized and how these bitches stay relevant, in one pile of reality show caliber quality content that people love because of the fucking bikini…

Ridiculous, but she’s fit and old and I guess doing all she can…to keep working…



Here she is skippping


Posted in:Izabel Goulart|SFW




Amber Heard in a Bikini of the Day

I wonder how many of you basic motherfuckers are going to make a “Got Milk” joke about Amber Heard, the pussy eating when it was good for PR, before homewrecking Johnny Depp’s home, and making the motherfucker marry her, because he’s old and young hipster pussy that is the right kind of manipulative, who knows the system and how to get what she wants, proven in the fact that she’s cast in movies prior to getting with the A-Lister….who she has by the balls…

I wonder…if they are going to make comments about her having herpes from the rise and fall of her career and personal life…

I wonder if anyone will make jokes about her having cum on her lip, because your cum is so rank, old and backed up that it looks like thick sunscreen..

I wonder if she’s doing this lip treatment for the paparazzi to get them talking, or if she does lip laser removal, and she can’t get lip in the sun..

Either way, decent booty, not sure if I’d marry the bitch if I was Depp, I’d probably just fuck it and move onto hotter, and better…but I guess you can’t speak for a motherfucker who has been in the game, having pussy and money thrown at him….since the 80s…because as a blogger, I’d fuck anything…

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Posted in:Amber Heard|SFW




Thick Katy Perry Flexibility of the Day

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This is probably some of Katy Perry’s most fascinating work….

Sure, that’s not saying too much because to date, Katy Perry has never impressed me.

Yes, she’s got big tits, but so many girls have big tits, and if anything her garbage music and awkward dancing was more offensive and comedic than anything and the fact that it went viral, established her as an “artist”…with a massive career is in and of itself amazing, fascinating and confusing…

But, the fact that she can grab her heels like a stripper or hooker trying to get in position to get fucked as deep as you can go with your small dick, on stage, while standing, like some kind of ballerina, who isn’t thick as fuck, while wearing a leotard…is bigger and more important than anything she’s done to date…

It’s one of those things, that has forced me to be a fan..this is incredible…



Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW




Marloes Horst Models Lingerie for Target Australia of the Day


Marloes Horst is another overpaid girl…who gets naked or half naked because that’s her “job”…but it’s more a tactic to land really rich dudes who only like dating or marrying or knocking up girls who are published in magazines or work for brands…because they make their own money, so they seem less like hookers, and other dudes want to fuck them and jerk off to their pics in magazines…making the girls seem hotter than they are…because it’s like having something a lot of people want but only very few people…with over 100,000,000 dollars can get…

These are some campaign pics for Target Australia…so middle of the road lingerie at the budget department store…that may not be as exciting as the top tier Victoria’s Secret overpriced sweatshop shit for basic Americans…

They aren’t as exciting as when she used to get naked for her photoshoots, because she was just starting out and had to prove her focus…and probably not as exciting as when she’s drunk at rich person parties…but they still happened and sometimes we need to look at boring lingerie pics, to stare at girls in lingerie, and remember how boring the pics are, but how fun girls in lingerie are…

Posted in:Marloes Horst|SFW




Kaley Cuoco is Single of the Day


Apparently, America’s favorite breast implants that killed John Ritter before they were breast implants, at least based on the amount of money she gets paid to play the accessible hot girl in a sitcom based on Friends, but featuring nerds instead of late 90s early 30 year olds in their shitty lives and basic mis adventures…for the simple commoner to grasp…

Well, along with making 100,000,000 dollars the next 5 years, on top of all the money she’s made the last decade of acting in TV shows…she’s also getting a divorce… to some dude she dated from 90 days after being engaged to some other dude….because she’s unstable…

America cares, at least pervert socially awkward dudes who watch Big Bang Theory care, because for some reason, dudes love when the actresses they want to marry who are on their favorite shows, are single…because it gives them hope that they will have a chance, if by some miracle they win the lottery or end up working in Hollywood, where these people who only date their own exist…

I am not one of those dudes, because as a married man, I realize marriage is garbage prison, even when you cheat…it’s like this annoying disease you can’t seem to eliminate, without killing it or yourself…it’s only godo to cash in with…something her next husband will be doing…

That said, I’m more into her selfies..



Posted in:Kaley Cuoco|SFW




Laetitia Casta by David Bellemere for Muse of the Day


Laetitia Casta is one of the original tits in movies that graced the early internet for celebrity porn to jerk off to…

I never quite knew who Laetitia Casta was in 1996, I just know that I was into jerking off to her tits, thanks to being into celebrities naked, and not celebrities in practice, instead of jerking off to gutter porn chicks naked…

It was the era of internet photo porn, that still took 5 minutes to load an jpg, pre-video…and these sites called internet Thumbnail Gallery Posts or TGPs, were just a stack of categorized pictures you’d click on one to get to free galleries…and for some reason, a reason I call a preview to my entire existence in this world, I’d always choose the celebrity section instead of anal, teen, or blowjob…

Since celebrities were less whorish then, all the actors or models naked would be international…and this Casta chick had these massive tits…

I guess was 20 fucking years ago, but she’s still around, posing, but without nipple…which still counts, but barely, not just because of the no nipple, but because of the being old as fuck…

David Bellemere is the top nude photographer around right now, so this could have been a great throwback to….those better days…but I guess it’s just not that kind of shoot..

I’ll post it anyway, because I’m old…

Posted in:David Bellemere|Laetitia Casta|muse|SFW




Kim Kardashian in Latex and Kylie with Birth Defects of the Day

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Mom, Pornstar, Rapper Wife, Reality TV monster, Kim Kardashian, felt that it was appropriate to post pictures of her pregnant in Latex with Kanye baby, something that you’d imagine Nation Security would want to eliminate in a CIA mission, that leads to excuses of “accidental car bombing’…or some other excuse that is equally good enough so long as she’s eliminated…I don’t think the world will care..if anything they’ll come together like it was the lunar eclipse on sidewalks across east coast america…staring at the sky thanking the powers that be for such a glorious moment in human history….

I don’t know what she’s peddling…but it’s pretty vile…

But not as Vile as back up Kim Kardashian….Kylie….and not because she’s posing with mutants she’s exploiting to have more purpose than her family, to seem more PC in this PC generation of hypocritical idiots, in a be nice to everyone world while being a cunt privately…but because she should know better than to go along with this garbage…instead…she’s owning it aggressively…

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Here’s some of her snapchat hookin’

Posted in:Kim Kardashian|SFW




Jonas Brother’s Pussy Wants You To Know What’s Important to Her of the Day

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Rich Kid, overrated, undeserving, boring at best “Model”…from a vapid family that wants to be the Kardashians and who put importance on “modeling”…proven by two of the daughters being models…not because they are hot…but because they are rich kids and their careers were bought…making them “it girls”…probably because her mom modeled or because her rich as fuck arab dad fucks models…and it makes them feel like they all matter, when none of this matters…

GIGI HADID…the Jonas Brother fucker….

Posted some insanity from a recent meltdown I call…being broken down by cyber bully’s who talk shit about her, as they should, trying to justify herself because she’s got feelings and all you assholes are cruel, and don’t realize that you’re the first to hate on cyber bullying, but for some reason it’s ok when you do it against celebs, or bottom feeders, feeding off Jonas Brother cock like this one….in some hypocrisy I can handle, because when the masses turn on someone, hopefully throwing them under the bus so they cease to exist….

It’s a good time…

So key points in her meltdown that she felt going to public with would help her get through:

1- She’s rethinking why she does what she does….without explaining what it is she does.
2- She wants to have a unique walk….and knows she has to improve….#goals
3- YOu can make up all the reasons she’s at where she’s at…but she knows it is because she’s a hard worker…so make up that her dad is rich and used his rich friends to
4- She has a butt, abs, thighs, and fits in sample sizes…
5- She’s creating art and that’s a reminder that art is dead…
6- She’s not gonna change so if you don’t like it, don’t follow her, bitches…
7- Focus on things that inspire you and not bringing people down…be part of the change…because she’s the leader of some change or some movement even though her existence depends focusing on her….because without that…shed doesn’t exist and she can’t have that…

Here’s her awkward walk.

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I love watching delusional rich kids play make-belief…especailly when they truly believe what they do is work and that they work hard at it…and that they are part of some bigger level change…who the fuck are these people…

Now show us your tits..



Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Miley Cyrus Talking About Her Pig’s Butt of the Day

Here’s Miley sounding half retarded, planning Bacon…when she’s done with “Big Pig”…but I assume that Miley Cyrus is high as fuck, trying to show her fans that she makes as banal observations when high…just like them and in this case…it’s the shine of her pig butt….

I guess to think Miley was the only money grubbing pig in her house was wrong…because apparently the inbred hick popstar trying to be “weird”…because it’s trendy…has a pet pig…she probably doesn’t take care of..

Much like me, only my pig is my fat wife, but this isn’t about me, this is about Miley, who I guess got her pet pig that she doesn’t actually take care of, as a tribute to her family…because pigs remind her of the old country she came from, the back woods of the Kentucky, where that her grand pappy was the richest man in the community, because he was the one with the pig…a richness that allowed him to become a notable figure in his Kentucky town, probably the reason Billy Ray could have a career..it’s always the rich kids…

So whether Miley is from a long line of pig fucking farm people…because even rich hicks fuck their livestock if they are horny enough…it’s safe to assume, she’s just doing this to be obscure, tumblr cool, funny and ironic…for her branding purposes…because anyone who has spent time with pigs, like I have, even though they were in the form of my wife….they’ll know…pigs are pretty gross, demanding, food loving, take up too much of the bed, and smell like shit…always complaining, especially now that she’s menopausal…

Here’s her mouth…

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Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Taylor Swift and Mick Jagger Ruin the Music Industry of the Day

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Taylor Swift is collecting more and more people everyday. It’s like her concerts are just a who’s who of who Taylor Swift knows. It’s like she’s so fucking rich and ridiculous, like the weirdo spoiled girl, who listens to her “Apple Radio”…because she fucking loves “Apple Radio”….and calls her management and says “I was just listing to Rolling Stones, let’s get Mick on stage with me, make it happen”…you know like a weirdo kid with no childhood, playing make-belief, only real life, because she’s rich..

I find everything about her awkward, especially when she dances sexy, even though she fucks more than a street hooker, in a similar approach that she has to concerts…in a “I want that guy’s cock hitting me against the back of my throat, management, make it happen”…but more private…

I do like how how skinny and long and lovely her legs and body are….and since I only focus on what is important, which is her appearance, her sex appeal, and not her content and marketing programs…the legs, even dancing awkward, in various squats work for me….but don’t actually work for me…I would have to be more of a K-Fed for that.

Universal Music Group is deleting this video…so let’s call it “Banned from Youtube”…we’re not allowed to post videos from concerts we go to and pay money to see…we can give these assholes our money….fuckers.

I’m a fan of the Rolling Stones…I like what they did for Black Chicago blues from the UK…I understand their fame and fortune…but at 75 and rich as fuck, we can only assume this is Mick Jagger doing a favor for one of his hundreds of grandkids around the world…because otherwise it’d be so desperate…for someone…who doesn’t need to be desperate…Either way, it’s weird.


Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift