I'll Make You Famous…




Rihanna’s In a Bikini in Barbados of the Day

Rihanna is in Barbados for the holidays – even though everyone I know in Barbados kinda hate her….as she’s treated like their little princess…and she acts like a little princess…treating the locals like her staff…even the people she went to school with….because that’s just the kind of cunt she is….

Seriously, people I know in Barbados tell me that she probably deserved to get beat, if she even got beat, and didn’t beat herself and blame Chris Brown cuz the cops always believe the woman….which would explain why they were recently back together…only to break up again…

But another explanation of that is publicity…it’s good for fucking business…and who cares about that shit, they are both spoiled and set of life and their personal lives, unless on video getting fucked shouldn’t fucking care about these brats….

But I think it’s perfectly reasonable to care about her in a bikini….at home…living the good life..cuz i fucking love bikinis…

Here’s the video….


Posted in:Rihanna




Dita Von Teese in Lingerie for Elle China of the Day

For the record… I DO NOT FIND DITA VON TEESE HOT or ATTRACTIVE or INTERESTING …In fact, I think she’s a fucking scam….I didn’t care about her when she was an average at best with shitty implant girl working for playboy thanks to some internet success she had early on in the internet game…not even when she was shooting softcore lesbian porn and I sure as hell don’t give a fuck about her now, 30 years later….She’s got an act that works for ugly chicks, the pin-up shit that is played out and she just happened to be the poster girl of….but apparently China does care about her…coz they got her to pose in lingerie for them…and I guess that’s good enough strategy for a bottom feeder like her…cuz if you can get 1 dollar from 1 billion people…you’re pretty fucking set financially…especially at the tail end of your hooker slut game…cuz one day…Betty Page impersonator is gonna have to hang up her vintage lingerie….

Posted in:Dita Von Teese




Iggy Azalea Gets Spanked While Performing of the Day

Iggy Azalea may not be the hottest rapper in the game….but she’s better to look at than Rick Ross…especially when she’s getting her ass slapped…cuz Rick Ross getting his ass slapped is something I am really not into seeing…

For those of you who don’t know who she is, she’s some hipster rapper chick, who is making moves and getting noticed, straight from Australia, who was relatively unknown last year when she originally blocked me on twitter, one of her biggest moves since entering the industry as far as I’m concerned, but now she’s signed to a major and performs like she was Gaga, Nicki Minaj, mixed with a little more club kid…..getting her ass slapped to get noticed…

She’s not as hot as I thought she was back when I first heard of her…before totally forgetting about her……but I’ll post the pics anyway…cuz I encourage this kind of behavior from all girls.

Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Alex Morgan’s Athlete Body in a Bikini of the Day

I am always on the fence when it comes to fit chicks…I mean I know I can’t stand fat chicks and I know I love skinny chicks…but every now and then an athletic girl comes around…and I am compelled to question how I feel about them….one one side of things, they aren’t fat…which is nice…they can fuck like a champion cuz unlike eating disorder chicks I normally like, they have energy and actually put the work in to burn the added calories….not to mention…it’s barely work for them to ride me as they are strong enough to squat 200 pounds in the gym and thus strong enough to squat on my dick for 4-10 minutes at a nice rhythm /pace….not to mention they have a higher sex drive thanks to higher testosterone…which is on the flip site…what I fear when it comes to athletic chicks…you know with their being more man than me…but what it comes down to…is simple…if they have a pussy…game on…..analyzing it…instead of just trying to jerk off to it…as jerking off to it is the real test of whether you like it….just seems silly…


Posted in:Alex Morgan




Ke$ha Looking Her Best for her New Album of the Day

Ke$ha may be disgusting, and not cuz she sings inappropriately timed songs called “DIE YOUNG”…cuz you see there was a mass shooting in Newtown and 20 kids died…and that means we can’t use the word die, or shoot, or anything of the sort…you even have to make Miss America win Miss Universe despite being a monster…cuz if you don’t it means the terrorists have won….she is disgusting because she has a weird face and body and her bad music and bad dancing…that doesn’t deserve to be famous…but is famous thanks to Katy Perry’s proper use of her tits….but for some reason..a reason I call major production in a photoshoot…she almost looks erotic in these pics…and as someone who likes mysteries….especially murder mysteries…when the person murdered fucking sucks….so I figured I needed to share this with you….cuz it’s confusing me…and I need your support…I should, under any and all circumstances, hate Ke$ha and never contemplate sex with her….

Posted in:Kesha




Erin Heartherton in a Bikini of the Day

Victoria’s Secret Model Erin Heatherton is in St Barths…as all the models were the past 10 days…because I guess the billionaire who owns Victoria’s Secret has a compound they all stay at…..and to everyone’s surprise…she modeled bikinis…because it is her fucking job and that is what she does…

I kinda wish the cafeteria lady, or the fat bitchy waitress at the diner, or the evil government worker at the welfare office had this much support, or excitement around showing up to their shitty fucking jobs…..but that just isn’t the world we live in….now is it…


Posted in:Erin Heatherton




Kelly Brook’s 2013 Calendar Video of the Day

In some bottom feeding from all angles, big titty model Kelly Brook has dropped a calendar….I POSTED THE PICS BACK IN SEPTEMBER , I didn’t care then and I don’t care now…but I figure you probably do, because she’s got tits….and you love the idea of seeing a pic of them for a month, every month, in some dated, pre-internet technology called Calendar….personally, I prefer using google, and seeing her topless, or naked, in the even I really need or want to….any day of the fucking year, 24 hours a day…proving yet again that Calendar’s are just fucking stupid….but here’s the video anyway….

Posted in:Kelly Brook




Jessica Simpson’s Weight Watchers Commercial of the Day

Jessica Simpson’s new commercial for Weight Watchers takes a new angle, you know instead of doing the Jennifer Hudson and actually losing weight, they’ve decided to promote her as losing 50 pounds, even though that was baby weight and 12 of those pounds were a kid and another 30 of those pounds was water retention…..because I guess they want to get their money’s worth as she’s trying her hardest to back peddle and get out of the contract…without having to pay them back…by getting knocked up….

This is what you call a rich person’s strategy to get motivated to lose weight, it’s like “If I buy that treadmill, I’ll use it”…only the endorsement worth millions of dollars version….but instead of leaving it in the corner of the basement to hang laundry off of…bitch has to get lawyers to find the loopholes to remain fat….

This strategy of “Hey Fat America, I’m Like You, But thanks to Weight Watchers, I’m in Control, but Still FAt”….making Weight Watchers come across as being a company that keeps you fat, but gives you a point system to gauge just how fat you are….I ate 400 points in cake yesterday…today I’ll eat 390….making fucking moves to a better life like I was Jessica Simpson…

Unless, this is all a joke, and Weight Watchers was like, let’s make Jessica Simpson into a viral video, since she mocked our agreement like a redneck hick mocking an interracial couple….all toothless and inbred…you know make a mockery of her for 2,000,000 dollars we can write off as an advertising expense….because revenge comes in all forms….

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




LeAnn Rimes Drunk on X-Factor of the Day

I don’t know what people expected from LeAnn Rimes who went from being a country superstar, child prodigy, wholesome country girl….you know the kind of girl Christian folk could appreciate and relate to…to pretty much being nothing by a fucking hooker, who destroys marriages, doesn’t eat, rocking some fake tits and a mangled face….who fell off the map and doesn’t perform live anymore….when they booked her to perform live….but I could have predicted it was gonna be a wreck…cuz she’s a fucking wreck…


Even Britney’s not impressed…and Britney’s a fucking wreck too….a wreck judging a wreck…upstaged by new blood who will end up being a wreck….

Here’s an update – LeAnn says the X-Factor Girl’s Shit Performance made her look drunk…

LeAnn says she was in no way impaired, and any awkwardness was because “I was trying to help this 13-year-old girl who was having some trouble with the song.”

LeAnn believes Carly Rose Sonenclar was very nervous and had difficulty with some of the notes and she was doing her best to help her get through it.

LeAnn’s lawyer, Larry Stein, who spoke with LeAnn a few minutes ago, tells TMZ “LeAnn was not performing the way she would normally perform, because she was on stage with a young girl.”


Posted in:Leann Rimes




Lily Aldridge for Terry Richardson of the Day

What a fucking let down…not that I actually give a fuck about Lily Aldridge or feel she ever deserved to be a Victoria’s Secret angel, because prior to Victoria’s Secret, the evil underwear company that exploits women and objectifies them harder than a hip hop video, she was just some rockstar fucking, commercial model doing tampon commercials….but in being an LA socialite thanks to her Beatles Album cover artist dad and Playboy Bunny mother….she grew up in the right circle, with the right friends, and the right access, to end up in the right places, to land a gig this major…but you’d think when she gets shooting with Terry Richardson….she’d get a little more naked than she does for her other work…cuz he is a fucking pervert hipster porn photographer at his core…and this is not hipster porn…it’s just fucking fully clothed version of a half naked girl…what the fuck is that….I’ll tell you what it is…boring.

Here are the pics anyway….

Posted in:Lily Aldridge