I'll Make You Famous…




Spring Breakers Have a New Trailer of the Day

Here’s the Harmony Korine mainstream effort.. but more importantly the Selena Gomez / Vanessa Hudgens anti Disney Effort…you know full of dubstep and young party girls….in some weird sexed up college spring break party’s new trailer….and unfortunately…I want to see this shit…even though I’ve pretty much seen the whole movie already…it reminds me of what I’ll be doing this spring break….booty and bikini clad bitches…..

Posted in:Spring Breaker




Pole Dancer Eats It is the Viral Video of the Day

There is just something about watching a stripper eat it when doing some pole dance that always makes me laugh….maybe because it reminds me of my youth, where the only strip clubs I was allowed in involved at least on on stage overdose a month, or maybe it’s just funny to watch a girl eat it, especially when she’s not stripping the way you’re supposed to strip…you know by taking off her clothes…but instead is stripping in some performance art bullshit that ruins the whole basis and foundation of the pole dance…maybe that’s why it broke from under her….cuz even the pole was like “girl….stripping pole dances only….leave your art fag shit at the lesbian art center”…..

Posted in:Videos




Rita Ora’s Big Tits Did a Concert of the Day

Rita Ora is the new Rihanna…at least that is what Jay Z is hoping now that he owns her…and the timing is pretty good…you know since Rihanna sympathizes with men who beat the fuck out of her for publicity…or because she’s broken….so it is only natural to replace her unpredictable, gone nuts from all the fame shit, with some new tail, with big old tits…..and here she is touring her new album….but she’s gotta a lot of proving to do…cuz there was a minute when she was banging a Kardashian…and she didn’t take advantage of the situation and burn down the fucking house with everyone inside….making me kinda hate her…but at least she’s got some tits…cuz tits make everything ok.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rihanna for Rolling Stone of the Day

Rihanna’s million dollar PR team are feeding her with words to tell the media to justify her Chris Brown relationship/publcity stunt…they’ve been working 6 months or more on this reveal that they just contrived for Rolling Stone….

Here are some notable quotes if you care:

I decided it was more important for me to be happy,”

“I wasn’t going to let anybody’s opinion get in the way of that. Even if it’s a mistake, it’s my mistake. After being tormented for so many years, being angry and dark, I’d rather just live my truth and take the backlash. I can handle it.”

“When you add up the pieces from the outside, it’s not the cutest puzzle in the world,”

“You see us walking somewhere, driving somewhere, in the studio, in the club, and you think you know. But it’s different now. We don’t have those types of arguments anymore. We talk about shit. We value each other. We know exactly what we have now, and we don’t want to lose that.”

“He doesn’t have the luxury of fucking up again,”

“That’s just not an option. I can’t say that nothing else will ever go wrong. But I’m pretty solid in the knowing that he’s disgusted by that. And I wouldn’t have gone this far if I ever thought that was a possibility.”

“He made a mistake, and he’s paid his dues,”

“He’s paid so much. And I know that’s not a place he would ever want to go back to. And sometimes people need support and encouragement, instead of ridicule and criticism and bashing.”

Straight from the mouth of the gutter…..

She feels guilty for being beat up cuz she knows she provoked him enough to beat her up and rode it for her career…

Good message for the youth who follow her every move…broken women convincing us that what she had with Chris Brown before she was super famous and slutty….an assault that made her millions….was true love…cuz he really gets her…

Here are some pics for instagram of her ass…cuz that’s more interesting than her bullshit…

You see I don’t believe anything I read…but I believe ass in bikini..

Posted in:Rihanna




Barbara Palvin for Terrry Richardson of the Day

It’s official – Barbara Palvin annoys me and not because she’s had sex with Justin Bieber…Something I don’t believe because she has a vagina and isn’t a 40 year old back dude who thinks he is Michael Jackson named Usher….but because she’s acting all playful, making stupid faces like some kind of idiot, while not looking cute at all, and just looking annoying…the kind of girl you’d likely want to punch in the face at least in theory if you were forced to sit at a dinner with her…and her ADD hyper activity stupidity that wasn’t even cute when she was 5….it’s like girl, act like a lady….or like a slut…but whatever this in between is just fuckin’ weak

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Candice Swanepoel’s Titty for Instagram of the Day

Candice Swanepoel posted a bare tit to instagram…and that’s not very christian Victoria’s Secret….your model’s a titty model now….Scandalous…..

Interesting how this favoritism thing works..Candice Swanepoel…an angel sent from Victoria’s Secret….posts a pic of her tit on instagram and she gets 50,000 likes….I post a picture of a girl in a her bra and panties on my instagram ….and I get deleted….4 fucking times…

I am not complaining….I mean I like looking at tit as much as the next guy…especially Candice Swanepoel’s tit…since she’s my soul mate and I write love songs for her…and I think instagram should be all tits…but the fundamental root of this evil is rich, famous, popular getting a way with breaking the rules…and me getting flagged as a fucking porn site….

I am not complaining…I just find it funny that for years, I am talking 9 years that I’ve been doing this….advertisers would blow me off and call me a porn site…while sites they were advertising on posted the same fucking content….making me the worst mainstream site and the worst porn site…all into one…..

So those people are millionaires now….I am still a hurtbag…and it doesn’t all work out in the end….but at least I get to stare at titties in the process…in Arab countries bare tit is worth more than their black gold….Oil….

Here’s the ever lovely Candice Swanepoel breaking the rules in protest….for titties to be seen as art not smut….


Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Beyonce With No Make Up Scares the Fuck Out of Me

I drank too fucking much and had what I thought were horrible fucking nightmares all night….you know the kind you wake up from in a cold sweat thinking someone is trying to choke you the fuck out to steal your kidneys or rape you or make you renew your vows with your fat wife leading to an action filled chase where ultimately you get caught…..but it turns out it was just these Beyonce without makeup heading to the superbowl to practice her horrible half time show…..that shit’s worst than hell…..


Here she is at the Superbowl Promo Shoot …. if you care….football fans who love the halftime show….because it was designed to shut your wife up during the game….


Posted in:Beyonce




Nina Agdal for Carl’s Jr of the Day

Carl’s Jr is back…this time with a fish sandwich….not the kind of fish sandwich I usually like my fame whore bikini models trying to get exposure eating….I’m more into the lesbian sex in a threesome kind of Fish Sandwich eating….

This ad, is hardly as intense as the previous ones they’ve done, sure this a behind the scenes, but I can tell it’s not gonna be awesome….and I am not just saying that cuz they used Nina Agdal….SI’s poster girl….who I assume is gonna be the cover this year….despite looking like she has downs syndrome….but maybe because she has downs syndrome in a make a wish foundation move….like she was Brooklyn Decker…back when Andy Roddick’s agents gave them no choice but to give her the cover…

She’s got a great body…and I guess when it comes to bikini models…that is what matters…

Posted in:Nina Agadal




Arabella Drummond is Not Like Other Glamour Models of the Day

I’d like you to look closely at this Arabella Drummond Glamour Model…and tell me…..what she’s missing….at least to be considered an actual Glamour Model…I’ll give you a hint….it’s her tits…she’s got no fucking tits…and she’s chubby….and possibly a dude….but willing to get naked cuz she’s so proud of her semi-feminine body…..she’s like Chaz Bono at the YMCA bathroom now that she can change with dudes….all dick clit in hand…proud of what she’s got….cuz she’s not a broken lesbian anymore…she’s a dude….only the other way around….and you probably like this Arabella girl’s size…don’t worry – it’s not gay if she’s got long hair and make-up on…or as long as her panties stay on…..

Here are the interesting pics…

Posted in:Arabella Drummond|NSFW




Ashley Tisdale for Icon Magazine of the Day

Today, I woke up to a comment on my facebook saying “you’ll have to stop the Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch cuz she looks fuckable in a pic she just posted”…

The Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch is a feature I’ve been doing for at least 3 years now….because let’s face it she’s not all that hot…but the real motivation was because she won some teen choice award shit as the hottest girl of the year and I got mad…because such corruption in the polls, even for something so insignificant…showing anyone with a brain that awards could be purchased….not to mention I didn’t want young girls thinking getting a nose job makes a gremlin a fucking 10….breast implants do that…

That inspired me start this fight that is not worth fighting….but I do it anyway…

But today….today it may all be over…thanks to photoshop..and I guess the real cause for concern in all this is not that Ashley Tisdale is Ugly but can smoke and mirror herself…it’s that my facebook friends are following Ashley Tisdale….creeps….

Posted in:Ashley Tisdale