I'll Make You Famous…




Heather Graham Not Too Old for Shameless Bikini Selfies of the Day

If you haven’t jerked off to Heather Graham, than you have no business being on this site, because you aren’t from the right generation, where you’d jerk off to Boogie Nights for her tits, bush and all other things good about Heather Graham in an early 2000s era when you could still jerk off to the internet, you know when blogs like this started popping up…

That was a long time ago, and this girl, who was everywhere thanks to her big tits, in an era when that mattered because we didn’t have social media, thus making her tons of money…

Well, apparently, she’s trying to get a younger audience, by doing the shameless bikini selfies, despite being 50…and I’m all for it…if staying current and finding new fans comes with half nakedness…I’ll watch.

Posted in:SFW




Ariel Winter’s Ass Tattoo of the Day

Nothing says “My mom whored me off to execs at a young age, so I broke free at 18, walked around half naked, cut off my sloppy tits, only to regrow more tit, like a lizard growing limbs” quite like a tattoo that some broken girl who eats her feelings got that runs across her ass and that reads some really silly quote…that we can assume she finds inspiring and empowering, which in and of itself is hilarious, because it’s just a dumb fucking tattoo…

At least she’s posting up pics of the shit, like all these tattoo getting braggers…pretending they are unique and don’t care what other people think of them, while showing the world with all their ink just how much of a poser, lost, lose they are…

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Eva Longoria Action Shot of the Day

Eva Longoria may be one of those white bread first generation kids who forgets that her family crawled over walls and through tunnels to give her the great suburban life that allowed her to have the arrogance and confidence to become “an actor” which is hardly a real job, but some kind of joke spoiled brats take on to pretend they are more important than they are, so that they don’t have to get a real job, like people who understand the value of a dollar and who don’t have a dad to finance their LA experience while auditioning as Mexican roles…..

But she still knows how to swim like she’s jumping off a raft across the Rio Grande…just look at this dive, this form, off her overpriced yacht…like a swan…and angel…undetectable by radar and other border patrol on boat..it’s the one things she’s retained in her cushy, bratty, experience..


Posted in:Eva Longoria|SFW




Sara Sampaio Looks a Little Bloated and Primate-Like in Bikini of the Day

Sara Sampaio is the skinny Victoria’s Secret model who they brought in from Portugal to replace Adriana Lima, at least that’s what the even empire wants you to think they did, instead of realizing that she was raised in a lab from Lima DNA somewhere to be their staff model, because no one has ever heard of Sara Sampaio from Portugal, maybe they are too busy fishing…

Maybe their formula is falling apart, degrading, not sustainable or whatever, her skinny advocacy in a world where all brands use fat chicks, even though no one likes fat chicks, even the fat chicks, to model their bikinis, to speak to that market, knowing they hate that market and don’t believe in that market, as celebrating unhealthy is bad…but celebrating hot body is good….

Because she’s in Tulum, being a skinny advocate, while looking bloated….confusing me, in this world of every brand uses fat chicks, despite everyone hating fat chicks, while alienating skinny chicks, and manipulating them to become fat chicks, to get work.

It’s fucked up time…but good ass though..


Posted in:Sara Sampaio|SFW




Sara Underwood’s Possible Pee Fetish Pics of the Day

As someone with a pee fetish…I like watching girls pee, seeing them pee, hearing them pee, peeing on them, but not having them pee on me, but peeing their panties…Sara Underwood in the pee position getting half naked or naked enough should be hot..

But not really considering she’s a playboy chick with clown tits – sex worker – low level porn chick – who sells monthly subscriptions to her pervert fans – to watch her porno snapchat that she gets naked on – even though it’s against SNAPCHAT policy….

But you can google her pussy and there’s nothing wrong with that…other than thinking about when Ryan Seacrest used to fuck it…but he’s more into anal, you know with being a homo.

Posted in:Sara Jean Underwood




Sahara Ray Nipple of the DAy

Sahara Ray posted a pic of her giant tit’s nipple, the spout that the golden milk pours out of, provided she lets the fetus grow inside her long enough before the abortion, that without kids serve no purpose other than to put out there on social media for everyone to see so that you seem to have some feminist stance on equality thanks to your tit in a mesh shirt, that I know, and you know is just being shameless..

Not that anyone cares about Sahara Ray and her hipster scenester tits, but she still matters enough to me, thanks to being early to instagram and having big fucking tits…

Posted in:Sahara Ray




Joy Corrigan’s Bolt On Tits for Swim Week of the Day

Joy Corrigan has some serious fucking bolt on tits, which is what you’d expect out of some Florida trashy girl with a great body, who has found a life of doing bikini photoshoot for catalogs, despite never having left Miami, but stayed there where she’s from, to really dominate the marketplace amongst every fat fucking trashy girl trying to be a bikini model, because of social media…at least this one has some substance, even if her tits are clown-like and comical..

This was from Miami Swim Week, where Joy dominated since it was all on her own sugar baby turf…

Posted in:Joy Corrigan|SFW




Willa Holland Throwback Nudes of the Day

Willa Holland was the younger sister on the O.C., which was a show I watched when it was on TV, because it gave me something to talk to college girls about, since I had nothing better to talk to college girls about, because even a decade ago, they were dumb, self involved cunts, with little to no substance, who relied on weekly TV shows and dumb punchlines from dumb movies as a starting point in a conversation, to really feel like they had enough of a connection to sit on your face later that night…I mean this was an era before everyone was online and we couldn’t just Facebook friend, selfie and tag each other on instagram or tinder, it required actual work to get laid like “OMG Marissa was such a bitch to Seth Last Week”…you know the shit that really makes a girl tick at her fucking core…because in case you didn’t know, there have been dumb sluts for generations, seducing them has just become way easier if you have even the basic level of intelligence..

She’s also some connected rich kid related to Steven Spielberg or some shit, and she’s on some nerd shit TV show, and does the hipster nude shit, and looks good enough to stare at,

Posted in:Willa Holland




Rihanna Got them Monster Tits of the Day

These pictures of Rihanna circulated yesterday – because she took her fat ass to some movie premiere and with the help of her design team – or some top designers she’s got on speed dial and who produce whatever she needs when she needs it – they came up with something obese women at Walmart or the bar have known forever…push them huge tits out, they are all you have, wear something massive that hides the rest of you, so that all people see is the tits, because if you wear something spandex that you spill out of, despite how hard it is containing you, the tits lose their appeal of being huge, and you just get seen as huge, but if you can just section off, block out, frame the tits…and have the massive, overeating body out of the picture, guys will realize what is important…fertility…it will speak to our animalistic core…

She’s a professional…

If you’ve ever been to Barbados, you will know they are a large set of people, I mean all the Caribbean islands I went to were filled with big locals, I guess they like to eat their ROTI, their sugar waters, while sitting around breeding…a Fat Rihanna was written in the cards, too rich to starve, to not give into her cravings, to exist…and with tits like this…I understand why billionaires are getting up in it…she’s pretty much a fetish….


Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Couple in the Phone Booth and Other Videos of the Day

McDonalds Stabbing

A Girl and Her Cake

ZIp Line Fail

Dude Punches Woman in the Face

Cop tackle Flower Lady

Naked Beer thief

The Dude Who Cut His Own Penis Off..

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos