I'll Make You Famous…




Kate Upton Must be Pregnant of the Day

I’ve been calling Kate Upton a pic since day one. I have been getting hate mail for calling Kate Upton a pig since day one. I was just fascinated how someone with average looks and a really shitty body could get as far as she did. Then I found out that her grandfather invented the Washing Machine, that she was rich as fuck, and I guess rich girls know people, and those people, hooked a sister up…

So all my seemingly hateful things I said about Kate Upton, were really me just trying to make sense of her. Knowing tits that big would have a belly and ass that would catch up…but maybe, just maybe she’d take all the criticism to heart, stop eating, start working out and really show kids how to be hot and healthy all at the same time…

But apparently, she was more into the cash grab, take all the jobs she can get and then land a pro Athlete, because they run in the same circles, seeing as she’s a Sports Illustrated model…then settle down and have kids because despite saying she’s 22, she has the body of a 38 year old about to use up her last egg…

But here she is, walking the streets for the paparazzi…in what looks like Maternity wear….up on some Roseanne Barr during the fat years kick…

Is it possible that she’s pregnant, or is she just fat?

Who Knows. Who Cares…well I guess Justin Verlander from the Detroit Tigers does….

Who Knows. Who Cares…well I guess Justin Verlander from the Detroit Tigers who are 2-1 favorites TONIGHT and not whether Kate Upton is Fat or Pregnant, because even if she’s pregnant – she’s still too fat to be a top model and with every picture taken of her – she mocks the entire industry. Now stare at her big everything and love it, or hate….just know it exists.

Posted in:Kate Upton




Heidi Klum Topless Titty Grab for Instagram of the Day

Heidi Klum posted this picture of herself Topless on Instagram…being felt up by some dude. I think this probably breaches on the terms and conditions of Instagram because the seconds you have a dude grabbing your bare tit, you’re walking that thin line of pornogrpahy..I mean it’s one dick pulled out and being jerked off to make it official..

I mean, I don’t think grabbing a bare tit for the internet is that big of a deal, I don’t’ find it hot and really for things to be pornographic in this sexed up world…they have to be real fucking hardcore…but I like the fact that she gets away with this and the rest of the instagram users don’t…because social media is a scam and they all have us brainwashed to be controlled by them…and they use people like Heidi Klum to help them…

I am sure if you really analyzed social media..it’d be far scarier than anything else you do in a day…even scarier than the unprotected sex you have with girls you meet off social media.

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Penelope Cruz for Agent Provocateur Desert Dance of the Day

Penelope Cruz is a typical actress, who has been on enough sets to feel like she has what it takes to direct a movie, or a commercial, because clearly, it’s not that hard to direct a movie, or a commercial….if you have a camera guy and editor…and a brand willing to pay for it because they know if they allow you to edit it…you’ll participate..for your portfolio, to give you some more value and substance to your vapid acting career, even if you’re a fucking Oscar winner…or especially if you are an Oscar winner, because you know first hand that it’s a pile of bullshit…from masturbatory and commercialized industry all about making money…

What isn’t a pile of bullshit is that girls in lingerie in the desert are hot. Good job Penelope…that nose sniffed out a good path for you…

Posted in:Penelope Cruz




Eva Longoria in a Bikini of the Day

Like the black guy who used to embezzle money from the pharmacy we worked at and stole prescription pills from – to use as currency in the strip club…The guy who would tell the black strippers they were a disgrace to black people doing what white people expected of them…up on some Bill Cosby Shit…

I find looking at Mexican girls, mainly Eva Longoria and really any native Mayan with no neck, pushing 5 foot and weighting 180 thanks to corn tortillas…not very exciting…

But I don’t think my hate for Longoria is that she’s one of those Mexicans so white she orders her mexican staff around like slaves, you know to make her feel better about herself, and like an actual white person she wants to be…

I don’t think it has to do with the fact that she bangs black dudes, that’s never really been an issue for me, but white guys fucking hate that shit…literally.

I just think an overrated, old twat, that even staring at her ass isn’t inspiring, exciting, or interesting…she’s pulled some kind of scam…and has the tramp stamp to prove it…but I’ll post the pics anyway, it’d be negligible if I didn’t.


Posted in:Eva Longoria




Lindsay Lohan’s Side Tit of the Day


It was a disaster to some, but I found it so vile and disgusting and awful that it was erotic…so I celebrated it, and her, and the reality is, she’s been pretty fucking gross to look at the last 5 years…not much has changed…

Well today, I guess she wanted to redeem her shitty side tit pic, with one more calculated…you know so it looked a bit better than THIS ….and the whole thing made me wonder – why hasn’t she won an OSCAR for the performance art that is her life..

For a vapid, spoiled, privileged and entitled cunt…she’s doing it so bad…it must be strategic and a statement…

She’s fucking trolling us…she must be….

That’s all I have to say about that.

To see some more pics of her on the beach CLICK HERE

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Anais Pouliot in Lingerie of the Day

Anais Pouliot is a Montreal model who some how managed to become famous enough to land some serious campaigns, despite not being that hot, especially not in these pics, where her body is average, her face is wrinkled, and her overall modelling not exciting…

I mean the only thing interesting about this is that it is for Urban Outfitters and you can see some nipple, like Urban Outfitters is some kind of soft core porno magazine, designed to destroy all things hipster and underground and exploit the shit out it to the masses…turning every 16 year old and her girl scout group into nipple showing, ass cheek showing tricks…on their way to Coachella…

I am ok with that. What I am not ok with is that this local model, who is now an international model. She even booked Victoria’s Secret…hasn’t invited me for sex every times she gets to town…

It’s a bummer. But so are lingerie catalog pics.

Posted in:Anais Pouliot




Kat Dennings Sharing a Strawberry of the Day

Chubby Kat Dennings is showing off her lesbian romance, because everyone is a lesbian these days, I blame the hormones in the food, and hardcore porn for turning girls off of dick, not that I care if girls are lesbians anymore, because lesbians today are actually a lot more fun than lesbians of the past, when being a lesbian was frowned upon and not seen as some awesome alternative lifestyle, where girls can talk about eating pussy with dudes and then collectively go gang bang a chick…

What is comes down to is that almost everyone eats pussy.

It’s just a different era in sex and sexuality, where Lesbianism is hardly as militant, sure they still like hardware stores but the are hardly as angry… even if they hate me, I don’t hate all of them…I just hate that they don’t believe my little penis is actually a clit…it makes eating them out a pain in the ass…

All this to say, I prefer when she was releasing nudes to the internet for attention…not sharing strawberries…so homo.

Posted in:Kat Dennings




Rhiannon Tragear-Ragg Black and White Lingerie Shoot of the Day

Rihannon Tragear-Ragg unlike most rags you may know, is not covered in blood, or feces or even semen from all your masturbating, but rather she is covered in perfection…at least in these pics by PETER COULSON that you may want to cover in semen…and feces…and blood…because you’re a fucking weirdo and when you see an amazing looking girl, even a horrible Australian girl, because all Australians, despite being hot, are trashy, that’s what it makes you want to do..

I don’t know what lingerie company this is for, but this is how lingerie should be marketed…and no, I’m not just saying that cuz of the nipples.

Posted in:Rhiannon Tragear-Ragg




Alice Cornish and Some Model Nudity for The Ground Magazine of the Day

Alice Cornish is some model from the UK. I’ve never heard of her, but she’s in some magazine showing her tits, which is pretty much the job description of model, now more than ever, because people like nudity and the world is one giant Playboy magazine, back when Playboy magazine didn’t feature low grade hookers with Playboy tattoos as their stars…you know when real girls you wanted to see naked got naked, only for you to say to yourself “not that great”…or “I expected more labia and less clit”…you know when all the hype leaves the room and it’s all kind of presented to you…it’s far less exciting.

But this Alice Cornish girl is good…she looks like a real model with that long neck…which is more than I can say for any of these twats on instagram…

Posted in:Alice Cornish




Shanina Shaik in Lingerie of the Day

Shanina Shaik is in paparazzi pics in a bikini in Ibiza or St Tropez or wherever the fuck all the rich A-Listers getting away from their vacation of a life happen to be living the life of luxury….because where there are rich A-Listers, there are Victoria’s Secret signed models in tow…it’s all part of their purpose.

So She was seen on Bieber’s yacht, because a fame whore will fame whore wherever the fame whoring needs to be done…and now she’s in some lingerie campaign that is boring, uneventful and that she’s not even all that hot in…but I guess she’s hot enough for Beiber…but then again, I know some real busted down ratchets also good enough for Beiber, so it’s not saying much…

All this to say, Lingerie pics…suck.

Posted in:Shanina Shaik