I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez Lupus Lips of the Day

Selena Gomez is so edgy with her lip injections, or LUPUS bloated lips, while having some sort of Identity crisis because her life has been a performance and she doesn’t even know who she is…and never will…She looks like a Jenner…

She’s obsessed over cock, a money maker, and here she is on some post rehab, post bieber, post the Weeknd cock re-brand….

I didn’t listen to it, but you can jerk off to it….because her creepy fans are loyal.

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Elizabeth Olsen Windy Ass Flash of the Day

Whenever people say there is no god…the heathens who turn their back on Christianity and choose science or logic…instead of believing silly fables…like a bad episode of a bad movie and deciding it is the GOSPEL of the lord…like logical people…or Most Americans…

I say…you’ve obviously never been outside on a windy day – when a girl walks by…and her skirt gets blown up….

The Wind!

The wind sent from God….proof that there is a god…a religious experience…

This time featuring Elizabeth Olsen…the non twin Olsen…

MAGIC> 1/4 of an ass cheek…MAGIC! I mean RELIGION….

How can you not be a spiritual person with this PROOF OF GOD….right.


Posted in:Elizabeth Olsen|SFW




Penelope Cruz Bikini of the Day

Penelope Cruz’s tits look good in her one piece bathing suit…which I think is important for all women….because I am an old school person, not some flimsy cunty have homosexual from drinking the chemicals in the water that make the fish gay…I am good old fashion pervert…who knows the value of good tits for a woman’s life, career and happiness….because without tits. They are nothing…

I mean just look at these tits, they were Spanish tits, small town Euro tits…that became Oscar winning tits, and without the tits…she’d be a zero…so thank the tits…celebrate the tits…but next time do it in a more Euro way and let me see the damn tits…


Posted in:Penelope Cruz|SFW




Peyton Roi List Bikini on Instagram of the Day

Peyton Roi List is some up and coming slut and I believe to stay relevant as a site I must find the Diseny mainstream sluts that old creeps who still visit websites are jerking off to.

I think this is one of them….

All these bitches are irrelevant to me, I prefer jerking off to chicks from TINDER and instagram and the non famous girls who are actually much hotter, but I’m progressive like that, and don’t need some casting agent or producer to dictate what I cum to….

I can figure that one out on my own, but you….you’re the one I’m worried about…

Posted in:Peyton Roi List|SFW




Shay Mitchell Bikini Instagram of the Day

Shay Mitchell is in a bikini….

She’s some cunty Canadian who has made her way to America – where she got to be on TV so it justifies her cunty behavior and allows her to be an even bigger cunt…

Fascinating…I know..

She does a travel series, because people like travel and she’s of Indian decent and figured out how to make money from every angle, you can’t be a complacent idiot who relies on one show on TV, you need to extend your reach and stack that money….even though she looks like a complacent idiot as she sits on the beach…half naked..it’s all part of her tactics..

Posted in:SFW|Shay Mitchell




Amanda Seyfried’s Hard Nipples of the Day

I don’t keep track of Amanda Seyfried, she bores me, so she may have had her baby or not….she was pregnant and doesn’t look pregnant so is probably not pregnant but her great tit nipple is hard…and her tit nipple is what her little parasite latches onto, assuming she’s the down to earth breast feeder you’d assume she is, unless she’s just that soulless cunt who had the kid for some weird tactics….like making her husband leave his family for her….because that’s how brats work…who knows, the kid isn’t with her, so I’ll assume if she did have it it was still birthed or at home with the nannies so she doesn’t have to bother, something she has proven to like as she dresses likes she’s a homeless woman on her period…that’s I’d like to smell

Either way, hard nipple party.

Posted in:Amanda Seyfried|SFW




Lea Michele Tits of the Day

Lea Michele is rocking the push up bra…what a slut.

She is on the hustle, I don’t know what she’s promoting, or why she is craving some male attention, or why she’s feeling hot and sexy, maybe she’s ovulating, LOL, I know dude’s don’t ovulate….

But she is on the hustle, she wants to be looked at….stared at….and I guess when you get plastic surgery or take hormones let the people see….as these people try to make happen…they live for it.


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Sandra Kubicka for Some Some Swimwear of the Day

Sandra Kubicka is Polish…which is convenient because she’s the kind of girl you’d want to hire to Polish you…with her mouth, maybe her hand, and a little spit drying it, to make sure she’s worthy of her 1000 dollar by the hour money…you know going above and beyond for her client…

Yes…I am implying a girl from Polish, who stills speak Polish, living in Miami with work visas and shit is a hooker…because Miami is the land of hookers…why the fuck would this one be a unicorn totally unscathed by that..

Did she come to Miami and never go home – REFUGEE….did she seduce a rich man with her tits – HOOKER….is she a celebrated model no one’s heard of who can afford her own shit…SO MANY questions..but she did get a job posing in bathings suits and here are those bathings suits she’s posing in…

She is hot….

Posted in:Sandra Kubicka|SFW




Nicki Minaj is a Little Much of the Day

Nicki Minaj is a monster…such a big booty freak….but people like her, I just don’t know any people who like her, but apparently people like her, she sells out shows and shit, and people sing and dance along to her lame raps that would be more interesting if they were rapes, because sometimes I bitch is better off when she shuts the fuck up for a bit.

I don’t know what this shameless booty shoot is about, maybe it is a tribal ritual she is culturally appropriating, but in a believable way, because she’s an actor, who was picked out of acting school…

BUT I know it’s weird…which is what she wants you to think – as she tries to remain compelling like the back GAGA she was hired to be.

I don’t like it. Not one bit.

Posted in:Nicki Minaj|SFW




Charisma Carpenter Cropping Faces for All of Us of the Day

Charisma Carpenter is such a kind soul or maybe she’s a clever narcissist because she knows that she’s old, as fuck, and her face is mangled, as fuck, and really quite possibly herpes ridden, as fuck, because she’s a disaster and girls need to get by after not working in a decade or more….

Hot body though. Which is what we should all focus on.

Posted in:Charisma Carpenter|SFW