I'll Make You Famous…




Kylie Jenner’s Short, Chubby Legs of the Day

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So here’s Kylie Jenner, no longer 17, and thus no longer exciting to an America, that as Jared proved, is not allowed to have sex with 17 year old, unless you’re TYGA and the family doesn’t press charges….because when they are 17 and slutty, they are the forbidden fruit…but when they turn 18, the truth comes through…the face tranny, the ass sloppy, even at 18, from being banged out by black dudes who like trannys, while rocking a tranny face, while your bio father is a tranny…

Arguably, a tranny because steroids fucked up his hormone structure leaving him high estrogen, or maybe a diversion to plea insanity in today’s possible “Manslaughter” charges, or maybe he just wants to be in women’s prison….

Arguably, just one more thing to make this Kylie, in all her delusions, slowly move closer to the crazy that is inevitable and that we anxiously await…because if the industry raped Lohan from every angle, destroying her, the least the industry can do is rid the world of this family..it is only fai when life is unfair..

More interestingly, here’s the other Kylie, we call her Kendall, and her Ass in a Bikini flying…

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Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio in a Bikini in Greece of the Day


The Greek Prime Minister, President or King, who I assume is named George and makes great Souvlaki, just stepped down from his position due to the whole Greece going bankrupt…making it too hard for him moustached face….

So Why not celebrate new beginnings with some Alessandra Ambrosio ass in a bikini in Greece…

Because other than the whole inventing Anal sex, thanks to abundant olive oil…Greece is known for the beaches and what I assume affordable holidays…for multi millionaire models who don’t actual pay for their vacations…


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Lara Stone for W Korea of the Day


Lara Stone is naked enough in W Korea…showing off her gap, unforunately not her Gash, not that her Gash would be that exciting, she’s old, and really all that matters when it comes to Lara Stone is her tits…and her shitty attitude that involved trying to sue me for posting honeymoon pics of her that weren’t even topless….and that even if they were, she should chill the fuck out on it, because we’ve already seen her tits and her sacred Honeymoon is just a precursor to divorce…

Divorce she’s currently involved in..

Divorce that probably inspires this “Look at my titties” shoot..

Posted in:Lara Stone




Natalie Westling Topless for Vogue Paris of the Day


Natalie Westling was porn in January 1997….

I originally read 1977…and I wrote this post thinking she was old….

It went a little somethng like …

What the fuck is this Natalie Westling freak….not only is she a red head, with her super red head strength and pain threshold, thanks for being a demon….but she’s all almost 40 years old and looks like she’s 17….

But then I found out she’s barely 18….making me restructure this post to:

What the fuck is this Natalie Westling freak….not only is she a red head, with her super red head strength and pain threshold, thanks for being a demon….but she’s all 18 years old and looks like she’s 17….and she’s showing her tits…

Jared from Subway would love this shit…if only he read Vogue…instead of his go to “12 year Old Anal Queens”….or whatever the fuck those weirdos watch…

Either way…I like this Natalie Westling….

Posted in:Natalie Westling




Raquel Zimmermann Strips for Vogue Paris of the Day


Raquel Zimmermann is a Brazilian model….she’s over 30, which I guess means she’s dead and communicating with us through a psychic medium…or maybe we’re the psychic medium, and by psychic medium, I mean tit pics, because tit pics, bring any tired slag back to life, even if her tits aren’t that great, especially when those tits are model tits….

Only she’s not showing tit pics, she’s just looking like she is in the Doggy Position for some clever fashion spread that reminds me of those Naked/Clothed pics that were big on the internet years ago….i know we have a huge amount of them in the FORUM

I find it interesting, even though most beautiful Brazilian women usually have penis…

Posted in:Raquel Zimmermann|SFW




Anais Pouliot For Love and lemons of the Day


Anais Pouliot is a model from Montreal, who is obviously too good for Montreal, which isn’t saying much, most homeless people are too good for Montreal, but she’s not homeless, she’s out making money after she moved to New York to do lingerie campaigns…where if she stayed here, she’d probably be a bottle service girl, or a stripper, like all the other hot girls, which I guess isn’t all that much different than being a lingerie model, but it has a more prestige and status…

Not that it matters, what matters is that french girls, especailly when they think and are too good to me, which isn’t saying much, most homeless people are too good for me, is french based, and probably broken, and probably into anal on the first date, if she wasn’t with an American dude for a passport and his money, thanks to American dudes with money, loving lingerie models even the low level ones…

All this to say, at least she’s not an instagram model/

Posted in:Anais Pouliot




Ruth Bell Topless with Shaved Head For Vogue Paris of the Day


I have no idea who Ruth Bell is, but I am going to just assume she’s part of the new feminist movement, because the new feminist movement is a massive movement, that companies, brands, media and Miley Cyrus realize they have to pretend to support, while half of their work is extorting women by presenting it as empowerment, when really it is just for consumption and commerce that the girl who is being used naked is not fairly compensated for…and men at the top of the food chain are being paid way more….but don’t tell the models…they think they are building a platform, that they are empowered, and that showing their tits will get their message that we’ve all heard, accross…

It’s silly vigilantism with tits..

Yes, I am assuming she’s a feminist because of her shaved head. I am such a male predator like that…and I believe girls with short hair are all feminst dykes…until they pull out their tits in a photoshoot…then I remember they are no different than a stripper.

Posted in:Ruth Bell




Helena Christensen Nipples for No Tofu of the Day


Helena Christensen has a bit of the old lady model, concerned with her appearance, because her existence has been based on her looks. She’s made all her money based on her looks. She’s probably had all the rich cock because of her looks….She was even cast in the Chris Isaacs Wicked Games music video romance porn straight out of a Romance Novel…because she was a Victoria’s Secret model, hot..and had tits…

Well, she’s still got those tits, but they are much older, despite what she’s trying to trick us with her pornstar looking parazlyzed face.

That music video was probably over 20 years ago, proving that you can maintained sex appeal, but people still get old, the yogurt still expires, and no matter how much botox they shove into their paralyzed plastic face….your big tits and nipples can’t fool me…you’re not a sex toy, despite only being able to make the face of a sex toy, and that in and of itself is worth celebrating…I mean that and her nipples for a magazine with the silliest name ever…

Wearing fetish gear….never too old..for any of that…no matter what your face is telling us…

Posted in:Helena Christensen|SFW




Khloe and Kendall Kardashian in Bikinis of the Day

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Oh yeah…look at the monster Kardashian looking less and less like her tranny stepdad wants to look…you know big and burly, thanks to fitness plastic surgery, and waist training belts I am sure you can buy if you click one of their social media links, all posing with the young one in a bikini, in a series of photos, that attention whores love….for their instagram….and that I love…for the bikini pics…even if they should be anal sex videos. That’s the caliber of talent this is…

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Khloe and Kendall Kardashian and their hybrid Kylie…that I assume was created in the lab in the family’s basement next to their on-call plastic surgeon…to help perpetuate their existence…so that they never die off and keep on hitting us from other angles…marketed to new generations…Khloe to men who are into younger Caitlins, you know the kind of dudes who like being pegged by a monster with tits, while Kendall is the “fashion icon”…and “Kylie” is the young Kim, in the hip hop scene….it’s all so calculated…I’m excited for there to be a freak out…murder suicide when the pressure is just too much for one of them to handle…because they have over-used the media…made a lot of money…and it becomes a breeding ground for serious mental health issues…

The funny thing in all this is that you know they think they are the Royal family of the USA….and USA think they are the Royal Family…because they are keeping themselves alive because of you…

I guess I am part of the problem, not that anyone reads this site, but I’m a sucker for selfies that have been photoshopped, because why look at real things, when we can have vapid, fake, garbage…..like this..on their luxury bikini vacations…

Garbage…I owuldn’t even want to fuck…but I want to fuck anything, it doesn’t even need to be alive…..not that they’d fuck me, obviously they wouldn’t fuck me, they think they are royalty and have so much money, because people are drawn to followers, and they will forever be celebrated by dudes wanting to fuck them….

This is so fucking cheesy….but not as cheesy as the secretions that drip out of their played out, banged out, pussies.

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|Khloe Kardashian|SFW




Beast Feeding a Calf…and Other Videos of the Day

White Men Restrain a Black Man in Nashville Because they are Racist…..and Because he Tried Robbing a Woman….

Careless Wedding Guest Shoots Kid in the Face…what?

Motel 6 Explodes

16 Year Old Murder Suspect Revisits Crime Scene Where He Raped and Killed a Girl….The Dad Wasn’t Into It…

Karate GUY Vs Car

Balcony Fisherman

Kid Stuck in a Chinese Escalator

Truck VS Height Barrier

Girl On Drugs

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos