I'll Make You Famous…




Jennifer Lopez Ass in a Tight Dress of the Day

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J.Lo is 100 fucking years old…

I guess she didn’t get the message, or didn’t want you to think she is, even though she knows that latinas can do no wrong, they don’t even need to speak spanish as long as they identify with being latina, she’s got loyal fans for life….really the only time latinas aren’t loyal, is when you get caught looking at another woman, at which point they violently cut off your penis….normal right…

So in not wanting to accept her age or pile of fucking money, here’s her “birthday” outfit…and botoxed face…and apparently people are into talkng about this, when I am more into encouraging retirement…because every dance her old lady hips shake their way into…I get more and more offended…

But she’s still got a great ass..


Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Katy Perry for Vogue China of the Day


The latest in Katy Perry news is that she’s still an overrated, talentless con artist who has won with her brain washing music, that just gets into all our heads for no reason other than scientific formulas created by the record label to encourage consumption…

She’s also recently reportedly single from John Mayer, a dude girls locally have told me was into ass eating before ass eating was cool, when ass eating was something that would throw off a girl when you asked her to do it after a show, ever those they’d still do it, because he was famous and chose them to go backstage with him, that’s what fans are supposed to do…

Well, like all recently single girls, she’s on a mission to get revenge and I guess, doing obscure market Vogue, with your big tits, even though you can do all markets of VOgue, you’re Katy Perry….

I guess what I’m trying to say is that she’s half naked and doesn’t look nearly as fat as she does in person…

Here’s the video…


Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW




Britney Spears in a Bikini of the Day

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Britney Spears posted this bikini pic in Hawaii where she is on some family vacation or some shit, and I guess she should be in her bikini, because her body is pretty fucking rocking, reminding everyone that if you’re medicated and controlled by people who need you to finance their lives, they can control your food intake, or put you on a treadmill where they walk you for days at a time, while feeding you diuretics, and holding a back of cheetos in front of your face, even though the cheetos Britney Spears jokes are as played out as her ripping lines of the cheetos dust, but when it’s part of someone’s everything, it’s hard to ignore..

ANd I guess when she looks like this…it’s hard to ignore the mom body…that’s tight enough for me…which is more than you can say about her vagina…2 kids..and I assume K-Fed, based on his laziness and ability to be set for life, coupled with all his half black babies with black girls…prove…


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Michelle Rodriguez Grinding a Pole of the Day

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Here’s bisexual, possibly monkey, Michelle Rodriguez, riding a pole…which must be pretty rough on her balls…

I am half the man she is, and I know that that would kill my atrophied testicles….proving that she’s as tough as her biker shoulders look…

She also wore a bikini, awkward, like she was the Original Caitlin Jenner, only she didn’t wait until her testosterone dwindled naturally, rather than come out when she was at the top of her game and the number one athlete in the world…she has been consistent since day one…



Posted in:Michelle Rodriguez|SFW




Abbey Clancy in a Bikini of the Day

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Abbey Clancy, or Abigail Clancy as she was known professionally before she got involved in a cocaine scandal…is a WAG, which means soccer wife, which is something pretty major in Europe since Soccer is the biggest fucking thing..there are thousands of players and every cocktail waitress, low level model, stripper, and high school drop out with fake tits, seems to be one..

It’s good business to lock in a soccer player. You get to all the events, in the tabloids, and that’s way better than serving cocktails…

Soccer players are rich, so sugar baby that shit…right…Sugar baby is code for hooker….

She’s a “lingerie” model, and here are some pics of her ass that she posted, and ass I would possible finance if I was rich too…knowing I could always trade her in when she falls the fuck part at the seams when she hits 35.


Posted in:Abbey Clancy|SFW




Lisa Snowden’s Sloppy Tits of the Day

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Lisa Snowden is some UK Chick with massive fucking tits…I mean if you think 34 D is massive fucking tits…especially when they are hanging all over the motherfucking place when she’s about to go into a massage but the paparrazzi captures the perfect mome

She’s the 45 year old host of some UK top model shit..because I guess she was at one point in time a model..that must have been before my time…because the only Snowden I’ve ever heard of was the NSA dude….and even that I know nothing about…but I do know tits…and if you’re into tits some girl with 34 DD tits is masturbating on snapchat @step_GIRLS for the next 18 hours….and it’s pretty amazing…better than this relatively no name old lady sloppy in a bikini…that I am posting on like she matters…when I have regular hot girls getting naked for me in everyday life…makes me wonder…what’s wrong with me..but that’s just scratching the surface of what’s wrong with me….

What I’m saying is that the real question is…what’s wrong with you..


Posted in:Lisa Snowden




Bill Cosby’s Victims New York Magazine Cover of the Day


I tried soaking this magazine in sedatives….You know some vodka and prescription pills…and these girls didn’t look like anything you would would want to masturbate to…like most magazines…but Bill Cosby did…

This magazine is sad, and full of sexual assault victims, and you should not like or want anything to do with exually assault anything or anyone, but you’ve all heard dudes say “I’d fuck her, I’d fuck that, I’d fuck those tits”..that’s just one “no” away rape…depending how bad motherfucker wants it…or if he’s all talk….and I guess sexual predators go after whatever or whoever they think they are going to get away sexually assaulting….or maybe they go after people they feel led them to believe they weren’t sexually assualting and that they were actively partiicpating, who knows….

I am not surprised Cosby or really any male celebrity is a sexual predator. They are rich, and weird and have egos…and are fucked up…

So the whole thing is as disgusting as you’d expect, 40 or more victims coming forward now, when they could have done it a long time ago, but wouldn’t have been believed, which is why isn’t he in jail.

It happened in an era where rape victims sucked it up…so be happy that the fucker is getting dragged through the mud, that wasn’t a black joke, and getting what he will deserve, because maybe this will bring some awareness to these celebrity dudes who get away with murder….because they are celebrities and can buy their way out of shit…and have egos and god complexes and think they can get away with murder….and girls who throw themselves at them…Bring the fuckers down..

I am just surprised that he isn’t being charged as a child molester, like a Hockey Coach or Choir Leader, because I would have expected him to have been a child molester with the whole having a master’s in education, being a child educator, doing the Fat Albert, JELLO Commercial, Kids Say the Darndest Things…thing…

What I am saying at…is Bill Cosby has always been creepy….

Here’s the story HERE , it’s important…fuck this guy…

Here’s the some Zoe Kravitz…

Posted in:Bill Cosby|SFW




Coco is Pregnant of the Day


I saw this yesterday, and didn’t care, because it was sunday in the summer and I had some girls naked and half naked distracting me by the lake…and even if I was sitting at the wall – staring at my failures…I would still not care…it’s fucking Coco, a stripper, turned hooker, turned wife…to a dude who I guess likes strippers and hookers….with ridiculous asses…who I assume cheat on him…as strippers and hookers do…because they need the constant attention…but was smart enough to say “this silly fake ass act is fading, let’s go with pregnancy, plus pregnancy means solid child support checks for life, helps pay for the stipper sex shop clothing she wears”…and the reality is she’s harmeless, I’m just amazed it’s taken her this long to get to this point, usually hookers lock that in before marriage, I’m also amazed she’s able to get pregnancy in what must be her later 40s, but thank god she’ll have some spoiled kid to pass on her life lessons to…

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Here’s a retrospective of her..or what was her…and that looks like she’s already got 5 kids and probably has the vagina of someone with 5 kids…you know how black cock does it…

Posted in:Coco




Cara Delevingne Twerks in a Skirt on a Windy Day in a Parking Lot of the DAy

Cara Delevigne possibly on drugs, possibly trying to draw attention to herself, possible just being wild and silly as Cara Delevingne seems to do in efforts to be relevant, fun and liked by people more famous than her, because when you have been able to get cast in movies, TV, record an album, all while being a British lesbian rich kid, all because of your popularity….you might as well keep that shit going…so that you don’t lose everything you’ve built, while pretending you don’t give a fuck, but you clearly give a fuck, because if you didn’t want to be famous, you wouldn’t be drawing attention to yourself to get famous and possibly promote your shitty movie you’re promoting…

Apparently she flashes in this video, I just could last 10 seconds in with the white girl commentary going along with it…at least not to see Cara Delevinge twerk like a white girl…and flash…an ass or tits I’ve already seen…maybe I’m over this whole thing…yes…I am over this whole thing…but I keep coming back to it!

Posted in:Cara Delevigne|SFW




Kyle Jenner in an “Eat Me Out” Shirt of the Day

I think the first pussy I ate, I was probably 14 years old, maybe even younger…it was with a high school girlfriend, who was hardly I girl, but I’ve always taken when I can get…no matter how disgusting it is…at least back then before I realized that ugly girls are just as crazy as hot girls…and I’d rather just jerk off than acutally interact and deal with humans…more than just getting them to send me sex videos….

I was 14 in the 90s….this was before porn existed, and I wasn’t the kid molested by my teacher, or exposed to sex in a way that would make me know anything about eating pussy…you know when 14 year olds weren’t as sexed up as they are now…doing 50 shades of grey shit…thanks to society being a bunch of perverts…

I read people are mad, offended, shocked she wore this shirt…at 17….while being a Kardashian, famous from a porn video trashy, rich, hooker of a family…

While I think seeing a 17 year old, who looks 40, thanks to shitty face fillers, and bad make-up, trying to secure herself as an Amber Rose type of hip hop groupie, only rich as fuck, on TV, with no childhood, who has admitted to have fucked, possibly even eating the ass of TYGA….possibly to become his teen wife, all while 3 years older than I was when I used to eat out girls, 20 years ago, before kids are so exposed to shit, that eating out isn’t even what they do…it’s too basic…

Making a parody shirt “Eat Me Out”…..seem definitely not offensive at all….in comparisson to this offensive fucking family…

Meaning, these parents against offensive shit are fighting a fight they’ll never win…this motherfucker and her generation are just too fucked up sexually…

I mean….she looks like a porn star…why is an eat me out shirt offensive when her family and their entire existence is offensive…

A video posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW