I'll Make You Famous…




Anne Hathaway Vagina Flash of the Day

Finally – a no panty, cuz girls aren’t supposed to wear panties, unintentional even though it was probably intentional, getting out of a car, vagina flash on the way to a movie premiere, the way a vagina flash is supposed to happen…the classic, good old fashioned, vagina flash, all curtosy of Anne Hathaway, who is doin’ it in part for the nerds who think they are marrid to her…and the perverts like me who made a site dedicated to this kind of thing…

The only tragedy in all this is that she’s not showing any fucking labia…but at least it happened…and if I’m seeing what I think I’m seeeing…there’s hipster bush….good fucking look.


Posted in:Anne Hathaway




Candice Swanepoel’s Victoria’s Secret Holiday Lingerie of the Day

I ran into an old friend who I guess visits the site every once in a while, because he asked me why the fuck I always post on Candice Swanepoel, and that before my site he had no idea who she was, and that even now that he knows who she is, he doesn’t really get why I bother posting her catalog pics, he finds it weird and a little excessive…to whice I say…this is only my second Candice Swanepoel post today, and if I do 20 posts a day, that’s only 10 percent of my content devoted to her, which is practically nothing, I mean sure, I could have done posts on the countless other twats who ignore me on social media, you know giving this bitch no play at all, but have you seen her half naked body? This shit is legendary….and that’s all the justifying I’m gonna do about Candice Swanepoel posts til the end of time…cuz if I had my way this site would be the offical Candice Swanepoel fan club…you know the kind of site that gets me arrested when I start following her around the world for exclusive content…you know passion that is misunderstood as stalking….

Here are the hot body pics….for the evil Victoria’s Secret corporation….

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Sophia Lie Nude Modeling of the Day


Sophia Lie has the unfortunate history of having been Josh Hartnett’s girlfriend….and she may still be Josh Hartnett’s girlfriend…but I am going to assume that she’s no long his girlfriend…because if she was she’d be spending his money on clothes, spa days and birth control pills she fakes taking so he cums in her and she is set for life….and not modeling nude for obscure websites or magazines…like a new comer to the industry…trying to get some airtime, so people start noticing who she is…you know since she’s had a taste of hollywood and celebrity thanks to Josh…and now is on a mission to make it on her own…..but I can’t be too sure of her relationship status, because I don’t really even remember who Josh Hartnett is, and thus don’t really care who he fucks….but I don’t mind looking at their tits…but that’s just cuz I love tits…duh.

Posted in:NSFW|Sophia Lie




Lea Michele Doesn’t Look Like Lea Michele in Marie Claire of the Day

Lea Michele has proven in January’s Marie Claire magazine…that with the right hair person, make-up person, photographer, and digital re-toucher….she can be made to look like someone who isn’t her…you know soften out those tranny features she’s tried to correct with surgery…cuz she doesn’t like being the ugly leading lady on a show about freaks who can sing…that she doesn’t realize was cast to showcase how the Glee club is for fucking losers…while the hot chicks are busy sucking off the football team and/or not being on the fucking Glee club….because all the hype and attention they got around the show…kinda distracted from the simple fact that her mangled up face was in fact meant to be the ugly leading lady….so the demographic of losers buy into the shit….but Marie Claire, with her vagina hugging ONSIE, have pulled through, and made her into something I would probably fuck, not that I wouldn’t have fucked her before, but I wouldn’t like to admit that I would have….like I don’t like admitting I’d fuck trannies if I was drunk enough and their tits were big enough….

Point being…she looks kinda good and all you weirdos who were into her before, can send these around to all your friend who laughed at you for admitting were into her….redemption.

Posted in:Lea Michele




Erin Heatherton Bikini Pics of the Day

My man Leonardo DiCaprio’s hired new model pussy Erin Heatherton…the new star of Victoria’s Secret…cuz her body is fucking amazing…and her klout score probably high…thanks to having had A-Lister cock in her….when he can have his A-Lister cock in anything…and probably was putting his A-Lister cock in anything while putting his A-Lister cock in her and pretending they were exclusive cuz he was paid by Victoria’s Secret to help market their girls….and cuz girls like A-Lister’s giving them attention and let A-Listers do whatever they want as to not ruin what they have with the A-Lister….cuz A-Lister cock…comes all kind of perks…and I’m not talking about the probable STDs…I’m talking the A-Lister life of fucking luxury….

The story is they broke up….but the good news is that this Erin Heatherton is now an A-List model and can get all those perks on her fucking own….not to mention she can lure more A-Lister cock in…cuz she played this shit right…I appreciate her hustle….


Posted in:Erin Heatherton




Elisandra Tomacheski Models Bikinis of the Day

I don’t know about you…but I love nice round ass in bikinis, underwear, jeans, naked, any which way….especially when it is attached to a pair of long and luxurious legs….and a skinny little body….with hot tits….and a lovely face…it’s kinda my thing…and it’s so hard to find you know with being unemployed and all…but I take what I can get…and I figure I can always imagine the vile filth I stick my dick in is in fact something I’d consider worth fucking…and pictures like this aid in that process while I’m getting AIDS….from people who didn’t get AIDS in their native Brazil cuz their first boyfriend had unprotected with a tranny one night on the beaches of RIO….

Her name is Elisandra Tomacheski – she’s in her mid-late 20s…she’s from Brazil and she’s one of the few Brazilian models that Victoria’s Secret didn’t buy on the model trade….but probably should have…cuz she’s spectacular….and here she is modeling bikini…looking good.


Posted in:Elisandra Tomacheski




Lucy Pinder is a Busty Christmas Gift in NUTS of the Day

Lucy Pinder’s tits won’t be under your Christmas Tree….but if you’re looking for gifts you can always check out the VERY MERRY STEPFATHER GIFT GUIDE ….we got tits of our own in there…and awesome gifts…that make endorsing a magazine’s busty model on her comeback tour for some magazine seem counter productive…when our own thing is so much better…I mean shit, Lucy Pinder is alright, her tits huge, dressed and wrapped up like Santa’s wet dream, the reason he comes on his red suite but OUR MODELS ARE BETTER>….and sure I may be saying that cuz they let me grab their tits and ass, or cuz they have sex and masturbate in porn and their own sites, while Lucy Pinder is too cool for me…and what it comes down to is tis the season of goodwill towards men, givivng and spending time with those you love….and there’s enough room in my stalking for all kinds of tits…if you know what I mean….

Posted in:Lucy Pinder




Ariana Grande’s Got a Bra Top For Instagram of the Day

I don’t really know if this is a bra over a shirt, or a bra built into a shirt, or if it is lingerie being worn as a shirt, I just know that if she was my daughter, I wouldn’t be into this kind of behavior, because taking pics of yourself like this, implies nothing wholesome, and inspires nothing wholesome, and if anything, is some inappropriate. self loving, behavior…but that’s just the times we are living in, camera phones, social media, whore celebrity leaders and icons for our kids to look up to, the sex tape celebrity billionaires, and so on and so forth….lead to self produced, youthful porn, that inspire otherwise decent human beings to masturbate to things that they otherwise never would, leading to teachers banging students, and sex offenders everywhere…it’s a viscous cycle, and this iCarly star, even at 19….looks 13…and that makes this pornography…and amazing…

Posted in:Ariana Grande




Candice Swanepoel Athletic for VSX of the Day

Candice Swanepoel has a fit fucking body….sure her career depends on it…and she’s living large, making easy fucking money, that is in fact stupid money, because of that career that depends on her body….motivating her 20 days off a month to be spent working on her fitness….cuz it’s the best option for her….cuz she, like anyone else, oulda chose cake and candy and fries….working a desk job….like so many potentially hot girls if they weren’t buried in disgusting….and I think we should thank her for taking the right path…cuz a body like this is a glorious thing to stare at and without it…we have nothing…and there’s no point in living…maybe I’m just being dramatic….the HOLIDAYS GET ME EMOTIONAL …..

Here are the pics….

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Jerry Hall’s Bush in an Upskirt of the Day

There is something amazing about bush…I figure it is because the bald pussy really got played out over the late 90s and 2000s…making it standard and repetitive for those of us who see and eat pussy…making the random bush you come across, or cum all over exhilerating and exciting….you know something different, something original, something natural and traditional, something that hasn’t been ruined by Kim Kardashian or the cast of Jersey Shore like it was a Brazilian wax…

Unfortunately, old lady Jerry Hall isn’t really helping my case here, because her bush is on an old lady, as most bush should be, thanks to old ladies being from the Bush generation, moms before the whole bald pussy thing really happened, so she’s no ambassador here, she’s just like every over 45 year old who thinks Bald pussy is creepy….but let me tell you, bush on a 25 year old, who is going against the grain to have bush, because they get the importance of decorating a pussy like it was a Chirstmas tree the way nature intended, is fucking awesome…

Either way, here’s a great pantyless, hairy pussy, old lady upskirt….

Posted in:Jerry Hall