I am – Freckles

I got this off some blog somewhere – I would give credit but I really have no clue where it is from. No one reads drunkenstepfather, so I guess it really doesn’t matter….

Point of the story is that freckles are disgusting and I am glad Lohan realizes this and is taking action. I don’t know about you, but I am not attracted to girls with shit stains all over their bodies. If I wanted shit stains I would date my dirty underwear collection.


Miss Lohan apparently is obsessed with getting rid of her freckles, so she is allegedly spending around 3,000 dollars a month on an expensive bleaching cream. A jar of the cream costs about a hundred dollars, and Lohan uses a jar a night. The process involves applying the cream to the parts of your skin that you want to bleach, and wearing it overnight. –

Lohan is getting ready to become a crappy cross-over artist with her album “Speak”, due out in stores Tuesday. She is also been recently hospitalized for “exhaustion” and “working herself too hard”. Lohan’s follow up treatment includes alcohol, clubbing, and trying to cover up her mysteriously smaller breasts. Marijuana blunts are also debated as pain reliever, but have not been confirmed as of yet.source: the shipper report.

I am – Freckles December 7th, 2004