I am – Kerne

I once had a puppy back in mexico – we named him Kerne. Kerne was given away to the local restaurant. We think Kerne was fed to white people in tacos. I never got a Kerne taco, my family was too poor, I would fill up on sand and iceburg lettuce. I did here keren tasted great.

Anyway – in memory of the pooch my mom made me give up… I decided to do a google image search on him….this is a daily feature… you dig?

For the results click here

For the top 5 follow the links that are most relevant to you and your fat wife.

2 and 1/2 inches of Kerne

all about the boys….kerne

a pipe means a blow job in french, Kerne

Kerne Loved Balls

Kerne has Sugar Daddies

I am – Kerne December 28th, 2004