I'll Make You Famous…




Rat Cow Tits and Other Tits because Tits for Love Magazine of the Day

Rat Cow has tits. She likes you knowing she has tits. Her tits are the only reason she exists. Yet her media recently has been about how her tits work against her, when really her tits are the only thing that matter when it comes to her, as you cum to her, because as low level gutter as she is…those tits are tits worth looking at…substantial tits, even magical tits, it’s just too bad the host body the tits are attached to, who is pretending the tits don’t run the show…is pretty garbage.

I still do posts on her because the Rat Cow Tits she’s alienated for having are still tits I’m willing to look at…because I like tits…I can’t leave the whore house without looking at tits and it is amazing just how much a set of tits can do for a woman…it can re-write their story and make them have millions of followers that they make millions of dollars off now that they are polarizing soft core porn tits to celeb in movies who is into fashion

The world..so dumb, so easily impressed….CHECK OUT THESE TITS…and other tits on other people getting in on the titty

Posted in:Rat Cow




Sharon Stone in a Bikini of the Day

Here’s a spread legged Sharon Stone unlike the Sharon Stone I used to pause the VHS of Basic Instinct while spread legged…..to stare at her hot actress pussy in the early 90s….

But rather an older, expired, Sharon Stone, who I would still go down on just to taste all the wonderful places that pussy has been, you know for the story..

She’s 60…and pretty good for 60…something I’ve rarely said…because some menopausal women allow you to see the benefits of menopause…like cumming in them at all times… and I assume it’s from not having kids, but apparently she’s got 3 kids…so it’s just from being a vain, superficial, model from the 70s…and some humans are better than others..

Posted in:SFW|Sharon Stone




Topless Julianne Hough and Her Canadian Hockey Husband are Lame of the Day

Cheesy dancing incestuous Julianne Hough…WHO? Exactly….shoulda been a stripper, but she got on TV instead…weird…and that show became really successful because fat trash on disability love watching mobile people dance in competition….and now she’s an “actress”….and most recently a Hockey Wife….with a Hockey player from Canada who likes to post pictures of his TV dancer price…since it’s better than ending up with a stripper…even if she’s all Disney-ed up and cheesy as fuck…

They are on their honeymoon, and to further the cheese, they posted some edgy and exciting topless pics…that was missing one important thing…his dick in her…

Don’t they know anything about Honeymoons..take the Pam and Tommy school of Honeymoon…they are made for FUCKING now cheesy instagram posts…you fucking assholes..

Posted in:Julianna Hough|Julianne Hough|SFW




Ariel Winter Tit Hanging Out While She Eats Dairy of the Day

Ariel Winter posted some topless enough picture of her in a sheath of fabric – which I guess would be hotter if she was hotter…

It’s the whole the less clothes the better, a theory that I guess applies to all women, even when they are little neckless trolls from TV…that is still weird that she’d want to be spilling out of her top all made-up like she’s heading to a porn set, because she must have a mirror and see she’s a neckless troll…you know save the sexy for others…

But I guess i”m becoming an equal opportunity “be slutty”…it’s all the sexual attention she gets on repeat from her fan base…it makes her think she’s hotter than she is…coupled with her pile of money…that even if she’s sloppy at 18 year old and she will be 500 pounds one day…she’s not too sloppy to stare at…We are all Perverts.

Her caption on social media is that she’s drinking a cup of MILK..which repulsed me but could be the reason for the tits that keep growing…HORMONES JACKED UP IN HER FAVORITE CREAMY and disgusting puss filled drink..

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Magdalena Frackowiak Bikini WHoring of the DAy

This is a model named Magdalena Frackowiak who I am guessing is from Russia or some other communist country that is no longer communist but that I pretend is still communist for the sake of comedy…because rationed toilet paper, bread lines, and a love for contraband levis jeans and Michael Jackson…

Which I guess isn’t comedy at all…but I figure when you’re not a funny person and you don’t find things funny…you commentary is not going to be funny…

I will say that she was on VS contract for a while, she may still be, and they were paying her something like 750k….which is fucking nuts since no one really knows who Madga is…even after seeing her tits…or maybe that is why we don’t care about Magda….

Yet for some reason, I am posting her instagram content…like it matters…interesting…but not at all…a lot like my life, the site, etc.

Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak|SFW




Heather Graham Humping her Bike Seat of the Day

Heather Graham posted these pictures of her riding a bike seat aggressively, like a horny girl pressing up against your leg on public transit, or against the pool jet, or against pretty much anything, because that’s how girls get off..CLITORAL stimulation….and it reminds me of two things…

The first that Heather Graham still exists…those awesome Boogie Night tits and push…I’ll forever appreciate her contribution to cinema…

THe second, that a girl I talk to cums from horse back riding, so she goes horseback riding often, and I wonder if it is considered beastiality….because it’s not the horse getting her off, it’s the vibrations the horse makes…you know…important questions we need answers to…


Posted in:Heather Graham|SFW




Kim Kardashian See Through Outfit of the Day

Kim Kardashian wore a see through outfit because of course she did, she’s Kim Kardashian and broadcasting her tits to the world is pretty much what she does when she feels in need of some media attention, some paparazzi coverage, to remind people that she still exists, that she is still shameless, that she is empowered as she makes her billions off brands who support trash…it’s just what she does…

Not to mention, OJ getting out is a great new storyline for the family to take, so you know they are all giving each other handjobs, or maybe just jerking off Bruce’s cock they have as a table centerpiece cuz they are nuts…to celebrate the new found interest in them as they continue to exploit..

I mean they must be on the DECLINE finally…they are so fucking boring…aren’t people bored yet….PLEASE…be bored..

Big tits…though.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Salma Hayek Waist to Hip Ratio of the Day

I guess old, tired, weather, Mexican actresses who made it in Hollywood thanks to having a huge set of tits that people wanted to stare at…coupled with being a fetish with that accent….who was unlike most Mexican women because she had a neck…you know unlike the breeders you had experienced at the Taco food truck, or at your hotel as a chambermaid, never quite making you want to surprise them with your erection…..like Salma Hayek did…..because she was glamorous and beautiful, rich and connected, with a body that film directors and producers wanted to pay to be around….

Well even in her old age, she’s got a waist to hip ratio / fat ass, that scientifically proven to make you cum to her fertility – despite being old enough to be menopause…

I dig this walk away, it’s kinda the only way I get to appreciate women as I am a slow walker…

Posted in:SFW




Charlotte McKinney Sports Bra Tits of the Day

Charlotte McKinney once got a lot of hype, even called the next Kate Upton, because people only see tits, and America, along with being a powerhouse full of rich as fuck people, is a trashy wasteland that created things like Honey Boo Boo and the Jersey shore…so Florida big titty trash is what you people fucking love…it’s what I love..it’s the whole basis of Hooters…the American dream…

Not that Charlotte McKinney is really trashy, her dad is some rich Bahama so no Taxes based dude, that allowed her to be at the right parties, to get her tits out there and some dude put her on TV despite not even being that famous on social media, or even working as a model…

But she’s got the tits…and I like tits, you like tits, everyone likes tits, and more importantly, I respect girls who respect that they only matter because of their tits…unlike EMRATA who pretends her tits are a liability…


Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Halle Berry Chugs Whiskey of the Day


Halle Berry was at Comicon doing some press to draw some attention to some movie she’s in because she’s still an Oscar winning actress with great tits that you probably used to jerk off to because you’re 40…

And she pulled a glass of Whiskey Chug for the nerds who looked on in amazement, because some nerds like to drink, other nerds fear drinking and judge, it has a negative reaction with their meds…or autism…or whatever…

The whole thing was magical…if it’s actually Whiskey and not baby urine that she uses as some elixir to stay young and young…

Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW