I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Yoga Pose for Christmas of the Day


Britney Spears struck a Yoga Pose, as most white girls do, except in OTTAWA CANADA where they banned Yoga from a college because in being extremely PC, they’ve decided Yoga is cultural appropriation, like wearing a native Head dress…while half the people who banned the yoga class for diabled people, even after a re-name was suggested, had the hindi septum ring…and/or the wore the Hindi dot between their eyes…because White people are the fucking worst in their “inclusion”…without realizing Yoga is hot…

I guess Britney was stretching to deal with her mental illness her family convinced her she had – so that they could keep possession of her and her earnings….before making a public appearance…for Christmas…that she documented pretty extensively…even though Christmas is against the law in America….since it is not inclusive, but racist Southern Christians and their confederate flags…won’t give up on it yet….

The world is so stupid…HOWEVER…Britney’s parents aren’t…they got this all figured out…and they’re hicks…making me question you and your abilities.

If you want to watch the video…here…

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




American Music Award Round-Up of the Day

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I know the American Music Awards were on last night because people were posting about it on my facebook. Three or four stories from the American Music Awards actually were “trending” on facebook, meaning people actually still care about this shit, even in a time when we have Netflix and other options…

I read that ABC was going to livestream the event, knowing that without doing that, no one would watch, and if no one watched, advertisers wouldn’t pay millions to sponsor, so I guess companies are finally realizing, like they did in the 50s, that if you give TV to people for free, you can run ads…and that the 4 or 5 decades of cable providers were just scamming viewers double dipping. Saying “Hey Pay Us to See Ads from Us”…assholes…

But there was a time when Dick Clark, before he was Ryan Seacrest, created this show as an offshoot to his American Bandstand and people took the AMAs seriously…like a legit event…because these people love their egos massaged with bullshit awards that make them feel more important amongst themselves..and that time was so fucking long ago…

For as long as I can remember, the AMAs were the bootleg award show, that even invited me to attend once..in 2006…because clearly they were desperate…and like with women, I discount anyone who lets me in them….

Either way, it’s been a pile of shit forever, celebs still participate because they like excuses to party and celebrate their industry as they scam the public, who watch hoping for a scandal..

Like the tree trending stories of “the girl crying in the awful Celine tribute to france”…the “Alanis Morisette and Demi Lovato duet”….the “Nicki Minaj dirty Look to J.Lo dancing to her song”…

This is what our world is coming to….what the fuck..there are real fucking issues out there..which is why I refuse to watch or participate in any of this bullshit and encourage you to not participate either…unless it’s looking at the slutty pics the next day, because slutty pics, even associated with shitty awards or even shitty porn or even shitty clubs or strip clubs…are worth looking at…I mean even if it was the most terrible ISIS, terrorizing and murdering the west, much like the AMAS, I’d still watch the slutty pics associated with it…because I like slutty behavior..

Yes, I just said that American Music Awards are like ISIS…attacking our freedom..the real cultural terrorists…here are some of the pics..


Ciara, Elle Goulding, Hailee Steinfeld, Chirstina Milian, Gwen Stefani, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Olivia Holt, Gigi Hadid, J.Lo…who gives a fuck…

We can all agree – these people are better on mute…


Posted in:American Music Awards|SFW




Even a Dog with Balls Won’t Look at Kate Upton’s Ass of the Day

I make fun of Kate Upton for being the most overrated, pig of a model, who is plus sized but in denial..because for some reason the industry forces some girls to starve themselves, other girls to call themselves plus sized, yet Kate Upton, who is huge, even monster sized, gets the cover of magazines like Vogue, and is jerked off to by many because she’s got huge doughy tits, that match her doughy body, but that are so doughy, people eat them up like cookie dough, that’s probably what they are made of….despite her not even being hot…

She’s in movies, she’s rich as fuck…and she’s gross…especially in her leggings…that even a dog, who normally eats garbage and panties, sniffing old periods and yeast infections on the laps of women everywhere…but wants nothing to do with this…

I guess in a lot of ways…this dog is the oracle…it just gets it..


Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Sofia Vergara Got Married of the Day

A video posted by Sofia Vergara (@sofiavergara) on

Sofia Vergara married some actor…because she is also an actor…and I guess it is a reminder to instagram whores everywhere, especially the immigrant, hispanic, fresh off the boat in the Miami Port ones, that if they stick to showing their tits, partying with the rich guys, they too may be typecast for what ends up being a massive fucking show…and all it takes is fucking strategically…it can even happen if you’re a single mother…but may help if you’re Colombian and have access to all the right cocaine channels to help the rich guys have even more fun than just your tits when they roll through Miami..before one falls in love and drags you to LA with them…to make everyone a lot of money…

You know, as well as I know, that Sofia Vergara’s story of being that single mom, who smuggled herself to America…pulled some shady non-status things…possibly even an anchor baby or two…all while being hot enough to pull it off..reminding us that maybe, if all the illegals looked like this…people like Donald Trump, who is married to an immigrant..would be more tolerant…because of her tits..

I mean…this is a “fairy tale wedding” at 45….and a reminder…anything can happen…but it usually requires being hot with huge tits…

I think she’s overrated –

Here she is for some wedding magazine….

Posted in:SFW|Sofia Vergara




Salma Hayek’s Huge Old Mexican Tits of the Day

I wonder where Salma Hayek’s life would have ended up if she looked like most of the Mexicans I know…all Mayan and built short, stalky, with no neck…often times 30-50 lbs overweight because of all the corn tortillas they eat at the Mexican restaurant they work at or sometimes own…trying to milk the taco and burrito crazy to white people of the north…looking for a taste of the south…especially on birthday parties or office lunches…complete with Sombrero’s and crushed Ice Maragritas…racists…

I am assuming…she’d probably still be in Mexico…but lucky for you she’s got the dumbest fucking tits around…and here she is showcasing them in the most insanely, non-subtle way…it’s like BEACH balls or some shit…on the level of Trashy, or Elvira…like she knows it’s all we care about…because its all we care about…


Posted in:Salma Hayek|SFW




Looks like Life Worked Out for Carmen Electra of the Day

Carmen Electra 22

I remember when Carmen Electra was in Playboy so long ago. She turned it into a hosting job at MTV. She turned that into TV and Cameos in movies….and a bunch of random marriages…all being just a set of trashy tits on a trashy girl…who in this era would be low level instagram model…pure cheesy….but there was a time she was really fucking dialed in, and really fucking mattered..

Well, all things come to an end, and when I saw her hosting some random low level party in Montreal a few years ago, I realized despite how hard she tried, she was done…even if she looked as hot as a plastic, filled, botox, LA chick can look…she was old, done, expired…

I think this pic, is just a perfect representation of where her career is…


Posted in:Carmen Electra|SFW




Stella Hudgens Has Nipple Rings of the Day


Stella Hudgens is High School Musical Vanessa Hudgens’ little rounder sister, who I don’t think is really in the industry, or even trying to be in the industry like the other poptart sisters of yesteryear…who ended up getting knocked up early on…like Solange, Jamie-Lynn Spears and Ashley Simpson….because I guess their way to try to stand out to their parents who are so involved in the older siblings life…is to either star a family of their own…to find love…or to do it for attention…or because they are empty sluts who crave being filled…with sperm….to ease the sads…

Well, Stella Hudgens, doesn’t seem to be as eager for a career as the other sisters who actually have recording albums, she’s more of a ride with the last name…but she does seem into the attention she gets for having tits, she even got them decorated with jewels to show them off to the world in a “you’ve all seen my sister’s nudes, I’m the one with the tits”…it’s her competitive advantage in the family…her go to…her “at least I have tits”….

I just wish she was more into showing her spread pussy, you know at least try the one thing the sister was so good at…leaking nudes before it was a thing…

But I’ll still stare…cuz I like Nipples..

Here’s some Vanessa Hudgens at an Event…


Posted in:SFW|Stella Hudgens




Lizzy Cundy Nipple Slip of the Day

Her name is Lizzy Cundy, she’s some trashy British chick who with the lipstick on her teeth, and size of her implant, looks exactly like the kind of girl who would pull her tit out at an event…you know just like the Royal family only gutter as fuck prostitutes who grace the pages of “Lad Mags” as either Glamour Models, or gutter as fuck prostitutes in trashy reality TV show….showing their silly clown tits…hoping for a Soccer husband to knock them up and give them the good life…because in the UK, if you have all your teeth, and silly tits, you’re considered a quality woman…and if you pull out your tits at events…clearly…you’re a quality woman..

To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Lizzy Cundy




Miley Cyrus Sucking Fingers in Concert of the Day

I know the American Music Awards were on last night but despite the trending stories on Facebook that I assume they paid Facebook to seed to the world…due to ad dollars depending on it…the real story for me is Miley Cyrus in her new stage performance, that is obviously sexually charged, with strap ons and fake tits that look like real tits…that include her sucking on people’s fingers as they hold out money for her…like some kind of strip club I’ve never been to..but that would be how Disney would portray a Strip Club, sensationalized and dramatic…and not sad…real sad…and medicated…that even when the professionally trained dancer with her Master’s of Dance from some weird dance conservatory…has no soul…but she does grind you for 10 dollars a song…making it all ok…

Here are all of Terry’s Pics with Miley – Including Labia and Possibly Asshole – that are All Pretyt Amazing and How I want to see all popstars….

I am loving her hipster skinny small tit bush rockin’ body…this is porn to me…and I guess porn to all the Christians too…


Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Gal Gadot as the New Wonderwoman of the Day


Hey virgin losers…I know you are out there because who the fuck would be reading a site about celebrities no one cares about…and their cleavage…like it’s hot…in a world filled with porn and other websites that have all this bullshit content way sooner because interns at all the other publications are working in teams of 20 for 24 hours a day…waiting for the instagram feed to give them a story…while my site makes 3-7 dollars a day that barely pays for a server….and is just me talkin’ shit…most people don’t understand.

But the pics..there are pics..and today’s pic is your new Wonder Woman, a show people in their 40s will remember…and she posted this really revealing pic of her looking more like a Star Wars charcter than a 70s TV leotard you jerked off to…right..

Here’s some more Gal Gadot, because I’ve never posted a pic or story on this bitch..but now, she mattters…once you’re in with the nerds, they commit…

She’s pretty fucking hot..

Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW