I'll Make You Famous…




Lea Michele’s Topless in Bed of the Day

Lea Michele's Topless in Bed

I don’t know if Lea Michele topless in bed is considered erotica…or if it is even seen as hot to anyone with a penis who isn’t into things with a penis…but it is National Coming Out day, so what better way to ease into your homosexuality that by looking at this trans woman, who was cultivated into being a woman by her stage parents thanks to her voice…they knew there was more money in it this way…good old fashioned enterprising people…right…RIGHT.

I am assuming someone may like this, I’m just more into seeing the genitals to see what’s actually going on here, I mean she’s actingall excited, like she’s finally got her period, you know to prove she’s transitioned…

It’s weird…but those face fillers won’t fool me..but you can see nipple…

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Julianne Hough For Health Magazine of the Day

Julianne Hough For Health Magazine

Julianne Hough is in Health magazine, because of course she is, she’s a fucking dancer, a professional fucking dancer, who dances all fucking day, and with that comes fitness…

She’s irritating, all Disney-like, cheesy as fuck, and I know she’s dirtier than she lets on…

But I find her a disappointment, not because she’s not naked in this shoot, which is disappointing, but because she’s not naked in her public life….because to me… all professionally trained dancers I support or appreciate are the ones who haven’t been able to find mainstream success as a dancer, which is most of them, there aren’t that many jobs in the space…

She banged Seacrest, another fake fuck who is a coke loving anal fucking pervert…so I assume she’s naughty…but not as naughty as she should be…as she was destined to be…entitled brat really…and here are the pics from that shoot..



Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Minka Kelly’s Workout Booty of the Day

Minka Kelly's Workout Booty

Minka Kelly is parts unknown, I really can’t place her, I am assuming she’s some actress pushing 40 trying to prove she’s still got hotness in her leggings, thanks to extreme squatting because whatever we’re looking at is muscular, perky, round and lovely…and I guess knowing who Minka Kelly is doesn’t matter, when you can stare at her ass…which may not matter either but it’s better than other parts of her…so like fucking a fat girl with big tits, focus on the good she has to offer…that’s what she wants you to do..otherwise she wouldn’t be posing like this.


Posted in:Minka Kelly|SFW




The Couple Who Found the AirBNB Bedroom Cam of the Day

The Couple Who Found the AirBNB Bedroom Cam

I don’t know if this is just clickbait or fake news from yesterday, but I love this picture of the couple finding the camera hidden in their Airbnb bedroom by some creeper who has the right idea of if people are sleeping in his damn bed, he should be allowed to jerk off to them doing it, because it’s AirBNB and not some hotel chain that can end up paying Erin Andrews 100s of millions of dollars…

I find it crazier that the dude is getting arrested for putting a camera up in his bedroom he rents out to people via an app…you should be allowed to put cameras anywhere you damn want in your own house…even if it’s against the AirBNB terms and conditions, the people renting houses from weirdo normals are like the people who get in Ubers in a stranger’s car…you have to deal the consequences.

Posted in:stepNEWS




Jasmine Dreamer Rubs vagina Juice on AirBNB Hosts Books of the Day

So Jasmine Dreamer is a celebrated instagram feminist, who may or may not be an escort, but who is likely just a scam using feminism to pull out her tits on her instagram, garnering 250k followers….including me….because I like girls who take slutty selfies and have big tits…as I am a feminist too…I believe it is her right as a woman to produce any content she wants to produce with that body I am not objectifying when I stare at it…

Well, she’s in Berlin, where she planned on staying for a month, but her AirBNB host kicked her out…

She wrote a post about it:

Today I was informed by my Airbnb host which I have booked to stay with for a month, that I have to leave as soon as possible, because I had a friend visit for the first time last night (I had asked permission) and we were “talking to loud” which he could hear. I also bought pepper spray. Tempted to burn his weed plants or deface all his books but I respect both of those things too much

Well, today…she rubbed her pussy juice all over his books…see above video…fascinating..

I saw another one of these girls from Tumblr, possible sex worker, feminist, lazy sugar baby get kicked out of an AIRBNB and shit on the guys bed, or on a plate she put in the microwave because these girls are nuts as fuck…they are old roomates her name is LV Plastic…and I prefer the pussy juice….hustle…

It’s amazing. I’d be licking those books all day getting culture.

Here are some pics from her IG..

Posted in:Jasmine Dreamer




Madelaine Petsch in Cosmo of the Day

Madelaine Petsch in Cosmo

She’s the new generation’s Bella Thorne…because Bella Thorne is dead in a raver drug filled pool of piss and the world needs a new sexually charged redhead to take on all the redhead fetishes that most people don’t actually have, unless the redhead is this kind of redhead and not terrifying GINGER redhead, the fire crotch that contrasts with the pink pussy in an aggressive and disgusting way.

She’s Cheryl Blossom on Riverdale, one of the worst shows ever, but what it comes down to is that I would fuck Madelaine Petsch. She s RILF…a redhead I would like to fuck, rather than the redhead I would assume is a demon spawn of the devil and that should be left in the woods to fend for herself like Willow…that is what happened to Willow isn’t it? I don’t remember, I just know Redheads are terrible unless they are the good kind…the RILFs…like Madelaine Petsch…

Posted in:Madelaine Petsch|SFW




Hailee Steinfeld Piano Erotica of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld Piano Erotica

Hailee Steinfeld posted this Piano erotica, you know playing her piano she probably doesn’t know how to play with her feet, for the foot fetishists, because she’s been in the industry her entire life, she’s totally dialed into the industry, and knows that creepy men with creepy fetishes are the reason a girl makes it in the industry…so show leg girl..a leaned up version of what she was…because I guess she also knows that being fat, although marketable today, it’s trendy today, is disgusting and no one actually likes it…so she got fit, looks good, play me more music with your feet girl…from movies to popstar to proving it’s not that hard to lure people once you’re there…in a hiked up skirt..good job.

Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld|SFW




Kate Upton Sloppy Tit Comeback Tour of the Day

Kate Upton is an overrated sloppy titted over exposed, played out, old, washed up, but still sloppy titted, pile of bullshit…but that doesn’t stop Sports Illustrated from making clickbait videos of her…

The footage could be old, who knows, it’s not that complex of a video, a video that works out nicely for everyone involved, it gets SI back on the map, Kate Upton talked about, and that’s really all they are here for..

She may just be some rich kid with a big titty dream of using her family money to make that big titty dream a reality, by showing off the big titty…

A dream that thanks to her big titty turned out to be an attainable dream, and all it took was some sloppy natural tits and the right angling with the right magazine at the right time to get that fan base locked in…

Locked in thanks to people being perverts blinded by the tits.

She’s now in movies, an actual celebrity, and all it took was big tits, that even when the rest of her caught up to the tits, and made her a big sloppy mess, and her tits were big enough to tuck into her boxers…she still gets people watching because we are all big titty loving perverts and that’s all I have to say about that.

Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Alizee Coucke Nipples of the Day

Alizee Coucke Nipples

Alizee Coucke is some model from France and she’s topless for LUI, because LUI the porn mag turned trendy fashion mag is what all these motherfuckers trying to make it are eager to get naked in, and they don’t even get paid to be naked in it, which is beyond my capacity of understanding because nudity is a commodity to me and I’ve been raised to believe that women do not get naked for free, it’s 10 dollars a song at the very least…it’s never free…so this girls getting naked for free, for people like me to see, people who have no business seeing them naked…just doesn’t process in my half retard booze soaked head…BUT it is happening, because naked isn’t a big deal, naked is perfect..

Posted in:Alizee Coucke




Bella Thorne Drugged Out Demon of the Day

Bella Thorne Drugged Out Demon Tits

Bella Thorne’s looking a bit too much like a broken down Ireland Baldwin…or a Rumer Willis…with a bit too much of a potato head going on….

She’s also looking a little too much like the Rave Bathroom floor where some raver shat out a glittery rainbow of ecstasy for everyone to eat up….

She’s wearing some bold not so period friendly pants…and her what could be a fake tit, or what could be just a 20 year old tit…in a corporately sponsored paparazzi shoot she’s likely getting paid for…and it’s not so magical..it looks like shit, like a demon, like a horror movie…and whether she’s followed or not..she’s not that great at all..

I just post about her everyday because I don’t mind demons when they have good tits…I’m so conflicted…


Here are some pics from her birthday sleazy…..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW