I'll Make You Famous…




Valerie van der Graaf Hot for Lovecat #5 of the Day

Valerie van der Graaf is a hot model from the Netherlands….She was in the last issue of Lovecat Magazine, looking pretty fucking spectacular , but I’m a bigger fan of this half nakedness, erotica, all busty as fuck and good enough to try to get pregnant, even if you’ll never be in the same room as her, being someone who never leaves his couch, but if you’re like me, and have a lot of time on your hands, you can look up every van der Graaf in the Netherlands and send them a condom filled with your semen you made yourself looking at these pics, hoping she may flip it inside out and have your baby….even though the chances are she won’t even get it, but those who do , will likely call the cops, ruining everything.

Life is unfair. These pictures are not…unless this bitch is actually disgusting when not in professional photoshoots…like most bitches are…lies everywhere….don’t matter when I can seee titty…

Posted in:Valerie van der Graaf




Cindy Crawford Old and Hot in Tight Clothes for Tatler of the Day

Cindy Crawford is amazing. Many years ago, I was standing on a street corner as I often do, because I don’t have a job and never really know how to fill up my days and an SUV pulled up next to me….and this tall, amazing looking woman got out….it was Cindy Crawford, I was next to her hotel, it wasn’t like she made the driver pull over to sit on my face, as most girls do, but she did smile at me, or maybe she was laughing at me, as she walked into the hotel, and part of me died…because I realized they don’t make crackwhores this good….and I only have sex with crackwhores…and I will always only have sex with crackwhores…and this Cindy Crawford bitch opened a door to a new world…a world I’m not invited into…except when looking, and by looking I mean masturbating to her photoshoot pics….even though she’s 50 something and that alone is normally disgusting…but she is defies all odds…or some shit….who cares…look at the pics.

Posted in:Cindy Crawford




Zoe Saldana for Malibu Magazine of the Day

Zoe Saldana is some nerd marketed starlet from Avatar and now she’s in the prestigious Malibu Magazine posing all hot to the average person, disappointing all the virgin losers who live with their mom who don’t like admitting that the Avatar character they fell in love with was actually played by a human, cuz human’s are so hard to connect with and interract with, especially when bogged down with autism and social awkwardness and a passion for all things girls find creepy, weird, unsexy….luckily…I’m only into girls who are blue from being choked out when sucking my dick. LOLZ. (everything is less creepy when you LOLZ)

Posted in:Zoe Saldana




Imogen Thomas THick in Nuts of the Day

Imogen Thomas is some busty Glamour Model who doesn’t impress me cuz her busty comes with a whole lot thickness.

It is clear from this pics that someone’s been eating her bangers and mash….She’s so into food, she even tweets about the shit…..

When she’s not showing off the shit as it pours over her lingerie in the form of fat….but like all fat chicks…she’s showing off tit….and that’s exciting…right?

Posted in:Imogen Thomas




LeAnn Rimes in Her Hot Slutty Twitter Pic of the Day

I like to keep track of LeAnn Rimes, I have a thing for false Christian demons who use Christianity to make millions of dollars off actual believers….you know who are too trusting in the church to see her for the harlot and heathen that she is…..a homewrecking prostitute disguised by a Christmas album, who would have been stoned to death if this was a different generation and if her fans actually had a mind of their fucking own….

To See Pics of her in a Bikini
Follow This Link

Posted in:Leann Rimes




Kate Upton for GQ Italia of the Day

I am the first to admit that I am a Kate Upton hater…I think she’s an overeating, sloppy titty, fat girl in training who looks like she struggles hard with her weight, cuz she’s destined to be a big fucking girl, and she’s built like a big fucking girl, but she’s got to hold onto this flat stomach as long as she can cuz it makes her money, and she can’t let genetics get in the way of that, even though at 19, no one has tits that big that hang like that unless they are 100 pounds heavier….and I guess watching her struggle with her weight will be a source of entertainment as are looking at the pics of her in photoshoots pre-getting fat….

We call this the Anna Nicole Smith hustle…that said, these pics are probably recycled from another photoshoot, but I’ll post them anyway, cuz I am a drunk and everything is new to me…even if I saw it an hour earlier…

Posted in:Kate Upton




Naya Rivera in a Bikini of the Day

Naya Rivera is some character on Glee, possibly the worst show on TV that I refuse to watch, but based on the main character’s face, the homosexual storylines, the fact that they are so politically correct it seems like it is a satire, or a joke, I feel justified….

I am not sure what this Naya bitch plays, but I’m thinking the janitor’s daughter who snuck over the border at the age of 10, only to be teased for her athletic ability, leading to her bull dyke lesbianism….but at least she’s not fat cuz fat is the worst…


Posted in:Naya Rivera




Oliva Munn Topless Scene in Magic Mike of the Day

I have heard this movie mentioned a lot lately, mainly by old horny bitches, and I haven’t bothered looking into it to see what it is actually about, because I don’t really give a fuck about male strippers, not even when they are being used to lure cunts like Olivia Munn into topless scenes, in efforts to raise her profile, cuz god fucking knows she’s been trying for fucking years….

I know, tits are fantastic under all circumstances, especially if you are a virgin loser who grew up buying into Olivia Munn’s nerd sympathy lie….but tits don’t impress me, especially not when they are from an attention seeker like this….but I’ll still watch them in action cuz I got nothing else to do…

Posted in:NSFW|Olivia Munn




Daisy Fuentes 90 Year Old Legs of the Day

I don’t know whether to celebrate that a 90 year old woman can have legs like this….and embrace and accept the fact that she is showing them off to the world…while most 90 yer olds are too busy being dead to get up on Social Networking….or if I should be disgusted at the modern science that went into her to preserve her…cuz I think she was hosting MTV in the 80s….before MTV even fucking existed….figure that one out…while I try to clease my soul by looking at pics of young pussy to pretend this didn’t happen.

Posted in:Daisy Fuentes




Lia Lor by Terry Richardson of the Day

Lia Lor is a fresh face in porn, that won’t be so fresh for long, cuz most pornstars, if they aren’t already fucking wrecked, will be early into their careers, because coming up in porn doesn’t always land you top paying contract jobs that are more like fucking on camera, than being raped and violated on camera, something more and more young girls are into, cuz more and more young girls look up to whores like Sasha Grey….all hipster, young, stupid and fucked in the head….

Like all good hipster, young, stupid pornstars…she’s taken some time out of her busy schedule of getting fucked to get shot by Terry Richardson…here are the pics…..I have a feeling we will be hearing a lot more about this one….

Posted in:Lia Lor|NSFW