I am – Vice

Vice magazine was local Montreal trash that made the move to NYC. I live in Montreal and I find this piece of shit magazine a huge waste of time, but it is a great resource for any hipster in training, looking for the next thing that is cool, hardcore or trendy. I stopped reading this shit when they made the move to full glossy because they got some idiot China Man to invest in their partying, drug addictions (which i fully support) and content, which is all written by the founder under fake names.

They are closing their Flagship Store in New York, they have already closed up shop in Montreal, and they never had a store in London, even though they claimed that they did. This people are masters of manipulation, and live under the philosophy that if you tell people you are cool, they will follow. I hate seeing weak minded followers fall into the trap, it’s not your fault you are useless Vice Reader.

I am totally happy with Terry Richardson though, I think that guy has great looking dirty pictures, and he has done work for Vice.

I just hope the Vice slowly crumbles, because 35 year olds just shouldn’t be the dictators of cool to fat chicks in the midwest and cokeheads of NYC.

Goodbye Vice, let’s hope your magazine is the next thing to crash and burn.


Oh and the source to this is Defamer.com, and I like them will all my body parts.

I am – Vice January 6th, 2005