I am – Your Personal Jesus

But replace the word Jesus with Website – This is my new feature that will feature a new personal website

It is always fun coming across a stranger’s site, reading their bios, and their resumes, checking out their pictures…you know that everyone has a website, so here it is:

You may remember Archie from his dad’s memorial picture… but there is much more to Archie than a dead father.

Check it out here

Here is an exerpt from his short story, it was actually his only published story….

“All I need is a quiet, relaxing week-end. Wish I’d invited Jane up. We could have had some fun together, finally get to know each other better.” Wes glanced at himself in the mirror as he talked. “You’re not bad for 44. Single, well, in a month or so anyway, intelligent, and wealthy. What more would a woman want? These modern women want fun and money with no strings. Maybe I’ll give Jane a call tomorrow morning. We’ll make it a long week-end. After all, I am the boss.”

GOOD ONE ARCHIE, I am shocked you don’t have more published work with such strong hooks!

I am – Your Personal Jesus November 29th, 2004