I am – Paris Hilton’s Diet

TheSuperficial is better than me at doing this blog shit. I saw his Paris eating McDonalds post, and I laughed. But the first thought that came to my mind was that Paris won’t die from eating McDonalds, she will die of Aids. Now we all know Aids isn’t funny…but when a soicialte gets it from sleeping with everyone, without a condom, on camera it’s kinda like my bitterness surfaces and I say things like “You deserve Aids, bitch”….I think it would be much hotter if I was the one to deliver the Aids virus… and after fucking her without a condom, on camera saying “Yo Paris… I just gave you Aids, Bitch”, but that will never happen, I only sleep with virgins (My Stepdaughter’s friends)


I am – Paris Hilton’s Diet December 6th, 2004