I'll Make You Famous…




Kate Hudson Booty Pop in a Bikini of the Day


Kate Hudson, celebrity daughter turned celebrity, who has been the leading lady in a bunch of movies over the course of her career, that was so challenging to get, seeing as her parents were pretty fucking connected, more interestingly has had far more roles as the leading lady in sex with rich LA dudes…seriously, everyone has fucked this ass…

She’s in her late 30s now, a mom of at least one kid, but her little booty she’s always had, is still looking a good amount of round, so why not post it on instagram for her groupies and fans…because her ass is what all of us want to see of her…we’re not interested in her barely there tits…her old lady face….or her used up mom vagina…

I guess what it comes down to is that I like seeing girls posting booty pics..even when they are old, washed up, ladies..I am so deep as a thinker…a modern day philosopher..

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence Funny Horseback Rider in Vogue December of the DAy

I think we can all agree….that nothing Jennifer Lawrence does will ever be as interesting as her “hacked”…or “leaked”…pics that came out around this time last year….They featured her tits, rumored asshole, hot pink pussy lips and even a facial…

There is no movie, magazine, appearance that the young multi-millionaire…with her Academy Award nominations will do that will ever be quite as good…even if in 10 years, when she’s forgotten, but just some rich woman who once made movies, and she revisited the nudes…it wouldn’t be as amazing as when she was 23…and didn’t want the pics seen…

So in some ways she’s peaked, in other ways, she’s just getting started with the whole keep on winning awards because apparently, despite her whining, she’s the only bitch who knows how to act or is worthy of being in movies…I don’t know why…but it is what it is…let’s call Hollywood predictable, insular, consistent in the shit they make..

That said, she’s in Vogue talking about how fat Amy Schumer is but how funny their potty humor, target women, going to make them both billionaires, because they are it girls together…she’s also talking about all the other awkward, overly honest, shitty herself type stories…and most interesting complaining about men making more money than her…while showing off that she can make a horse buck.

I never found her hot…but not I find her hot…all it took was asshole, proving my theory that asshole pics save, if having my respect is considered being saved…I have a feeling it doesn’t…

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Nina Agdal is Naked for Instagram of the Day


Speaking of retard face….

Here’s barely relevant Nina Agdal posing in fully nude instagram pictures, because getting naked is how you get noticed….especially on social media where everyone seems to be getting naked.

There was a time when girls, even models, would hold out on getting naked, they would just cock tease the fuck out of dudes for a long time, which made them seem much hotter than they were, then they’d get offered a movie role or Playboy cover for 100,000 dollars or more, and the world freaked the fuck out…

That doesn’t exist anymore, I think the last big Payout playboy made for a nude model with Kim K, who was already available in video getting fucked…a move that made no sense and that may be why they are struggling…

But since then, we’ve all realized…that if you tell a girl, any girl it is art, or for instagram fame, they’ll be spread open, so long as they aren’t masturbating or getting fucked…that’s the fine line of porn and fame-whoring..

Either way, I am a firm believer that Nina Agdal is pretty close to irrelevance, so crying for attention like instagram models makes perfect sense…

Posted in:Nina Agdal|SFW




Amber Heard for Marie Claire of the Day


When on the subject of Ambers…here’s Amber Heard in Marie Claire…relatively pantsless, in what I like to call the “How to homewreck on Set with your childhood celebrity crush who is much older than you and married”….you know…before sucking him in, and making him choose her…in a powerplay that she doesn’t seem hot enough to pull off..but that I guess she’s hot enough to pull off..because she pulled it off…but then again, the older I get the more open I am to all kinds of younger pussy so long as it is young, it’s the porn generation – they know how to fuck.

Posted in:Amber Heard|SFW




Amber Rose VS Stretching Out Fabric of the Day

We can all agree that Amber Rose is a sex worker who lured in dumb rappers who like sex workers because all rappers love sex worker…and lure in men to hire sex workers is what sex workers do…

But I guess they didn’t realize that some sex workers see opportunity, and it becomes more than just a financial arrangement….it becomes a marriage, because they can’t not maximize the situation presented to them….and when it all fails, they can go back to being a sex worker, this time more famous, so higher for hire rates can be charged…and if you dressed slutty enough the papaarazzi will pay attention..

Either way, here she is fighting with the strength of fabric..


Posted in:Amber Rose|SFW




Selena Gomez in a Cut Out Dress of the Day

selena_gomez1 (1)

Every time I see Selena Gomez’s Chemotherapy surviving, Lupus bloated face, I think of her little fake tits she got to balance out the rest of her, because girls love having tits, and sometimes, that means buying them…

I also think about..this WOMAN WHO HOUSED DISABLED PEOPLE LIKE ZOO ANIMALS ….because she’s got a bit of a retard face…but I’m not hating…

I know retards who sneak out of their homes and disappear for days at a time only to comeback pregnant…unclear on who knocked them up. This one retard I know had it happen to her 5 times…because retards are fucking horny…

Not that Selena Gomez is a retard, she’s just a bratty, spoiled, self involved, well-trained, thanks to parents who said “fuck education, make our monkey dance, then sell her to Disney”….

But she is in a cut-out dress…showing body parts…for those of you who like glimpses of body parts…


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Katy Perry Jesus Freak Fan VS her Dad of the Day

THis video is amazing to me. Mainly because one of my favorite things in the world is crazy Christians. The kind who protest Adult stores. They kinds who think everything is the fucking devil and that society is doomed. The ones who are so deranged in their Christianity that they will do Non-Christian things to fight for Christianity…because they are so fucking misguided…

Like this woman, who found rockstar Dad, who is some kind of Evangelical minister, which means he scams people out of money for fake healing because he understands how to manipulate desperate people, a lesson he taught his daughter Katy Perry, who is clearly the devil, as this woman who found his ministry points out…

I like that she’s filmed the whole thing and uploaded it…maybe it’s a practical joke…or maybe…this is what she believes Jesus wants her to do..And I guess what it comes down to is how hilarious rock and roll minister’s neckpiece is…and I guess her passion and anger…I love “She is a Satanic Woman Who has Led Millions to Hell”…

Sometimes, I forget people like this exist…in this porned up world…with internet access…I am amazed they still exist….I love….the “Your daughter is wicked”…As his daughter makes 120 million a year…more than he ever expected to make scamming people with his ministry…I am amazed people still believe in god…instead of just living a fun life…

Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW




Lauren Layne for Urban Outfitters Lingerie of the Day


I though the people who shopped at Urban Outfitters would be more into buying used dresses at the thrift store and sewing them into panty-like things..you know to really convince themselves that they are hip as fuck and not into the commercialization in this capitalist world…

Or, they’d shop at Victoria’s Secret, the middle of the road mall brand underwear shop, because they just like Urban Outfitters because it makes them look “Coachella”…and that’s so in right now..

Or…they wear Calvin Klein underwear with waistbands like men’s underwear…because it’s a throwback to the 90s…crop top era we’ve already seen, and/or genderbending..

Either way…this lingerie looks like it smells like Body Odor, Vegan cooking, and menstrual cups….

The only thing good about it is potential bush…and I love bush.

Posted in:Lauren Layne|SFW




J.Lo Boxing in a Movie of the Day


J.Lo has finally tapped into her Peurto Rican roots..by beating the fuck out of another girl in what looks like a ghetto brawl, up on some West Side Story shit, much like when the girl gangs of the past found out that another girl fucked their man, only to get beat the fuck down..

Which is nice to see, even if I prefer seeing J.Lo being the one getting beat the fuck up, because I think she hasn’t exploited her Peurto Rican roots enough to have this massive fucking career…all while being unable to formulate a sentence on Spanish..because that’s just how Latina she is…

What I am saying at, is that all these years of her Spanish New York accent…pushing the Spanish booty…without knowing about the culture, and without actually taking time to learn the language to support her bullshit story….you know to make it more believeable..

What an idiot..but she’s in a bra…punching….and you like that…


Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Joan Smalls for Calvin Klein of the Day


Joan Smalls is a black model who is in her Calvins, a brand that managed to bring back their underwear style from the 90s, in really no fucking time, they just got everyone on board, and thanks to social media, it went viral, so that underwear that I assume has been available the last 2 decades even though you haven’t seen girls wearing them….but that’s just because they didn’t see all their favorite social media whores in them…and as drone copycat lemmings…they have no choice but to get up on it, otherwise, I don’t know if they’d be able to exist in this world as an equal…

I guess what I am saying is that trends have always exists, but now trends that were once for the elitist hipsters, are spread massively and broadly because people are all the fucking same and their are no “scenes” anymore….just a bunch of followers pretending not to be followers thanks to the soapbox social media has given them..

That said, Calvin released these pics of model Joan Smalls, who is black….strategically timed to when Victoria’s Secret fired a black model and replaced her with Kendall, since GIGI and Kendall have some backdoor deal, and not the kind of backdoor I like, but more GIGI pays Kendall to create GIGI and Kendall makes GIGI take her on the ride…

So VS fired a cunty model named Jourdan DUNN. Rihanna quit because BlackLivesMatter…and people went nuts, even if thinking Dunn getting fired was a black thing is racist in and of itself…maybe she’s just a cunt..

Well, Calvin didn’t miss a beat, since they want all those VS social justice warrior shoppers in Calvin selfies, like a 30 dollar pair of underwear make a person cool….

So they put this out…and I just like models in underwear…I don’t like posting brands…they don’t pay me, so fuck them…but models in underwear trick me in….