I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Tea Baggin’

Sheryl Crow is dating a biker
Not a cool drug dealing kind of biker who fucks hookers..

A fruity biker in fruity bicycle shorts biker.
The biker is Lance Armstrong
Lance is good and wins a lot
Lance has one testicle

Picture Here

Lance and Sheryl make fuck
Sheryl plays with his one testicle, I know, because I get invited to watch sometimes.
I want to know if he has a prosthesis
They do exist

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I am – Tea Baggin'

Sheryl Crow is dating a biker
Not a cool drug dealing kind of biker who fucks hookers..

A fruity biker in fruity bicycle shorts biker.
The biker is Lance Armstrong
Lance is good and wins a lot
Lance has one testicle

Picture Here

Lance and Sheryl make fuck
Sheryl plays with his one testicle, I know, because I get invited to watch sometimes.
I want to know if he has a prosthesis
They do exist

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I am – Homicidal Honor Student

This is a weird story I found on WTFPeople.com

Girl Gets her boyfriends to kill her mother because her mother calls her fat or something like that….

Story Here

Police Report Here

The girl’s blog here

She shops at Hot Topic, She listen s to Incubus, She eat’s at Denny’s. She would have been better off killing herself….

Oh more reason as to why she should kill herself:

“Afterward though I went to Betsy’s and played Dongeons and Dragons until 3:30am which totally kicked ass. I have a new character who has awesome stats, though I had to be a wizard which kinda sucks. It’s funny becaus she’s really petite, like 5ft and weights 96 pounds and has a sweet and innocent voice, but has a lot of piercings”

I find people who kill other people really creepy, I guess that is a given… but I don’t understand it and it really bothers me a lot…

That’s all I have to say on that.

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I am – Australian Nobody

Georgie Parker is a celebrity – so I have been told by IMDB.com. I have never heard of her, but I don’t really pay much attention to the celebrity scene unless they are naked somewhere….

Georgie (a man’s name) launched a Sleepwear line… also known as Pajamas.

I still have no idea who this woman is …

But here is a picture of her:

Georgie Parker is in the middle and she scares me I would make a tranny joke, but trannies are cliche.

Some Fat Dude from Harry Potter for the record I have never heard of this guy either, and I have never seen the harry potter movies. Guess what, I haven’t seen lord of the rings either.


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I am – Weird Video


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I am – Google Images

Larry the Astronaut

Larry the Communist

Larry the Beard with the Leather Tie

Larry the Pimp

Larry the Graduate:

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i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
we had twins

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
can you handle it

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
or should i say – can your asshole handle it you sick fuck

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
or should i say a sick fuck involves a hand and your asshole…

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
Poppers make the heart grow fonder

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
how abou8t matza fry i like matza fry

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
is that the pancake shit, it’s got nothing on placenta

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
my mom used to make me eat placenta, every time she had another kid, we were poor, and the government gave us more money the more kids she had. I was the oldest of 14… She would make it for dinner. I guess that means I ate 13 placentas growing up. We couldn’t afford milk, since she was always preggers, she would just make us all drink breast milk….maybe that is why I am the way I am…

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
thats it!’

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
i love that shit

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
i love it too

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
knock me up, fatherfucker.

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
when we hook up… you can make that for me for breakfast after i show you a good time

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
I am getting you pregnant in january – just deciding on what position i want

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
we will call you The Chick With Aucular Herpes

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. hello. i am addicted to drunkenstepfather. says:
i like knee breeches

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
you can be on your knees…

Posted in:Uncategorized|Unsorted




i am – Julia Roberts' Placenta says:

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
we had twins

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
can you handle it

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
or should i say – can your asshole handle it you sick fuck

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
or should i say a sick fuck involves a hand and your asshole…

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
Poppers make the heart grow fonder

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
how abou8t matza fry i like matza fry

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
is that the pancake shit, it’s got nothing on placenta

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
my mom used to make me eat placenta, every time she had another kid, we were poor, and the government gave us more money the more kids she had. I was the oldest of 14… She would make it for dinner. I guess that means I ate 13 placentas growing up. We couldn’t afford milk, since she was always preggers, she would just make us all drink breast milk….maybe that is why I am the way I am…

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
thats it!’

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
i love that shit

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
i love it too

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
knock me up, fatherfucker.

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
when we hook up… you can make that for me for breakfast after i show you a good time

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
I am getting you pregnant in january – just deciding on what position i want

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
we will call you The Chick With Aucular Herpes

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. hello. i am addicted to drunkenstepfather. says:
i like knee breeches

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
you can be on your knees…

Posted in:Uncategorized|Unsorted




I am – Celebrity

Lil Jon was a loser in high school
He also didn’t look human
Now all the girls love him
Because you are all a bunch of gold diggers
and love celebrity cock.

ok… maybe not all of you….

Lil Jon getting crunked

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I am – Slutty Bride’s Maid

I have never been to a wedding. Rumor is the bride’s maids get all jealous and shit.
There is only one cure to jealously… show that bride how much better you are than her…
Let everyone know that married life suck and prove it by having a gangbang on her wedding night

YOU are slutty bridesmaid.

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