I'll Make You Famous…




Josephine Skriver in Some Boring as Fuck Catalog Pics of the DAy

Josephine Skriver is a bikini mode from Denmark.

She is the product of a gay dad, knocking up a lesbian mother and living around that community her entire life, which doesn’t really mean anything other than that she probably had a good upbringing because no gay guy I know would ever knock up a lesbian, which means they probably really wanted her, unlike straight people who have kids because they accidentally get carried away one of the 3 times they fuck a day and cum inside…or maybe, just maybe, she skipped the pill as a trap…either way…gay sperm only gets in lesbian uterus when their Josephine is seriously wanted…

She’s doing some shitty catalog pics. I don’t find catalog pics ever exciting. I am far more into her nude work…that you can see HERE and HERE ….kind of the look the lingerie company she’s working for should do.

Posted in:Josephine Skriver




Alessandra Ambrosio Bikini Pictures of the Day

Bikini model, Alessandra Ambrosio, was in a bikini…posing with an inner tube and her kid while I was staring at her ass….

Partially because it is pretty amazing, but mainly because this is some supernatural shit that doesn’t make sense to me.

Her ass looks great, but kids always destroy a woman – both spiritually and more importantly physically – despite what they will tell you – because mom’s feel guilty about admitting their kids fucking suck, since they were shat out of their vaginas and that doesn’t work for their egos, especially not after ruining their lives for the unappreciative fuckers. But I’m sure their husbands can.


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Lily ALlen Thinks She’s 15 of the Day

I am a firm believer that Lily Allen is the fucking worst. She’s some rich brat from the UK who managed to have a few solid pop albums…despite not looking like a popstar…or acting like a popstar…but rather being more of a comedy or novelty act…that wasn’t even hot to look at, or interesting to listen to….

But as a rich brat from the UK, that scam she pulled wasn’t enough for her, and she had to come back at us 10 years later, with a bit of more fit of a body, even with two kids in tow…and for some reason Miley Cyrus is allowing her to be the opening act…

It’s like she’s trying to be that popstar she always wanted to be, but always hit the mar on, despite selling as many albums as those popstars by not being a popstar…but her ego just won’t let her either continue to make music as Lily Allen…it instead is making her twerk on stage, and dress like this in public, despite being in her 30s…

It’s fucking weird and makes me feel uncomfortable…and not because I want to fuck her despite being disgusted by her…something that always makes me uncomfortable…but because I find the whole thing very sad…how broken her soul must be…to try to fit in with Miley..it’s some crazy delusional shit…


Posted in:Lily Allen




Izabel Goulart’s Bikini Bottoms of the Day

There was a period of time where I was fascinated by Izabel Goulart’s workout videos, because watching a girl workout is fucking hot, especially when it is slow motion, not based on technique, and not actually giving tips in how to incorporate it into a workout, but rather just making the shit as sex as can be – because she’s a bikini model…and sexy is what she does…

But now I find them boring..I have A.D.D. and I figure if I’ve seen it once, I’ve seen it enough, and in her case I’ve seen it dozen of times, so unless she switches it up, or does it naked…I’m not into it….

I guess I am over the whole “This is fascinating, girls in the gym don’t look like this, and my wife doesn’t look like this, her only exercise is shovelling food down her throat”…..excitement of Izabel Goulart…

But I am not over her body…in selfies…from any and all angles…seriously…

Posted in:Izabel Goulart




Olivia Cooke Topless in a Movie GIF of the Day

Olivia Cooke is some 20 year old from some show called BATES HOTEL, that I assume is a bad rip off of Psycho, kind of like the Vince Vaughn remake of Psycho…a movie that should have never happened, because there was already the original for us to reference.

It’s been done, and now they are doing the TV version…to showcase the life of Norman Bates before the movie, so we know the real backstory why he Killed Jamie Lee Curtis’ mom…..Jamie Lee Curtis, a rumoured hermaphrodite…

I guess it’s really complicated to come up with a new show about a motel owner with mommy issues in the middle of no where who kills people…

Anyway, this GIF is of her tits from some movie she was in, and we like tits, at least I do…and that’s why I am posting it.

Posted in:Olivia Cooke




Troian Bellisario Doing Slutty Yoga of the Day

Troian Bellisario is some Pretty Little Liars girl who I’ve never heard of, but who I assume is hugely famous in the teen market, because all those fuckers watch the shit, and I haven’t interacted with someone under 20 in at least a decade because they are annoying.

I have however watched the teen choice awards, where it felt like all their idols and talent that are making moves are really cheesy fucking people. Like zero level of amazing, edgy or interesting. All little twats who seem like they belong in a stage show at Disney WOrld…because thanks to the internet..people’s tastes have gone to shit..

But at least, as Troian Bellisario, is proving..they know how to do slutty activities and present them as not being slutty, for their social media…because tits get hits and so do awesome poses in leggings..

Posted in:Troian Bellisario




Courtney Stodden Bikini Nipples of the Day

Courtney Stodden is a magical bottom feeding attention seeking princess. Sent from what I assume was a small town strip club where she met her famous enough person to attach herself to with the right storyline to make tabloids eat up her nonsense….

People laugh at her…because she is a comedy act and a bit of a joke, but the real joke in all of this is that so many bottom feeders who wish that had the level of media attention this one has, can’t seem to pull it off. Meaning Courtney Stodden, is more clever than most bottom feeders…and out of all the 1000s of wish they were famous bottom feeders…she is winning. MEANING…she’s one of the best bottom feeders she is…all while rocking some of the best fake tits, because fake tits are meant to look fake that’s why they are called fake tits..otherwise they would be called “Imitation Tits”

Posted in:Courtney Stodden




Tweaker and Other Videos of the Day

Cops Raiding the Wrong House

People Stealing a Cow in India

Explosives Used at this Gas Station Robbery

Drunk Shoplifter

Idiot Accidentally Shoots and Kills His Friend

Idiot VS Police

Old Guy Falls Off a Donkey

Cop Saves Bridgejumper

Street Fight of the Day

Posted in:Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

NavyPrinincess is our latest stepGIRL…what do you think of her…

I think she’s the kind of girl who I could potentially premature ejaculate to – provided I could still get erections…but I am a firm believer that my wife ruined that whole boner thing for me…thanks to her obesity…the same obesity that is the reason for my hatred of fat girls. Once you’ve wiped a fat girls ass cuz she can’t reach. You’ll get it.

Here are some morning links..

I find it upsetting that people are Trolling Zelda Williams – I don’t think her “social media” persona is representative of her relationship with her dad – and I don’t think any family member is to blame when someone ends their life – if anything they are the victims

18 People Taking Advantage of Being Bald

Lisa Opie and Ana Braga in Bikinis

The Best Dive Bar in Every State

Prank Your Way Out of a DUI

So Many Booties

Kim Kardashian Booty in a Tight Dress

Stuff By Hilary Duff – Jacked Into her Tight Pants


Cara Santana Abs!


Lauren Bacall Has Died at 89 and Was Probably Still better Looking Than Anything You’ve Fucked

Posted in:stepLINKS




Caroline Wozniaki is a Babe of the Day

Caroline Wozniacki, who was 12-1 favorite last night to Zhang, is recently single and pretty fucking amazing.

I was at a tennis event last week, because I am a pervert and also a fan of women’s tennis. I think the two come hand in hand…because the sport itself is easy enough for me to understand and the short skirts and grunting are easy for me to get excited by…

I kind of forgot that Caroline Wozniaki existed…because despite loving women tennis players in all their athletic glory…I don’t really follow the circuit…but on Friday, I stared intently as these breasts as they bounced with every swing of the racket and her shorts jacked up her ass with every grunt…because I guess that’s just what I fucking do…

Here are some pics of her from Instagram….

Posted in:Caroline Wozniacki