I am – a big baby…

I think of love the infantilism fetish. There is something really funny about grown men in diapers soiling themselves, and getting their partners to change the diaper. Dressing up like a baby has got to be the least sexual thing I can think of doing with my Claudette. I am more into the puberty years where I make girls dress up like a school girls, cheerleaders and Lohan. I sign their permission slips and report cards and I attend their PTA meetings. I teach them the inner working of sex and they teach me the latest dance moves. Fuck dressing like a baby it’s all about being with someone old enough to be your baby.

More infantilism pics…after the jump.

To purchase infantilism product click here:

I have emailed them for copies of their videos, if anyone can send me infantilism videos, I will marry your first born daughter

You all should email them too:


I am – a big baby… January 13th, 2005