I'll Make You Famous…




Sydney Sweeney’s Titties in a T-Shirt of the Day

Sydney Sweeney, who is actually really not that hot, and definitely not a great actress, but who is a viral sensation thanks to the tits she showed off in Euphoria…

I watched that LILY ROSE DEPP and THE WEEKND IN THE IDOL trash that feels about as well written as a Playboy movie in the 90s where the girls just dance around as they get more and more naked, but with less of a vibe and harder to jack off to, because these motherfuckers are LAME as fuck…..and I thought “the dude behind this got so much credit for Euphoria and Sweeney’s tits that HBO allowed him to put together whatever the fuck he wanted, so long as it had nudity, assuming he was the voice of a generation, only to realize, the dude’s a disconnected rich kid with terrible fucking taste…

I could provide a better review, but no one gives a shit about my reaction VIDEOS, but the TOO LONG DON’T READ IS…the show fucking sucks and you can’t even jack off to LILY ROSE DEPP even though she’s naked the entire time, it’s like her nudity in this role makes her NON HOT….and that’s fucking weird.

I mean, so many of us can do nudity better…yet this LA loser gets the money, but at least he got Sydney Sweeney naked a lot, using her really, to pave the way for his future as a rich kid in the industry….not that she’s all that hot, but the tits on TV were….

Anyway, she’s in a white T-Shirt…

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Stella Hudgens Lingerie of the Day

Here’s a little Stella Hudgens with the big tits showing the world that just because your sister is a high paid, sold to the industry at a young age, Disney-grade human with that stupid celebrity status, even in a world where celebrity doesn’t matter….she can pave her own way by leveraging the name and selling nudes off the name, it’s socially acceptable…

I mean, I doubt she’ll be cast in Disney movies like her sister, but prior to selling the nudes she wasn’t doing that anyway, so why not sexualize yourself and take as much as you can from those TOXIC MASCULINES I though this type of person typically hated….mad at being sexualized by dudes, only to build their “business being sexualized by dudes”….I don’t get it, but rowdy siblings to famous people…always hilarious…and worth looking at….


Posted in:Stella Hudgens




Milf Monday of the Day

MILFs on the day after father’s day to remind you that the MILF that you probably want to fuck while you’re cumming up inside her is one you’d want to fuck….as you’re making her a MOM….which in turn makes you a father…so that you can end up doing the whole father’s day celebrating like an accomplished human because you’ve done what you’re meant to do…spread your line, spread your genes through as many MILFS as you can….it’s really what the species needs, more of your broke an depressing ass…

Point of the story, MILFS….important creatures who aren’t as dead from a sex appeal standpoint just because their pussies have been put through it by bringing life in the world….plus most doctors get paid more to do C-Sections, so the body may be wrecked by the pussy intact.

Here are some MILFS because dudes need them…


Posted in:Milf




Kaley Cuoco Sauna Tits of the Day

Kaley Cuoco and her tits may have been responsible for John Ritter’s death on set, before that sacrifice opened her up to becoming the hot chick on the nerd show that made her over 100 million dollars, you know sometimes human sacrifices pay off, at least that’s what ancient civilizations have taught us…

Anyway, she bought some tits, she had a kid, she’s in the sauna, with those fake tits, not necessarily milked filled, but a little warm milk never killed anyone, especially before bed…assuming her milk isn’t toxic….which you really can’t do in this era….

This could be a lot more fun of a sauna if she took the lead from every dude I’ve ever accidentally ended up in a sauna with at gym or hotel or Russian spa and pull her dicks out…


Posted in:Kaley Cuoco




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Medical Workers are really serious professionals who take their careers and training very seriously, knowing that they have the lives and health and wellness of the people they work for in their hands, and they can’t be out there philandering about like a bunch of prostitutes selling their bodies to pay for the baby formula…

But I guess when they slip on their scrubs, they turn into scrubs, by flashing the world on the internet like a bunch of retards at the wading pool in the summer when they institution they live at let them out on a retard field trip.

I’m not against professionals becoming whores, I mean I’ve always thought they’ve been whores….they just confirm it for me which means I am always right…TITITES VALIDATE MY OPINIONS…


Posted in:NURSES




Jumping Off Boat to Swim with Dolphins and Other Youtube Shorties of the Day

Ass Shows You What It Eats

How Many People Jerked Off To This

What’s in her Heart?

Military Bitches

Big Tits in a Bikini

How Many Dudes Jacked Off to This Video?

Bikini Bitch Runnin’ Her Mouth

Balcony Posing

Hannah Stocking Thrown in the Fountain

Trench Coat Flashing on Youtube

Inner Thigh Infection

Posted in:Youtube Shorties!




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

It was Father’s Day in the event you weren’t out there celebrated all the nuts you’ve busted into women who have formed into humans, unlike all the nuts you’ve busted in the floor that have turned into black mold….

Stepfather’s get no appreciation on Father’s Day, I mean, I am sure some do, but you know it’s just sympathy bullshit and not actually the same bond one would have with their real dad, since the stepdad is basically a fucking strangers…

So along with all the fun racist jokes about how black people don’t celebrate Father’s Day because they don’t have dads, since racist jokes need to be made great again, because even the people of said races can probably have a good laugh at them, if they’re funny……

There were a bunch of single mom jokes, you know making Father’s Day about them, playing the role of dad and mom…..

But I was more interested in seeing big breasted girls with their mom’s on Father’s Day because it means one thing – daddy issues…..what’s your onlyfans girl? With tits like that, coupled with DADDY issues, dreams can come true…

So here’s some breast milk for the moms out there single-mom shit, some breast milk for the new week to celebrate our REBIRTH and BREAST milk for all the big titties with DADDY issues I saw yesterday with their MOMS…..there were really only two, but they were so big, it made the day a special one for just an old pervert stepdad like me.


Posted in:Lactating




Leni Klum Brought the Tits Out for Germany Top Model of the Day

So, as you know Leni Klum is the latest and greatest in the celebrity rich kid fetish that I’ve had for as long as I can remember….they are always more interesting than the actual celeb while thinking they are celebs and knowing that they only exist sine their parents are celebs, it’s a weird dynamic that I am sure leads to great sex, the kind of PROVING yourself sex with NOTHING to lose sex that comes from empty weird rich people…

Anyway, this NEPO baby has released her tits on us and we haven’t looked back since, they are bigger than our head, on her small body frame and she really has a far more fuckable appeal than her monstrous mom, who looks good in pictures but who is fucking massive, like models are.

I feel like she’s got some aggressive Daddy issues, since her legal dad is probably KISSED BY A ROSE – SEAL, yet I don’t think his CUM was responsible for this one, it was more from mommy playing around while navigating that world of ELITE prostitution they call TOP MODELS….

Well, Leni was brought to GERMAN TOP MODEL, with her MOM, who I guess is responsible for the show, since this NEPO family of EUGENICS is a funny one….some can say LENI uses her mom’s name to matter as a hot chick, with tits like that, she doesn’t need much help….and I’m convinced HEIDI is using LENI to prove HEIDI’s pussy is hot and makes hot pussy when cummed in right…

Every time someone jerks off to LENI, Heidi matters a little more, so GET TO IT…Leni’s hot…

These tits are ridiculous….save some tits for the rest of us TITS…holy tits…maybe this is what…I’m not going to finish that thought….it will be taken out of context…

Posted in:Leni Klum




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

I have been running with a concept built around the On/Off flashers that is inspired by the dystopia we’ve been living in, from Vaccine Passports, to Social Credit Scores, to the whole ELON MUSK inspired chip in your brain to merge man and machine….transhumanism, not transsexualism….

Anyway, I think it’d be a good selling feature if the brain chip allowed you to connect with the brain chip of the women you see in your day to day, assuming you’re allowed to leave your house, showing you their NUDES from earlier in the day before the got dressed….a little real time ON/OFF in the no privacy future….

Well, I was just outside and LET ME TELL YOU….at least 3 of the 10 women I saw who were worth a fuck were in sheer, white or light colored shirts, showing full fucking tit….one of the girls, probably in her early 20s, with GRANNY level sloppy big tit, in some white farmer’s daughter looking shirt….FULL nasty tit….

So maybe brain chips and on/offs are unnecessary in the near future, cuz everyone’s gonna just be walking around naked…


Posted in:OnOff




Feminist Friday of the Day

I was talking to a real man hating, potentially lesbian, granola hippie type of woman the other day, who is VERY much about being an independent women, not relying on men for their existence, or any of that shit…..someone you’d expect to be fat, with blue hair and angry about bullshit rumors that women don’t get fair treatment and that white men are the problem….but this girl was going off on FEMINISTS…

She fucking hates feminists more than she hates men because the modern feminist is anti-woman, and reduces women to the stereotype of women, or some shit….

She was still feminist enough to get mad when I said “It all went wrong when we allowed women to vote”….but at the same time…her hating feminists was a good sign…THE TIDES ARE TURNING…

I’m not saying these are feminists, they’re just braless and that’s hot to me…TITS through SHIRTS without bras…BONERS!


Posted in:Feminist