I'll Make You Famous…




LeAnn Rimes Nipple Slip of the Day

I am so not into seeing the shitty nipple that is all scarred up and barely hanging onto shitty implants on a shitty face and shitty body shitty country star who pretends to be jesus loving for her fans…but who is a fucking lie that is all around shitty…it could be thanks to being thrown into this and prostituted at a young age…only to grow into a broken down, cheating, homewrecking slut who hasn’t found Jesus…or maybe it was all a marketing scam to sell records…

Either way, here’s her nipple……with a little Amazing Grace sung by her….6 years ago…to remind you of what was

Posted in:Leann Rimes




Candice Swanepoel Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Guess who’s on the beach of St Barts shooting for Victoria’s Secret….Candice Swanepoel…cuz Victoria’s Secret fucking own her…and may have even made her in an African lap somewhere…you know like some kind of billion dollar robot that won’t age and that will never leave them…and investment that helps them make 30 billion dollars a year in sales….which is totally fucking ridiculous if you think about it…that’s like 2 billion pairs of underwear a fucking year….do people really need that many pairs of underwear…..I mean I’m not complaining cuz the evil empire that is Victoria’s Secret has given me this lovely angel to make love to myself / my screen / my MONKEY SPANKER to….which is enough distraction for me to furhter investigate their criminal human traffic robot making practices….


Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Jennifer Lawrence in Vogue of the Day

People like JENNIFER LAWRENCE …..and I don’t really know why.,..I mean I guess in this Vogue Shoot she looks her fucking best, since when I last saw pics of her she was in a bikini, and looked dumpy as shit….you see cuz life is not a Vogue shoot…and the paparazzi aren’t Vogue photographers….and dumpy can’t be photoshopped out….

I kinda hate her, because she’s a fucking sell out….and I’m not punk rock about shit, I don’t shit on anything mainstream, I just think if a girl gets nominated for an Oscar at 15, she can ride that and produce actually quality movies, and still make real fucking money…but instead she signed up to some candy coated billion dollar franchise pile of shit that has little to no integrity…clearly for the money and to become an It girl…and that’s just fucking weak sauce…

But at least she has tits.

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence




Eliza Dusku Lives of the Day

There was a time when Eliza Dusku was all the rage thanks to a couple of shitty, shoulda been straight to DVD, but was a simpler time, when the public’s expectations were low, and when teen comedies were just a pile of fucking shit…..that we all ate up cuz there was nothing else to fucking eat….

Then she fell off the map…sure she may have been working…but no one bothered talking about her, noticing her and I forgot she existed….that was before today….when it was announced that she was going to be in the remake of “THE SAINT”….but more importantly…when she posted a pic that touches on so many fetishes….from feet…to fitness…to playing with hair…she’s ready for her second coming….and I’m sure you’re already working on your third…you fucking pervert.

Posted in:Eliza Dushku




Staci Ann is a New Glamour Model You’ll Like of the Day

Staci Ann has pretty much no social media presence, no Wikipedia page, not even a ModelMayhem account, so I think it’s safe to say she’s as fresh as a busty girl willing to get naked is, you know cuz showing up to these auditions isn’t just some random “maybe I’ll pose naked today”…it’s more a long the lines of, I fuck for free, everyone loves my tits when I pull them out at parties, I hate working, I can’t be a stripper cuz Mumzy will be ashamed, but I can be an international Glamour model, cuz that comes with a certain level of celebrity, credibility, and makes my whoring out seem like an actual career…..and after looking at the pics…I’m pretty glad that happened. Staci Ann may be the future…I’ve already written my vows to her.

Posted in:NSFW|Staci Ann




Lucy Pinder Big Titty Shitty See Through of the Day

You know what’s absolutely, totally, uninteresting….when a big busty Glamour model attends an event in a semi see through dress….showing off what could be a bra…but is probably some full body spanx when you can just google her skank, shoulda been a stripper ass, and see her big stupid yet amazing tits in all their fucking glory…It makes me so mad, that I had to make a gif about it……


Posted in:Lucy Pinder




I Appreciate Britney Spears’ Dress of the Day

It was announced that Britney Spears is the highest paid Female Musician of 2012, coming in ahead of Adam Levine of Maroon 5…and Rihanna cuz she barely makes money off this shit, we call it slave labor like the 1800s sugar trade….and Lady Gaga cuz they listed her under “Male Musician”….

I guess the irony in all this is that Britney sings though a computer, doesn’t play an instrument, and lip syncs at her shows….making her anything but a singer…you know more of a puppet on stage being exploited by her people….

I find the whole thing pretty sad, but that’s just because I liked when she officially fell off, got knocked up by a ghetto back-up dancer who thought he was hip hop, shaved her head got fat, before being medicated….but that’s just because it had more flavor than this new Britney…even if the new Britney is easier to masturbate to…especially in dresses like this….it is almost as if she never had a total fucking breakdown….

Posted in:Britney Spears




Diana Monteiro Is Some Quality Portuguese Fish of the Day

The only thing I really know about Portugual is that I worked for a Portuguese guy once and he was a real fucking loser…who really hated when I’d ask him “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be a fisherman”….I guess I also know about their chicken….because it’s affordable…like their women…something I should appreciate…but don’t really…cuz I prefer to avoid the armpit of any contenient…even if I generally belong there…but that was before today…because today, I realized the over catholic, lame spanish wannabees have celebrities of their own…and those celebrities aren’t as hairy or fat assed as I’d expect….cuz this Diana chick, who is modeling her ass for Maxim…has a crazy fucking ass…that surely will end up looking like you’d expect a Portuguese woman to look…but for now…she’s spectactular and I figure we should celebrate that..this HOLIDAY SEASON

Amazing ass, but the real amazing thing is that Maxim still exists…

Here are the pics…

Posted in:Diana Monteiro




Lucy Collett Polka Dot Bikini of the Day

The quality of girls the UK seem to celebrate, just cuz they are willing to get naked…or topless…is totally fucking questionable…reminding me that annyone with that kind of accent and dainty demeanor is probably the poofter you’d expect them to be….one that must keep up appearances, because being British is very regal and there’s a certain class you must exude, one that Amy Winehouse showed the world, god bless her soul….making the average Poofter -Prince Charles themeselves and just stick to trannys cuz it’s more decent….so looking at this Page 3 pig…just confirms that theory I’ve been working on the last 4 mintues…and here are her tits…

Posted in:Lucy Collett|NSFW




Pink’s Disturbing Instagram Pic of the Day

Pink decided to totally throw out any decency or respect for her millions of followers…by posting a frightening picture of her in her underwear to instagram…in what I like to think is caused by over-confidence from positive affirmations from the people around her….you know cuz most mom’s have lower testosterone than this dude, and their liking of cake coupled with a battered body, leads to not bothering bouncing back, while PINK, a name you think she’d drop cuz it’s a fucking joke and she’s in her 30s, not 12, is all delusional in a “I work out, look at my muscles”….and the whole thing…is pretty disgusting….but I bet your tranny ass likes it.

Posted in:Pink