I'll Make You Famous…




Hailey Baldwin and Cami Marrone in Bathing Suits of the Day

Cami Marrone and Hailey Baldwin are buddies in Cannes, the it place to be, because these girls with celebrity parents or stepparents are always not too far apart. It is how they make their spending money, it’s the low workload way to monetize, because at least when social media didn’t exist, these celeb children had to be in movies to get famous, which is not real work, but still more work than hanging out and taking selfies by the pool…which is work…to someone who has never worked.

The interesting thing about Hailey Baldwin is her youthful ass….while the interesting thing about busty Cami Marrone, is like every other busty girl in her late teens before her, her thighs catch up and girl is thick.

For those of you who don’t know who Cami Marrone is…she’s on TV or in a few shitty movies, I think her stepdad is Al Pacino or Robert DeNiro, which means her mom…is an OG gold digger. We like when it starts with the momma and works its way down.

For those of you who don’t know who Hailey Baldwin is, you clearly, like the rest of us, don’t read MAXIM magazine who just named her number 1, for whatever reason I call a scam…but compared to Cami Marrone who is still hot….she is number 1…that’s probably why she hangs with her, rather than being the bootleg Kendall…

Either way, young youngs in bathing suits being fancy….always fun

Posted in:Cami Morrone|Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Anastasiya Scheglova Hot Shoot of the Day

I’ve been missing out on this Anastasiya Scheglova girl…I mean I came across these pics, or just came, and thought…damn…girl in trendy hip pervert sex Harnesses, which is now a fashion itel…and with silly make-up on, for some hipster looking shit…is on some next level Russian sounding and looking quest to make the world a better place, like Putin, and Trump…only more for herself than Humanity, because girl just wants to show her great tits in shoots to get famous enough for an A-Lister.

It is the Russian way, along with waiting in line for rationed bread…

The iron curtain has been lifted….and the not famous, but still naked, but not in porn, even though anything is porn if you try hard enough…is magical…

Posted in:Anastasiya Scheglova




Gillian Anderson as Marilyn Monroe of the Day

I am zero into Gillian Anderson….I never thought Gillian Anderson was hot. I never watched the X Files. I also thought the nerds who thought she was hot were just undersexed perverts and they were..and I realize that those are probably the same people who visit the site…all 3 of you…

I also know that they are loyal….so I figure I’ll give them some Gillian Anderson Cosplay as Marilyn Monroe in whatever movie or TV show she is currently doing…because I know the kind of loyal to Gillian Anderson weirdo will and probably has already come to this….three times….it happens…

But for someone not into Gillian Anderson at her prime, I sure as hell am not into her now…and those hands are something out of the fucking X Files all alien corpses or some shit…that you’d want up in your shit…because as an old man prostate massages are your only orgasm.

Posted in:Gillian Anderson|SFW




Irina Shayk Mom Ass in Panty-Dress of the Day

I know that this isn’t really erotic to most, a celebrity wife who is probably not even married, baby momma, who is probably just really strategic…at Cannes doing all the things her access and now higher profile in low level Swimsuit model, who happened to be one of the hottest models to me over the last 4-5 years of a career….which is why her panty outfit…all though typical, conservative for a whore…in a world filled with nipples…

But I find it wonderful…

I don’t know why…it’s dull, red carpet photos…nothing scanadalous here and the whole outfit looks like it’s holding her broken pussy back together…as some new moms need.

But I’m all about it…keep bringing me the Irina content…she represents hope, an inclusive world where Russia and America are friends…and all things good…like being hot enough to seduce rich men…a childhood dream of mine…but not really, rich men can be so annoying…and being rich takes work….so I’ll just stay on my couch…and watch it slowly disintegrate or morph into me…to become the first living couchman…

Dreams…we all have them, Irina Shayk is just better at making them happen due to uterus.


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Bianca Balti’s Nipple on a Photoshoot of the Day

Bianca Balti is some amazing looking Italian model who has done some Victoria’s Secret shit and who has done some other LINGERIE MODELING shit…and now she’s doing some bikini shit wherever the fuck she’s shooting…and she’s exposed her nipple…

As a model….she’s fucking old, she’s in her mid 30s and a mom and she hasn’t done Victoria’s Secret since 2005…

But she looks good, despite being in her mid 30s – it’s probably the Euro thing as we’ve all seen how fat moms of 2 in America look like…and the whole nipple thing is whatever as we live in a time where nipples are like shirts as they should be…and nipples don’t hold as much excitement when you know 2 babies latched on them…unless she’s more of the party model mom who doesn’t produce milk because she is on a cigarette diet…which in and of itself is pretty hot.

Posted in:Bianca Balti




Kendall Jenner Bikinis in Cannes of the Day

I really have nothing interesting to say about Kendall Jenner, because Kendall Jenner is nothing interesting.

Exploited from a really young age, but at least she went into fashion / life of luxury because she was tall and skinny enough…even though I’d be more into her sex tape…

She’s got 81 million followers on Istagram, which is absurd, not so absurd in the world population…and most of it being spam bots from Russia….but that shit is nuts, she’s not going anywhere even if we collectively unfollowed, there would still be 50 million people still there waiting for her next bikini pic…so we’re stuck with her…

You have to give the mom and Ryan Seacrest some credit, I mean what they created is so weird…yet so relevant..and seeing her in a bikini….so overrated…but still top of the shitty family…and for that we don’t necessarily celebrate her…but we can look at the bikini for attention….the way they want us to…because we are all mindless slaves to this shit…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Anna Christine Speckhart Nipples for Swimwear of the Day

A day is not a day without some contrived hipster photoshoot – where girls seem to be natural and laid back – just doing their thing with their tits out – whether that is arts or crafts or using a Netty Pot while eating Organic Juices…it is at the point of ridiculous because it’s so fucking contrived…just own you over produced dog shit…Anna Christine Speckhart…whoever you may be….

Tits though….if you can find them….not because small tits deserve small tit jokes…some of my favorite tits are small tits..

Posted in:Anna Christine Speckhart




Frida Aasen Soaked in Piss in Hipster Pics of the Day

Frida Aasen is in some campaign and she’s fucking amazing…the pictures are lame, played out, trying too hard on the aggressive piss soak, but she saves the fucking day with her nipples and body…perfect……

Frida Aasen was born in Kristiansand, which seems like some religious amusement park full of bible thumping weirdos, either doing sensationalized evangelical curing of disease, or maybe just a place to repent your sins, including but not limited to jerking off to their 20 year old locals…because they are amazing..

Kristiansand, is unfortunately not a bible thumping weird place for religious freaks, but rather a town in Norway, that creates oddities like this babe…it almost makes me want to convert…

Posted in:Frida Aasen




Lottie Moss Ass Does Instagram of the Day

Lottie Moss is not as hot or relevant or interesting as Kate Moss is, but at 19, she’s pretty much doing it right, because kids these days don’t want to pave the way for themselves, that requires work, and other kids don’t want to follow kids who pave the way for themselves, that requires an opinion….when they’ve been trained to just like what they are told to like…it requires less work…but one thing they can all collectively agree on is that instagram followers is a real thing that matters, it’s almost a competition and if you have a name like Moss and a sister like Kate Moss, you fucking milk it, because it’s enough…..throw in some butt shots…and we’ve got social media marketing…butt shots and famous relatives…

Posted in:Lottie Moss|SFW




Elle Fanning Raging of the Day

People seem to like Elle Fanning. She’s young. She’s in movies. She’s another one of these kids leveraging her sister’s celebrity to create her own celebrity…I know…exciting…but not as exciting as her at some premiere party in France, where she’s allowed to drink legally and clearly “let loose”…

Point of the story is…there is no point to the story…this is probably all part of her master plan or some kind of scam to sell movie tickets as she’s a puppet…but some of you real fucking weirdos probably find it hot…seeing her nuts in Cannes…like she’s not a robot created to be in movies to make their parents richer and to replace her tired and loose sister…


Posted in:Elle Fanning|SFW