I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner Panstless for Miss Vogue Australia of the Day

Kendall Jenner may be under 18 still…but I figure the real crime in posting these pics of her…that I am kinda uncomfortable posting are the responsibility of Miss Vogue Australia for taking them…you know anyone who gets tweens half naked…despite it being legal…is pushing the limit a little more than I like…it’s this grey area that makes me feel uncomfortable…even if the 17 year old wants to be famous…or if her mom and sisters are pushing her into this…and even if she looks better than the rest of her family…and is going to end up being hot…but yet I am still compelled to post it…cuz Ryan Seacrest and the Kardashian team have me as brain washed as they have the rest of America…and I hate them for that….

Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Hayden Panettiere’s Weird Boyfriend Erotica of the Day

I don’t know why Hayden Panettiere decided to post this pic of her and her boyfriend riding something…but I’m pretty glad she did it…cuz seeing her vagina jacked up against whatever the hell they are sitting on….while the dude who rams her from behind unprotected…is jacked up behind her…is pretty much liking watching her in a group sex porn….sure she’s clothed…sure it’s innocent…but I got a feeling her panties are soaking…but only because this is the internet and I can interpret this picture however I fucking want…you creeps…

Posted in:Hayden Panettiere




Cindy Crawford Bikini Pic from Mexico of the Day

Cindy Crawford is and old thing in a new package and as much as I generally hate old things in any package…except maybe a snow suit…I am kinda into this Cindy Crawford old thing…cuz models just age better than regular humans cuz models are vain, image obsessed and scared the world will judge them when they fall off like they were Anna Nicole Smith…cuz there is nothing the catty, haters want to see more than someone so celebrated for being a babe…no longer a babe….and by the looks of it…Cindy Crawford is winning this fight….and I’m not just saying that cuz we had a moment and exchanged glances once and she smiled at me….as our souls connected a couple of years ago…I’m saying that cuz she’s good.

To See the Rest of the Pics
follow this link

Posted in:Cindy Crawford




Lucy Pinder is Busty in an Unknown Shoot of the Day

This post is dedicated to Glamour Model fighter….Travis…who hates girls with big breasts and who are willing to show off their big breasts in exchange for money and fame in the UK….

Like I said earlier today…..it is a kinda weird thing to hate on…considering girls who are willing to show off their retarded big tits for such simple and obvious reasons…are fucking awesome….and not just because they are usually broken and have daddy issues…but because I get to stare at their tits.

All this to say…Travis is weird.

Here’s Lucy Pinder in some bra shoot that is unknown…but lovely enough for me to stare at….

Posted in:Lucy Pinder




Anastasia Bondarenko Topless Photoshoot for Paul Morel of the Day

I saw these pics of Anastasia Bondarenko…a model I never heard of…but am glad that I have now…cuz she’s a funny story…along with being awesome …especially when topless…

Her birth name….is Nastya….her agency changed it to more digestible in the American Market Anastasia….in some kind of rebrand cuz Nastya….means a whole lot more to us English people…that probably isn’t really good for branding a naked fashion model….

Posted in:Anastasia Bondarenko|NSFW




Nicole Scherzinger’s Classic Upskirt of the Day

Good Old Fashioned – Getting Out of the car…Panty Flash….good thing she tucked..

Get it cuz she’s got a tranny face….and is so liberal with her panties like a tranny….trying to overcompensate their woman act…to make us believe she’s not a tranny…all thanks to a little tape and well planned paparazzi timing…

Not that she’s a tranny…at least not by my requirements…the tits and the illusion of being a woman…is more than enough for me….it’s not gay if they have long hair….


Posted in:Nicole Scherzinger




Anne V Still On the Beach in a Bikini of the Day

Bikini and lingerie models are fun…because they are professional bikini wearers…which makes looking at them on the beach in a bikini casually and for free…you know on their off time way more spectacular….because normal girls are totally inefficient at parading around half naked…that’s why these girls get paid the big money right? It’s like watching a pro athlete play his sport recreationally…or some shit…or maybe it’s not all that spectacular at all…especially not for someone who likes seeing all girls half naked…especially knowing Adam Levine and his horrible music was inside this vagina…making her almost disgusting to look at…or maybe I’m just lost in that untoned stomach…she needs to step up her bikini model game…cuz we’ve seen her WAY BETTER THAN THIS ….I guess it’s the off season….

To See The Rest of the Pics

Posted in:Anne V




Natasha Poly Turns Me On in Madame Figaro of the Day

Natasha Poly is a pretty major Russian model who is loved by all….

She’s 27, started modeling in 2004, and is married…which kinda makes her fucking boring…at least to me…cuz rich chicks married to rich dudes…living the rich life…that she takes a break from every so often for a huge 1,000,000 dollar ad campaigns….isn’t really all that inspiring to me….you see I like my girls more broken…especially when they have similar beginnings as her…

It was 1985, in communist Russia, on a cold cement floor, where this girl was born….forced to fend for herself at the age of 15, because both her parents died in a work camp of hypothermia, our heroine joined the sex trade….where she worked for the Russian mob….suckin’ dick…

Is far better than, she was scouted and a milionaire at 18…

But I’ll still look at her posing in pictures wearing lacy things….cuz she’s lovely…

Especially Since She’s Done FULL FRONTA SHOOTS BEFORE ….

Posted in:Natasha Poly




Hannah May’s Big Boobs for Bambi Magazine of the Day

I have never heard of Hannah May and either has many people – cuz she’s only got 800 followers on twitter…but that doesn’t mean she’s not relevant, now, important, a human…it just means the masses aren’t familiar with her rockin’ fuckin’ tits she brings out in photoshoots….I mean…what the fuck does it matter how many twitter followers you fucking have to determine your worth…life isn’t a popularity contest…and some of the most significant people in the world probably don’t even use twitter that seriously…like this Hannah May model babe…cuz these tits…are fucking amazing…maybe even super heroes that I’d like to have give me mouth to mouth after I drown on them….and no one seems to give a fuck about her….or her updates…remninding us that some good things aren’t ruined by the internet….

Here she is topless in Bambi Magazine…whatever the fuck that is…

Posted in:Hannah May|NSFW




Olivia Wilde’s Campaign No One Cared About for Bobo of the Day

People…mainly creepy perverts like you…love Olivia Wilde…even though she’s weak…and got herself a stupid fake name from an obvious character in literature…that is a sign of her insecurities…cuz she wasn’t confident enough to stand by her actual last name COCKBURN ..but then again…insecure girls are the only reason I get laid….and really who wanted to be named COCKBURN…especially when you have a vagina…cuz the imagery is just fucking evil on any cock that wants to climb up inside her…

Well it turns out she did this campaign in September and no one gave a shit…so I’m posting it 2 months later….for all you fairweather fans…cuz I think she looks alright in it…sure she’s not in her bra for a movie role in it…but looks good none the less ….

Posted in:Olivia Wilde