I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez Lingerie Selfie of the Day


Selena Gomez posted a picture of herself in lingerie…so you can really grasp what a photoshopped, fake tit, troll Mexican body looks like half naked….the kind of body that Bieber broke the heart of….a Disney girl who had no childhood…but seems to be doing just fine enough to get naked enough to get noticed…

We can assume this is some tips she gathered at the Taylor Swift sisterhood cult meeting…..even though it’s less interesting than the rumors that Taylor Swift is a cokehead and was doing coke at the VMAs, because all these Hollywood A-Personalities are and her boyfriend is a fucking DJ….where people do drugs everyday…shocking….

It’s still Selena GOmez in lingerie….black and white, artistic, and tame as fuck…


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Ashley Benson’s in a Bikini on Snapchat of the Day


People get made when I call Ashley Benson chubby…

That said, Ashley Benson is chubby…

Maybe not in normal person standards, like the girl next door you jerk off to when she’s in a bikini may be fatter.

But this is Hollywood, crazy famous, on a massive show, Ashley Benson…..and if we ignore the current leaders acting from Amy Schumer, Jennifer Lawrence, to the Fat AUstralian, who Ashley Benson is clearly not as fat as…and if we ignore girls we fuck who are not hollywood…I think we can all agree…or you can just complain about me calling some girl fat while looking at her snapchat pics..

Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Robot Jessica Alba Programmed To Whore Herself of the Day


Jessica Alba is a fucking robot…

A robot in her acting, that needs a software update to be believable in any of her two dimensional roles, but a robot none the less….

And she’s set to “Make Money. Make Money”…mode..

Because everything she does or promotes is some commercial endorsement bullshit…from this, to the coconut water on her vag, to whatever else I’ve posted on her recently…it’s just ridiculous…but still one of the hottest bodies with two kids…so maybe we should be throwing money at her, instead of all these other dumpier bitches…

I’m superficial like that…at least when talking about famous overpaid pieces of shit stains on society….

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Kate Moss and Kate Moss Impersonator Together in a Campaign of the Day

It is possible that Cara Delevigne, the party socialite turned Model / Actress who clearly idolizes Kate Moss and does a similar hustle as Kate Moss…is not actually trying to emulate Kate Moss…so hard that she’s even brought Kate Moss into her campaigns so that they can hang out and be BFFs like Cara Delevinge wants so badly….because who wouldn’t want hang with your idol when you have the reach to hang out with your idol….except maybe for me, because I idolize homeless crazy people, because less commitments and responsibility and the I don’t give a fuck attitude that allows you to throw feces at the mirror..of public bathrooms everywhere…and have no interest in being with them, but rather more interest in being them..

It is possible that they were in this campaign together because they are the only British women with teeth….

Or maybe it is possible that the British people have bad teeth joke was played out when Austin Powers did it, and 20 years later, played out now…

But if you spend time in Pubs, you’ll know, the majority of British girls in pubs look like grey skinned trolls that crawled out from under the bridge..

These two girls…aren’t trolls.

That’s it..


Posted in:Kate Moss|SFW




The Tits from the Blurred Lines Video in InStyle is the Joke of the Day


Emrata is getting a little too confident in her business as an actor. I guess she’s booking jobs and feels that she can finally put her tits away and let people focus on her bird face, because that bird face is getting paid to be in movies now, so fuck you for calling it a bird face, it’s better than your face…kind of thing…

Because she’s put her tits away..

I think it’s a little premature considering her big movie she just did was the lowest opening movie ever….in the history of movies…because tits…only take a girl so far…they are good for Viral videos and instagram…but not filing seats…unless you’re Jennifer Lawrence’s Fappening…that made her less annoying…but Emrata is not Jennifer Lawrence, not in the same Hollywood…so far from Jennifer Lawrence she’s not even considered a bootleg Jennifer Lawrence…

Posted in:Emrata|SFW




Iza Goulart’s FItness of the Day

Skipping, or really any fitness in a bkini rather than in fitness clothes, or an oversized pair of sweat pants and baggy t-shirt, because girl just wants to sweat it out, is a pretty clear “I’m posting porn, really softcore porn, to my instagram”…

Or maybe she’s a bikini model, and girl just can’t get out of a bikini, because it’s either graphed to her robot body, like a doll you get at the dollar store for your doll fetish…who you just can’t get the skirt off ..

Either way, she’s pretty fucking fit…so fit that you may be into dudes…if you like it too much…not because I’m against fit girls, who are 6 feet tall, but because she’s got higher testosterone than me from this hanging onto modeling nonsense..

Posted in:Iza Goulart|SFW




Niykee Heaton Ass for Snapchat of the Day


Niykee Heaton is some youtube star who got famous on her 18th birthday thanks to being featured on World Star Hip Hop…on her 18th Birthday…and signing to some Record label shortly after…

I assume that’s some bullshit story, and based on her slutty pics, she’s never in pants, that is slutty, because if you’re always in your underwear at home, blogging about nonsense…it’s acceptable, pathetic, even sad by acceptable..

Good news…I like sluts…

So when a girl does it for instagram, you know…she’s doing it for likes…and attention, and I’m watching because she’s a young girl showing off her full fucking ass…

hat said, she’s got the Kylie Jenner look…but I was standing outside a club and apparently it’s a look. I don’t really know how all these thick girls turn overeating and hormones in the food into fat asses, fake tits and a tiny waist, but they do…

The world is a crop top and leggings or short short for Young Girls….This is the Look, ready for a rap video, or more likely a black guy who thinks he’s a rapper at the local club to stuff the shit deeper into her…because #nobabies…

Posted in:Niykee Heaton|SFW




100 Years of Lingerie because Why Not of the Day

These Youtube videos are the fucking worst..but for some reason…I feel compelled to post it, even though 3,000,000 people have already seen it, old news, but since no one visits the site for the latest of anything, even though I surprisingly post a lot of this nonsense before other sites, while not even trying, which I guess is a testament to how shitty other publications are…

That said, I didn’t watch this video, but it has the word lingerie in it and that is just a direct connection to my brain and what I think is relevant..

I like big tits too…

I’m basic…

Posted in:Videos




Taxi Driver Not Uber Driver and Other Videos of the Day

Drunk Russian…

Drunk Guy Takes a Dump on Someone’s House

Back To School Shopping!

Soap Dispenser Doesn’t Like Back People

Dude Just Knocking People Out

Public Stripping of a Woman Who Banged Another WOman’s Husband

Dog Playing I Phone Video Game…

Syrian Refugee Gave Birth on BUdapest Street…Because She’s a Refugee…

Jeb Bush Exhausts Some Girl…

Teen Cat Fight

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


Asking people the weirdest place they’ve masturbated is both a blessing and a curse..when they tell you in your bed when they were staying with you a few weeks earlier…and they are your grandmother…

Why the fuck are you asking your grandmother the weirdest place she masturbated? Weirdo..

Does anyone even read this? I know I wouldn’t…

Friday, FRY DAY, Fried Day, Day…none of it matters…it’s all the same horrible curse…

Coco’s Cameltoe Talks ABout Her Vagina…

Girl Selfies…

Kat Torres is a WHore in a Bikini – People Love That..

Nipple Car…

Scarjo Gender Bender…

Some Chick in Lingerie…who Doesn’t Matter..But is in Lingerie

Girls Bending….It’s a Fetish…

Dude Builds a Flying Helicopter Out of Drones…

Posted in:stepLINKS