I'll Make You Famous…




Demi Lovato Inspires With Her New Tattoo of the Day

As George Michael told us so many years ago…and now Demi Lovato is reiterating….like some kind of evangelical ready to brain wash me and molest my children in exchange for a huge percentage of my money….money I’ll feel good about giving up…until finding out the evangelical is a fucking liar, homosexual, addicted to cocaine and all night choo choo train parties in 5 star hotels…the same things he convinced me was wrong to like…..

Either way, this is a fucking religious experience people…Demi Lovato’s manic depressive bullshit spoiled brat arm is sent from fucking heaven to inspire us….that we do can stage breakdowns as easily as we can stage finding God….to help our careers and public image…So authentic….

Praise Jesus…Martinez

Posted in:Demi Lovato




Michea Crawford is a Babe Pain de Sucre Swimwear of the Day

Michea Crawford is a babe….a babe who reminds me that one of life’s greatest tragedies is that I didn’t stand outside her apartment screaming her name…or singing love songs I wrote about her…before she moved from Montreal to become the next big thing who hasn’t hit yet…but who will hit soon enough…I’m talking Victoria’s Secret…Sports Illustrated…I am convinced…cuz she’s amazing…

Well it’s too late to cry over spilt milk…I can just admire her from afar…and my love song stalking probably woulda got me arrested…so I guess it worked out better this way….for all parties involved…

I’m used to failing…it’s kinda my thing…

Posted in:Michea Crawford




Jenny McCarthy’s Staged Workout Pics of the Day

No idea what these are for…or when they are from…but I know two things…

The first is that I love fit girls…they are just more fun to look at that sloppy girls…or girls who are anorexic…even though anorexics are too weak to run…and sloppy girls are too down and out to say no to any willing penis…while fit girls, all jacked on endorphines and confidence and overall health and well being…are look down on my kind…but that doesn’t me I can stare at them in action….

The second is that I guess this is how Jenny McCarthy keeps busy, stays relevant, justifies her fake tits that made her a millionaire, when she’s not making Austistic babies….or tending to the ones she already has….

I’m a fan.


Posted in:Jenny McCarthy




Christina Milian Lookin’ Alright for Bello Magazine of the Day

Christina Milian is my kind of mom….one who understands the importance of bouncing back into shape after having a kid…because no one..especially in her line of work…wants to see or hire a chunky mom…except maybe Weight Watchers….at least that’s what Jessica Simspon has taught us….

Seeing her posing with her big ol’ mom tits like this was pre-birth…back when she was just a poptart with a dream to get knocked up by a huge rapper and producer behind such hits as Justin Bieber…inspires….at least one person….who really really like Christina Milian….

Unfortunately, that person isn’t me…but I’ll post the pics anyway…I got nothing better to do.

Posted in:Christina Milian




Nina Agdal Modeling Lingerie of the Day

NINA AGDAL is the victim of my bullying…but I don’t mean any actual harm when I say she’s got the face of a Downs Syndrome baby…I just say that cuz her face is definitely not her best feature…but it isn’t getting in the way of her shooting bikinis for SI….or countless other campaigns for lingerie companies that have stemmed from that….reminding girls to not let anything hold them back…but more importantly..that all that matters is their rockin’ bodies…and awesome tits…

So here’s Nina modeling lingerie…again…it’s what she do….

Posted in:Nina Agdal




Hannah May’s Naked for Rebecca Naen of the Day

Hannah May is my new nude model girlfriend…she just doesn’t know it yet…but I do and that’s all that matter…I figure she’s got a solid 800 follower on twitter…now’s my chance to romance her and send her love letters letting her know that her efforts as a nude model haven’t gone unnoticed…you see cuz like an actual celebrity…the nudes…should take her to a whole other level of importance..and that’s what I bring to the relationship…eager readers ready to masturbate to her…and talk about her with their friends on second life cuz it’s their first life….while she’s brings the tits…good girlfriend who doesn’t know she’s my girlfriend….

Posted in:Hannah May|NSFW




Eniko Mihalik Awesome Model Tits for Document Journal of the Day

You’d think we’d get bored of ENIKO MIHALIK you know always taking her high fashion body and posing naked with it…I mean how many times can we see her amazing tits in amazing places doing amazing things in amazing pictures shot by amazing photographers…

In a….I mean once or twice…but her nudity catalog is deep and has been going on for years…and it’s just so draining to look at this…Again with the nudity Eniko…you one trick pony…I mean really….

But we don’t get bored….because naked pics…even when seen the 1000th time still inspire erections….

If anything, her nudity is the only reason I want to have her babies…dripping off my face.

Posted in:Eniko Mihalik|NSFW




Jessica Chastain Half Naked for GQ of the Day

I didn’t know who Jessica Chastain was…or why she was posing her lovely orange head that means she has orange pubic hair…that reminds me that I’ve never tasted Orange pubic hair…cuz orange Pubic hair used to make me gag back when I had the chance to eat it…all jacked up on a whiter than white freckled background with bright red labia in contrast to the pale…making it a mess I didn’t want to explore until I got older and weirder….

But it turns out that she went from being in 1 movie in 2010…to being in 11 movies in 2011…one of which called The Help that she was nominated for an Oscar for….

If that’s not some “Sold my sole to the devil” shit..I don’t know what is…cuz going from out of work…extra on Law and Order…to super star…makes no fucking sense….

But what does make sense is staring at her half naked pics as she’s posing in GQ…

Posted in:Jessica Chastain




Sophie Howard’s Retirement Photoshoot of the Day

My girl MadamMeow notified me of this crisis…tragedy….end of the fucking world situation….Sophie Howard has retired from being a Glamour Model…because like every stripper who feels objectified and that they’ve peaked creatively in their field…she’s decided to ride her undeserved money into the sunset until realizing that it was way easier just showing her tits…coming back to that is inevitable..unless of course she marries a rich “Footballer” like the rest of the UK sluts….

Apparently these were shot a year ago….published this month…an end of an era to anyone who knows who Sophie Howard is…and doesn’t realize that google will bring up titties past…that are probably better versions of her….reminding me to thank her for giving up instead of holding on…long after it is too late….

Posted in:NSFW|Sophie Howard




Torrie Wilson’s on the Beach in a White Bikini of the Day

Torrie Wilson is some has-been wrestler, retired since 2008, irrelevant to the general public since 1975….but she’s probably got fans…people are into this wrestling shit…and they are generally weird people who not letting go of the glory days or the girls they masturbated to in those glory days….is likely one of the more normal things they do….

As far as I’m concerned she looks like a fake titty stripper with fake stripper hair and fake stripper tan despite being out in the sun in a bikini….a bikini that is really the only reason I am posting about her….cuz I’m really not into this shit…but I am into girls in bikinis…I’m so torn…how will I got on…


Posted in:Torrie Wilson