I am – HornyBoy

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Horny Boy  is our personal site of the day. He is a rich horny kid from San Fran. His dad is royalty and his mom runs her own entertainment company. He gets to mingle with celebrities, and travel the world on his dad’s private jet. And he is horny, much like myself, that is the reason for my criminal record in its entirety. Try telling a judge you did it because you were horny…it doesn’t go too far.


About Horny Boy:
“I’m a college student from San Francisco who lives life with the rich and famous. My Mom runs a major corporation in the entertainment industry, so I get to meet lots of celebrities backstage at movie, television, fashion, and music events from time to time. With my Dad, I get to jet to major sporting events. I also accompany my parents to major European royal functions. Enjoy my life!”
About His Mom
“Recently one of my Mom’s big projects was released, and it has grossed a truly obscene amount of money in a very short period of time. I’d say more, but that might jeopardize my anonymity here. “
“So what is this uberrich lady doing on Thanksgiving afternoon? Cutting and sorting grocery coupons for her kitchen staff. I’ll never understand the lady. The movie trade rag Variety would never believe it.”
“Actually I think my Mom went to the NBC party just to see what other talent was ripe for the plucking. No wonder my Mom earns the really HUGE bucks.”
About his Sex Life:
“Sunday morning Samantha woke me up kissing my neck and nibbling on my earlobes. I was nude and had my usual morning hardon, but my first reaction was embarrassment for it. She tried to pull down the sheets, and I held them in place as though my life depended on it. I don’t know why I’m so shy and fucked up when I wake up. What is really weird is that I usually jack off when I wake up, so I have no idea why I didn’t want to have sex with Samantha.”
“Some of the guys thought jacking off to oneself in the mirror was just autoerotic while a minority thought that it was homoerotic.”
“Later in the afternoon Tiff’s buns were getting red, so I squirted Lubriderm Lotion on them. The cold lotion gave Tiff’s buns the cutest goosebumps. I used a bird feather to play “connect the dots” while on my stomach so Tiff wouldn’t notice my hardon and jump to conclusions. Sometimes I get hardons for the dumbest reasons.”
“Tiff, Natalie, and Deb are really just friends, yet looking at their nude bodies basking in the sun got me hard. And they seemed to really check out us guys too as we lay there nude. “
“At least now I know my shower can hold six people. All three of us guys had hardons, yet it was so much fun we couldn’t give a shit.”
I am pretty sure this guy isn’t for real, he is just a lonely sexually repressed guy who gets little attention from the ladies, and from his family. He is projecting this image on the internet, because you get to be whoever you want to be on the net. It’s what the stepfather calls fantasy, but we won’t get into my fantasies…they are too naughty and illegal. 
Main Site Here
Celebs Page Here
Sexual Encounters Here
I am – HornyBoy January 6th, 2005