I'll Make You Famous…




Nina Agdal’s Panties on a Bike While Smoking of the Day

I’ve seen Nina Agdal in person.

She’s a bit of a monster. She’s also a drunken, probably drugged up wreck, who is rude, and who walks around Miami like she’s the most important thing in Miami, because compared to the other attention whores who live in Miami, she probably is, I mean she’s actually done Sports Illustrated swimsuit, while the other ones just do staged paparazzi…

That said, here she is riding her bike, exposing her panties as her dead vagina grinds up against the bike seat, in what would make you want to sniff the seat, especially in the hot Miami weather…all while smoking a cigarette…and to think I thought this girl had Downs Syndrome or some other disorder….while she’s actually so talented all proven by the multi-tasking…

Either way, not exciting, but it happened…I’d just expect more spread vagina out of this bottom feeder who is already starting to get old as fuck and who should really just secure that sugar daddy she’s probably already milking hard…right…

She’s the worst…


Posted in:Nina Agdal




Miley Cyrus Nipple in a Shirt of the Day

Miley is an exhibitionist, fame seeking, attention loving, circus clown filling god knows what void, but I dig her hustle, her campaign, her strategy, her vision…not because it feels authetic hipster weird, but because it’s trying to be authentic hipster weird, and in this porn generation, that usually means a solid amount of sex and sexuality and exhibitionism…that I assume….is awful, boring, all show…and that in person…she’s just a bratty little troll who doesn’t shut her deep voice up…

But when posting pics like “a masturbate a day keeps the haters away”

a masturbate a day keeps the haters away

Een foto die is geplaatst door Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) op

Or the V Magazine Polaroids…it’s hard to not buy into her bullshit lie…crackhead artist shit…it is impossible to pretend it is real…because it makes her interesting, or more interesting than a vapid, spoiled rich kid pile of shit…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Arianna Grande’s Crotch Shot of the DAy

Everytime I look at a cute little butt on Arianna Grande…I think about Big Sean shoving his 9-10 inch thick black cock in her aggressively, because every white girl I know who fucks back guys tells me, their athleticism goes beyond the Basketball court, but comes hard in the bedroom, and every white girl I know is left with a dead pussy, an orgasm she can’t ever forget, and a love for the black man…she will carry with her for life…because black guys LOVE fucking white girls…or whatever color Arianna Grande is…so I assume that if she’s got her pussy as beat up as I am sure you want to beat it up, but a large object, this cute little butt, is more of a gaping nightmare you’d be happy see keeps wrapped up on TV performances like this…but I’m actually into instertion, I don’t care what color dudes rail girls, 99 percent of men, including asians have bigger dicks than me, so I got no complex…but I know you white racists…fucking hate this sexual history about her…so I like bringing it up…


Posted in:Arianna Grande




Naomi Watts Panty Flash of the Day

Naomi Watts pulled a bit of a Sharon Stone on set of some movie for the paparazzi….no she didn’t DROP HER PANTS AND SHOW OFF HER NIPPLES WHILE SHOPPING , she uncrossed her legs, sat like a bit of a dude, showed what could be panties, because that’s just how Australians do things…sluttier than the classier non-Australians…

She’s pushing 46, She’s got a bunch of kids, so be happy that her Sharon Stone comes with panties…no one needs to see them labias…


Posted in:Naomi Watts




Sharon Stone Shopping Weirdness of the Day

I don’t know what this Sharon Stone picture is….but apparently it’s how Sharon Stone shops…it looks like it is from some video, maybe a movie, and I guess the panties exposed, are competing with her no-bra – because she never wears a bra nipples…

Now, Sharon Stone may be old as fuck. She may have had a career that goes back 3 even 4 decades where she played the hot chick, who may or may not has been celebrated as an actor, but who has definitely been celebrated as a babe…a babe who still gets it…show your pussy, show your tits, fuck everything….get work…make money..so that you can get naked enough in stores everywhere…because you’re Sharon Stone…

Posted in:Sharon Stone




Lara Stone for Vogue of the Day

Lara Stone is the enemy…not because she was just in a campaign she got paid a lot of money by Calvin Klein to be in…where she was riding tween Bieber…like his mom, in her 30s, who stage mommed him, but who isn’t too busy spending all the pre-18 money she made off him…

But because she tried to sue me years ago for her honeymoon pics…where she was in a fucking bikini….with her fat rich husband…when she’s normally paid to SHOW HER FUCKING TITS

Which brings up a good point about these Vogue pics…why the fuck isn’t she SHOWING HER FUCKING TITS

Posted in:Lara Stone




Sarah Hyland for Instagram of the Day

Sarah Hyland has what I assume is a genetic disorder that makes her look like she’s 12, even though she’s in her 20s, and is so experienced in love and relationships, and not the virgin she appears to be, that she’s already had at least one restraining order from some bullying boyfriend, who I guess thought her young look, meant he could beat the fuck out of her, like an uncle at a family dinner after too many drinks, tucking in his neice…

That said, she’s spent the last 5 years on the Modern Family set, making money and more importantly, learning everything she knows from Sofia Vergara…which I guess along with abusive relationships like a hispanic is used to…this exhibitionism..showing what you got…happened..and it’s good.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Cindy Crawford for the Evening Standard of the Day

I normally make fun of older ladies, because I know that in their middle-age, they are jealous of the younger girls who still have their sex appeal. I know when I see them shopping, or wearing their daughter’s clothes that they’re struggling with aging….that their hotness is no more but that they will workout, they will get botox and implants…and they will end up looking like pornstars at the end of it all..and I figure…help them feel old, make them insecure, leads to them performing better in bed when you get with them and tell them you’re used to 20 year olds…try it, it works…

THat said, Cindy Crawford in her panties, in bed…is amazing…and I guess you can use this to send to all your 50 plus girls you want to fuck saying “why don’t you look this good, you’re younger than her”….if done right, she’ll ride you to prove to you…that looking like Cindy Crawford doesn’t matter as much as the spirit put into it riding you.

Posted in:Cindy Crawford




Jourdan Dunn for Vogue UK of the Day

I was sitting by a pool in Miami a month ago next to Jourdan Dunn, because I’m fancy and luxurious and like Forrest Gump, I manage to trick the fucking world, or in this case the occasional girl to pay for me to go on their adventures, in exchange for my amazing company…

I took this picture

Because I am a creeper and creeping is what I do…

She is tall as fuck, I went up to her elbow, but in my defense I am only 5 foot 2, and now she’s in Vogue UK…and making me feel like I really know how to spot up and coming talent, but unfortunately, in Jourdan Dunn’s case…Victoria’s Secret beat me to it.

Posted in:Jourdan Dunn




Megan Fox in a Bikini of the Day

Mom of two, Megan Fox, was in a bikini with her handler, who I assume fucks her really fucking good, blinding her from reality, stifling her career that could have been much more than mom of two, showing off her 6-pack, despite being a mom of two, not because she’s a superhuman, but because her body is all she has going for her, and without it, she’s just another has been hot chick who can’t act, but who looks good, despite all her plastic surgery…so she works for it..

Now I don’t care about Megan Fox, she’s old news, the ravaged baby making that happened to her vagina, just killed any little bit of interest I may have had in her, I just think her body is pretty banging, no matter what evil it represents, and I can see past that evil and send it to all the moms I know who don’t look like this, to mock them and call them out on their “Can’t lose my baby weight” lie.


Posted in:Megan Fox