I am – The Lohan Interview

Follow this link to the Lohan Interview

Why aren’t people asking the questions we all want to know – How big is Valderamma’s cock, did he stick it in your ass, what was the craziest amount of cocaine you have ingested in the shortest period of time. What is better, busting on your face or in your cooch? How old were you when you got your first STD… you know… who cares about her “burn out”….

There Was one good question though

And it was this

AP: OK, but going out with the likes of Paris Hilton is bound to draw attention to you.

Lohan: Yeah. Well, like I said, I’m friendly with other girls in the business. Some of them make rumors up about other girls in the business. They’ll say “Oh, she does drugs. She drinks too much.” I know a lot of the girls in L.A. smoke pot, but I can’t do that. I would have an asthma attack. It’s stupid to smoke, I do that once in a while, but everyone goes through that phase. I would never be an excessive drinker. You feel like (expletive) the next day anyway.

The rest of the interview is here.

I got this link off defamer, but I am not going to plug them, because they don’t plug me – cunts.

I am – The Lohan Interview December 10th, 2004