I'll Make You Famous…




Jamie Lynn Sigler Tit Hanging Out of a Dress for Twitter

Jamie Lynn Sigler hasn’t been in our faces or on our faces or on our faces in our fantasies while watching her on shitty TV because it makes the show that she is on more interesting, especially when that show is Entourage – but she has been posting her fatty tits hanging out of her shit on twitter, and as far as I’m concerned that is all the relevant she needs to be……if anything this is the peak performance of her career and it is all down hill from here….but then again I am really into has been barely famous tits hanging out of shirts at weddings on social networking sites….it’s a niche fetish but a fetish nevertheless.

Posted in:Jamie Lynn Sigler|SFW




Katy Perry Military Lesbian for GQ Germany of the Day

Katy Perry is dressed as a militant lesbian for GQ Germany, because based on my experience with Germans and my knowledge of Germans, cold, hard faced, miliant lesbians is kinda their thing, you know when they aren’t shitting in each other’s mouths in bootleg porn, or covering up a genocide scandal that hit back in the 30s and 40s when they let a criminal mastermind run their country….

I generally don’t like lesbians, but only cuz they hate me for having a penis…..seriously they always look at me funny, like that they want to turn me into a woman, but maybe that’s cuz I turn them on so much it fucks with all they have worked so hard to suppress….but more importantly, I hate Katy Perry, cuz she’s a fucking lie of a human….talentless, ugly and thanks to GQ Germany, pantsless….unfortunately.

Here are the pics…

Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW




Paula Bertolini Tit for Glamour of the Day

Paula Bertolini is a skinny model and she’s naked for some fashion photoshoot that you know was scripted in the office of some pretentious art director who thought he had a vision…a revolutionary, artistic vision that will redefine fashion as we know it, or at least that’s how he pitched this, cuz recycled, repetitive, bullshit trash with a few nipples in it to keep it edgy enough for people to talk about it like it’s more than just mass produced bullshit, doesn’t sell the creative team as well…

I’ve never heard of her, but I’ve seen her naked and I like it…..cuz she’s not fat.

Posted in:NSFW|Paula Bertolini




Kim Kardashian is the Devil in Nuts of the Day

Kim Kardashian may be a disgusting human and you may hate her and all she represents, but I’ve cleansed my soul and realized that hatred, especially those we don’t know, is not healthy, productive or worth our energy….and instead we should embrace all that everyone has to offer and pretend those who annoy us don’t exist, cuz when you do, you realize it’s as if they don’t exist….a fantastic exercise to practice when dealing with Kim Kardashian….

But the truth is her and her team are good at marketing, they make money that you can’t fathom in the most simple of ways, she packages herself properly, she knows how to work a camera, she knows how to make her dumpy body look erotic and curvy, she knows how to do porn without America caring, you know getting them to sympathize with her as if she’s the victim, she plays her social media strategically, her relationships strategically, and it works cuz the American public are retards…..

So you can’t blame her, you can only blame yourself and I suggest you do while staring at her massive pornstar tits….


Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kristen Stewart is Boring for Glamour Germany of the Day

Kristen Stewart is in some photoshoot for some German Glamour magazine and I feel as though they didn’t really represent her cheating whore personality well, if anything they made her look like a rape victim, hours after said rape, crying and sad….questioning all that went wrong and whether it was all her fault….which is always an awesome look for a fashion shoot with a red neck inbred chick who has no sex appeal and shouldn’t be famous in the first place….

This needs a lot more pouty faces looking over her shoulder while grabbing her ankles….if you know what I mean.

Posted in:Kristen Stewart|SFW




Christina Aguilera’s Fat, Slutty, New Song Preview of the Day

Christina Aguilera is either releasing a song or an album called “YOUR BODY”….and with that comes a promo video that I watched…not because I am interested in anaything Christina Aguilera…especially not when it comes to her body…unless it involves me ejaculating inside her with my eyes closed so that I K-Fed her….but because I am scared of her body….and every now and then seeing a fat chick rolling around trying to be sexy brings me joy and inspires me to not eat the fucking day old donuts the coffee shop gave me for free cuz I’m poor.

Seriously, this is a massive, really massive.. nightmare….and it makes me laugh.


Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Kelly Brook’s Big Tits in Leopard Print of the Day

Kelly Brook launched a clothing line…and no one gave a fuck….I know this because the above video has 300 views after being live a couple of days…but I am a believer in all things Kelly Brook…I mean she’s got this far with nothing more than a set of huge tits and a dream….coupled with a vagina will to bang celebrities and opportunities to the top….she even staged a pregnancy and miscarriage to tug on the heart strings of her fans…when we all know it was an inside job…part of a bigger plan I call turning 40 soon and this is my last fucking push…..


Posted in:Kelly Brook|SFW|Videos




Kaley Cuoco Suggestive Dick Sucking with Lacey Chabert for Twitter of the Day

Kaley Cuoco thinks she’s so hot cuz she thinks her hot ass in tight pants is what killed Jon Ritter on set of 8 Simple Rules of Dating Your Daughter…..where rule number one is don’t let your wife find out…and rule number two is don’t let the authorities or her school find out….but the truth is his congenital heart disease is what killed him…and that ego she’s developed thinkin’ her looks could kill are all just hype….but she hasn’t figure that out yet since they cast her on a nerd show playing the hot chicks the nerds love….when everyone knows the hot chicks nerds actually love and can talk to without throwing up are generally fat and horrible…I went to comicon this weekend…I know how it is….but maybe I am wrong abotu her….maybe she realizes she’s not amazing and that’s why she simulates giving blowjobs for twitter…and attention…something that works for me.

Posted in:Kaley Cuoco|SFW




Coco’s Ass Picture of the Day

I’d like to say that whenever I am feeling down and out with no where to go and nothing to do…with no sites to look up….and no videos to masturbate to….you know when all my facebook friends, twitter friends, instagram friends, AIM friends who I have never met in real life and who are not my actual friends but who I share my deep dark secrets with…are uninteresting, uninspiring, boring….I turn to Coco becuase I know she’ll consistently whore herself, post pics of herseelf whoring herself, and that it will entertain and make me laugh and feel warm and wholesome…grounded and appreciative of what I have….but I’d be lying…cuz Coco only comes to my mind when her bottom feeding, starved for attention, stripper trash is emailed to me….no matter how trashy, tacky or pathetic her pic may be…

Here is something she posted to day…to impact your life in no way whatsoever…

Posted in:Coco




Baseball Fan of the Day

I hate sports but as someone who loves offensive gestures on TV, this is the kind of thing I could get down to, you see I’m the kind of guy who likes pressing my dick in the window of fancy restaurants while couples look into each other’s eyes romantically, you know to help get the mood where it needs to be….in a fun place…where boring bullshit…becomes hysterical…

Apparently he was doing this for an inning before being kicked out…an inning long enough to get famous doing frat boy bullshit….

Posted in:SFW|stepSPORTS|Videos