I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Penis Fear

Now no girl has ever been scared of my penis – I think it has to do with it’s beauty, but it could also be due to the simple fact that girls never atually see it. I am probably so sex obsessed because I haven’t had an erection in over 6 years, I think it has to do with all the drugs I did back in texas, but it could also have to do with having a really ugly wife. My impotence won’t stop me from enjoying the female form, and it sure as hell won’t stop me from sexual harassment….This site provides a service to girls who have are penis phobic and the best quote I can take from the site is:

most an erect penis fear therapies take months or years and sometimes even require the patient to be exposed repeatedly to their fear.

How can I sign up? I would love to expose myself to a group of frieghtened ladies…..

If this kinda thing interests you or if you are scared of cock….
Visit ChangeThatsRightNow Here

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I am – Carmen Electra on the Runway

Carmen Electra is married to a rocker and they have their own TV show. Carmen Electra was in Playboy and on Baywatch and I bet her real name isn’t Electra, but I am not about to research this because I am lazy. But I will tell you this she’s a slut.

Carmen’s peep show

Carmen Electra gave the audience at a charity concert in Los Angeles a preview of her new aerobic striptease video. The Sun reports that the former “Baywatch” star performed a raunchy dance routine wearing only a barely-there nightie and a pair of suspenders.

Look it’s Carmen Electra on the runway, you can see her ass.

Bonus pic after the jump:

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I am – Videos of the Day – Thursday

A loyal reader of the site told me that I should introduce the videos in the form of a Haiku so I did just that…

Internet, Not TV
Clips So Good For You and Me
This is the proof,Seen?

Now watch the fucking clips – After the Jump….

Another Webcam Girl – I don’t Know if I posted this? (NSW)

Reader Submitted Star Tracker – Thanks Murray

Another Webcam Girl – This shit is too common now, but I am not complaining (NSW)

We’ve found another dance video –

2 girls making out, because lesbians get all the attention

A clip from a Shanes World Movie – Jocks doing push ups (NSW)

Guys Make their own Flame Thrower

Rake Javelin

Aerobics Killed Jesus – This Link May Not Work

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I am – Christina Aguilera Stripped in the UK Nipple Slip

Christina, or like she prefers to be called X-Tina had a little nipple slip (nip slip for those in the know). I am not sure where this comes from and the quality is completely shit, but you can clearly see her nipple ring because she’s hard, but not the kind of hard you are thinking about a nipple….you are gross and I will not introduce you to my granny.

Shitty Quality Christina Aguilera Nip Slip After The Jump….

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I am – Legal Verdict of the Day

I was talking to my wife Zelda about this blog last night which she was not very interested in talking about. About after some nudging I convinced her to read it and give me her opinion. Well what she had to say shocked me and like always she is right. What she said is as follows: “Brad why are you doing so many Jewish posts. You are doing Jewish terms and posts about kosher when you don’t speak Hebrew and eat bacon for breakfast every morning. You are a lawyer, and you should focus on legal issues. Only you could have kept the stepfather mostly out of jail all these years. The man has been arrested 158 times and had 32 trials and only spent 2 months in jail total.” So I will start doing more legal from now on.

While shopping for bloody mary mix Russell Christoff spots his picture on the label of a Taster’s Choice coffee jar. Lawsuits ensue…now he has won $15.6 million.

Full Story and picture after the Jump

Via CBS News

(CBS/AP) A jury has awarded $15.6 million to a man whose image was used for years without his permission on Taster’s Choice coffee labels.

Russell Christoff, a former model from Northern California, posed for a two-hour Nestle photo shoot in 1986 but figured it was a bust —- until he stumbled across his likeness on a coffee jar while shopping at a drug store in 2002.

“There was a jar with my picture on it,” he told The Early Show co-anchor Julie Chen Tuesday, “and I was just a bit surprised. After the shock, which lasted, you know, a few seconds, I picked it up and I walked up and I showed the jar to a woman that works there and I said, ‘Look.’ And she said, ‘Wow! That’s you!’ And I said, ‘Thank you. I will take this jar!’ ”

A legal dispute with Nestle USA ensued, during which Christoff, 58, declined the company’s $100,000 settlement offer, and Nestle USA turned down his offer to settle for $8.5 million.

“I never gave my consent,” he said to Chen. “We had a contract that spelled out the terms of the agreement, but there was just no follow-up on it.

“I filed it away, and the contract sat there for 18, 19 years and — I save things, which I guess is obvious. And no. They never had the permission.”

Last week, a Los Angeles County Superior Court jury ordered Nestle USA to pay Christoff $15.6 million for using his likeness without his permission and profiting from it. The award includes 5 percent of the Glendale-based company’s profit from Taster’s Choice sales from 1997 to 2003.

During that time, Nestle sold the freeze-dried coffee with labels featuring Christoff’s face in the United States, Mexico, South Korea, Japan, Israel and Kuwait. The company’s Canadian arm started using his image in 1986.

Nestle USA attorney Lawrence Heller said the company would appeal the verdict.

“The employee that pulled the photo thought they had consent to use the picture,” Heller said.

Eric Stockel, an attorney for Christoff, said he hadn’t expected such a large verdict.

Christoff, who while working as a model had appeared in corporate training videos and hosted his own public television show, is now a kindergarten teacher in the Bay Area community of Antioch.

He first came across his picture while shopping for bloody mary mix, and says there’s a good reason he didn’t spot it sooner.

“I don’t buy Taster’s Choice,” he said. “I do beans.”

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I am – Maurice Chevalier Fact of the Day

Following the war, Chevalier began appearing in French musical films in addition to his work on the stage.

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I am – Meredith Bishop: Jewish Celeb of the Day

Never heard of her, either has most of the world. But I have noticed this gal since I saw her eating a steak at moishes with her parents a few summers ago. I have never actually seen her in any show or movie but I hear that she stars in the Secret World of Alex Mack.

More Info and Links after the Jump

Fan Site HERE

Meredith has been given the nickname Mer, and grew up in Woodland Hills, California, attending William Howard Taft High School. We all know of her accomplishments on the Secret World of Alex Mack, but that is just the beginning. Meredith has appeared in several TV commercials, and some college plays. She’s made guest appearances on Moesha, Ramona (as Beezus), and more recently on Sliders. Back in 1996, Meredith was honored with a highly prestigious award from the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle for her lead role in the play Eleemosynary. It appears that even though Alex Mack is over, we have not seen the end of Meredith Bishop . . . . not by a long shot.

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I am – Lohan in the News Today

Look our girl Lindsay Lohan does ballet. I bet you don’t do ballet? Well you shouldn’t you are too fat! You do look hot in that outfit though, it could be the premise of a porno movie. Fat man doing ballet…think about it.

Lindsay Lohan sued over traffic collision in Los Angeles
San Jose Mercury News
LOS ANGELES – “Mean Girls” actress Lindsay Lohan was sued Wednesday by two people who claim she injured them in a traffic accident last year

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I am – Getty Images of the Day

IF you don’t know this by now, you will never ever ever know this….we do a round-up of the getty images of the day, I choose less than 10 more than 0 getty images from todays selection, and I put them up here. It allows me to pretend I actually attended the event and living in a fantasy world is a much nicer place that here….

Getty Images After the Jump

After the whole airplane incident that’s all over the internet, Lara decided to put on some clothes….

Tara Reid rocking out at Karl Kani’s launch party because she is probably more hip hop than he is, sell-out bastard…

Paris’ Pants are Pink, Rumor has it her Vagina…Not So Pink….

Zandra Rhodes, I don’t know who she is, but if she is good enough for Getty, she’s good enough for me, what I wouldn’t give for a piece of that hot ass…

Trying to be funny sometimes work, sometimes it doesn’t, you can’t always be on…you demanding bastards…

Alyssa Milano is probably old enough to be your mother…and you still have sexual fantasies about her? Who’s the boss now, not Tony Danza

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I am – Jewish Fact of the day: Kosher pt. 3

The series continues, today we deal with which animals are kosher.

“There are two things that tell if an animal is kosher. Firstly its hooves are completely parted at the bottom to form two horny pads, and secondly if it chews the cud. Cows, sheep, goats and deer are the common animals that have both these features and so these are kosher. Pigs, whilst they do have split hooves do not chew the cud are so are not kosher, likewise camels while they chew the cud only have partially split hooves and so are also not kosher.

Previously: Part 1/Part 2

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