i am – against maintenance

this morning i looked at myself

you need to tweeze my face screamed at myself-to no one in particular-


hypothetically, if i were to start tweezing, then my dry skin would flake off,

and i would have to get out the toner,

and then the astringent,

and then wash my face, dry it, do the toner thing again,

put on the topical coat that prevents break outs and forest fires,

wait for it to dry,

add some grease free moisturizer,

write my suicide note,

let all the turtle doves go free,

scream ala kazaam

followed by allahu akbar, drop on the floor, which just happens to be asking for a mopping.

i sweep first with a broom

throw away the dust and inanimate objects which have set up camp there, on my bathroom floor

mop once with warm water..

i am against maintenance.

i am – against maintenance December 21st, 2004